Asking Out

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A/N: You guys hung out a bunch of times before this. I didn't rush the magic I just didn't write about it. :P Enjoy this chapter!


Knock! Knock! You run towards the door. You're parents were out on their date night and your brother had his own apartment so he wasn't there. You open the door and see Leo. You beckon him in and you both start watching Space Heroes on the TV with popcorn and ice cream. And some orange Fanta. You were going to watch the whole of season 5. The best one in your opinion. You were so focused on the show that you didn't even notice Leo staring at you. He loved how you looked so adorable and so focused. He then knew it. He knew that he HAD to ask you out so he went for it. "Y/N wouldyoupleasegivemethepleasuretocallyoumine?" he then starts blushing and his eyes widen. That's not the way he wanted you to hear it but that's the way it came out. "Sorry, um I'll be leaving now." he said. You grab his arm and say," I understood, Took my a while to understand it but I did and yes. Totally! Yes times a hundred." Leo jumps up and and hugs you. Then you continue to watch Space Heroes with your new boyfriend.


You tried all day to make sure that you didn't have detention you had plans after-school. You run over to the gym and find the one and only green eyed Raph leaning on the front entrance of the gym again gnawing on a toothpick. "Hey princess" he said. You rolled your eyes but left it alone you figured that he was not going to stop and honestly, you like it when he called you this. You guys went inside and he taught you some things and surprisingly you taught him some things too. After an hour of practicing and dueling your ex, Joshua walks in. "Y/N! Hey how's it going babe?" He walks up to you from behind and hugs your hips. He rest his chin on your shoulder. You wiggle out of his grip and walk away. "Don't ignore me Y/N, I'm your boyfriend." he says. "No you're not, I broke up with you remember? You're a jerk." He tries to grab your hand but Raph grabs his arm and flips him. He puts his arm over his back. "Y/N is my girlfriend now so if you ever show your face around her again, don't expect me to go this easy on you." You notice that you start blushing and Joshua runs out. "So I'm your girlfriend" you ask. "If you want to be" he said. "Hmm... sure I guess." You smile and you two continue to spar. 


A couple minutes later you find Michaelangelo on your front steps. "Hello!" He yells. You chuckle. "Michaelangelo! Keep it down." He runs into your house and steps into your room. "Oooh, nice." He looks around and then pulls out his nun chunks. He starts doing tricks with them and you gasp in surprise. He was so good! He did martial art yells and weird crane stances as he waved them around but he never stopped. Nothing broke his focus. He looks so cute and wow... he's so impressive. Suddenly he stops and starts eating the chips that you put out on the table. He turns on the TV and notices that you have a ( game console ). He turns it on and starts shuffling through your game. He picks ( game ) and hands you a controller with an adorable grin on his face. He grab it and play the game with him. Then he pauses the game and get's down on one knee. He takes out a pop ring and says," Y/N, would you be my girl?"You smile and start laughing. You take the ring pop put it on your finger and smile. " ( fave flavor )! Of course!" He picks you up and laughs. Then you continue playing and eating your ring pop. 


Donnatello comes into your house with text books and his tablet. " I know you just wanted to hang out but I didn't know what you wanted to do so I just brought these just in case." You take the text books and the tablet and put them on the table. You show him the test in science class that you took not so long ago. " A! I guess my tutoring sessions are really paying off." You hug him and then you immediately jump off him and you see him blushing. "Sorry, I just got excited." you explain. "No problem." You take the tablet and start showing him funny videos. He laughs at every single video. "I can't believe that I've never seen these before." he said. "What! These are all over YouTube!" "I'm always so caught up in my lab and never really check social media or YouTube." Wow, that's kind of sad.  "I'm so glad I met you. Hanging out with you makes me feel a bit more like a teenager and not a scientist." You smile. "Your welcome." Donnie hands you a text book. "Donnie I really don't feel like studying right now." "Just open it." You open the book and see a little note. It reads: Be Mine. You look up and see Donnie smiling. You nod and nod and then say yes. You guys end up watching more funny videos and vines. 

A/N: Thanks for reading. I'm done for today, but I'm going to check Wattpad later today and I really really hope to see followers, votes and views. THANKS! 

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