He gets jealous

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating lately it's just that I come home from school pretty late and I just want to go to sleep when I throw myself on my bed. XD Anyone feel the same way?


Melanie's date with Dustin. She was so excited, you thought her heart was going to run away and hug Dustin's, that's how much she loved him. Melanie told you to stay away but you loved to bother her so you stuck around as the third wheel. You decided to invite your friend Blaine. Not like it was a double date but he was the fourth wheel and you both thought it was more fun to have two people annoying the cute couple rather than one. You guys walked over to Pizza Hut. You ordered a large pizza with pepperoni. You guys played Truth or Dare and Dustin dared Blaine to put his arm around you and kiss your cheek. He did it and you let him what you didn't know was that your boyfriend Leonardo was watching. He turned away, on the brink of crying. Just then you received a text from Leo saying:              So, you having fun with your friend over there? 

Leo, what are you talking about?

You know exactly, what I'm talking about. Your little boyfriend, in Pizza Hut. 

You then know exactly what he was talking about and you laughed.

Leo! He's homosexual, he would never be interested in me. And I have my eye on only one guy. He's really cute and he was black hair and beautiful blue eyes. You were so jealous.

Oh.....sorry. And no I was not jealous.


You and Raph were on patrol, just you and him. He asked his brothers to go away. Wait, no. More like commanded them to go away. You guys start jumping roofs and find some Purple Dragons. "Finally, now we can bash some heads!" Raph yells and jumps of the roof carelessly and starts beating up the PDs. You follow him thinking about how if he keeps on jumping off like that he is going to fracture something. After fighting for a couple of minutes, you find yourself pinned against the wall. "Wouldn't you look so much hotter when fighting the good guys not alongside them?" The teenage PD asked. You try kicking him but you can't raise your legs. Just then you feel his lips on your neck. Then you feel the pressure just lift from your body. You find him on the floor knocked out with just one hit from Raph. Then Raph gets on top of him and starts repeatedly punching his face. "Keep away from my girl, you filthy ..." "Raph, I think he's got enough." He gets up and starts to walk away. Then he runs back and kicks his side. He takes you by the waist. "You're mine, and mine only." You smile and continue to jump roofs. He was so jealous you thought.


You were watching Twilight with your best friend B/F/N and you were Team Jacob all the way. ( A/N: Sorry, if you are Team Edward. :P ) You guys fangirled at all of the shirtless scenes, which were many and every time something romantic happened. Twenty minutes into the movie, Mikey called you. "Sup, babe" you hear him say. "Hey, Mikey." "Y/N Y/N Y/N! Taylor Lautner. Shirtless. Come here. NOW!" B/F/N says. Mikey hears this and asks," Y/N, who's Taylor?" "Um...Mikey I got to go, call you in a bit bye." Mikey being the innocent sweet little kid that he is had no idea who Taylor Lautner was nor what Twilight was. He decided to call you back many times but you never picked up. He started to cry thinking that you were seeing someone else. A day later you go over to his house to find him on his bed reading a comic book with a tub of ice cream. "Where's Taylor Lautner?" he ask. "What?" "You know the shirtless guy that you love so much!" You start laughing. "What's so funny?" "Taylor Launter, is an actor. I don't actually know him. I don't love him. I love you." You say. Mikey then gets up and spins you around. "Thank God. Man, I was so jealous."


You and Donnie were in the lab, trying to make some kind of formula. You not being that into science just handed him every thing he pointed at. Not a long time later some nerd started using pick up lines on you. They weren't even clever, in fact they were really stupid. He said things like, "You plus me equals love." and " Did it hurt when you fell from heaven. Cuz, girl you are an angel." You just ignored him. Donnie, then couldn't bear it anymore. He punched him in the face and said, " She's taken." He got a detention. Surprisingly he didn't care. It was worth it he thought to himself.  Then you punched him the face once again, just so you can get detention too. "We're in this together." you tell him.

A/N: I would like to give a shoutout to shawnies_muffin. She's really an amazing girl. With an amazing imagination, and some great stories. Go read 'em! Sure, they're really romantic and a bit corny XD but they're great. Can I get some votes and followers? THX! I'll try to update in a while. 

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