Merry Christmas pt. 4

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A/N: Here is Donnie's chapter! I somewhat feel super bad for Donnie because when I update I always have a certain order and he ended up last, therefore I always run out of ideas when it comes down to Donnie's! However, let's try.


"Hey Y/N!" Your sweet nerd came up to you and hugged you from behind. "Hey Donnie, what's up?" It was Christmas Eve and we were all planning to stay inside and have a nice family night but Donnie changed our plans. "You'll see what's up, just put on something nice," he said guiding me to his room. "Why?" I asked. "I said you'll see." He pushed me inside his room and closed the door. "Now, put on something nice. And do hurry will you? Heavens knows how long it'll take for all of us to be out that door." I laughed at his comment and looked around. I usually kept some clothes in Donnie's house because rather than make plans, Donnie and I are the spontaneous type of couple that just like to go out because we feel like it! Plans or no plans, destination or no destination. I put on a long sleeve beige sweater and tucked it under my high waisted velvet skirt. My shoes were these super uncomfortable high heels and since it was chilly outside I put on black pantyhose and a black coat. I let my hair loose and found some earrings that nicely complimented the outfit. I grabbed my clutch and started to head out the door when Donnie came barging in," Y/N have you seen my...." he stopped when he saw me. "What happened? Do I look okay?" I asked, a little worried that I didn't appear as nice as I thought I did. "Honey, you look more than just okay. You look beautiful!" I sighed in relief. "Oh, good!" He put his forehead close to mine, "don't you ever think otherwise? Okay?" "I got it," "Good, now let me show you to our ride," he said like a true gentleman. He let me loop my arm through his and we climbed into the Uber along with the rest of the family. "We still don't know where you're dragging us Donnie," Leo said. I agreed with him. "Oh right," He shuffled through his pockets and pulled out tickets. "We're going to see the Christmas Spectacular!" he said. We all cheered and I pecked his cheek. "Thank you!" 

The drive there wasn't that long since we decided to leave a little earlier than originally planned. We entered the theater and there we bought snacks and drinks. 

It was an understatement to say that the show was amazing, it was truly a spectacular. The highlight of the show was either the Santa Clause guys or the Rockettes. My mind is still trying to decide. However, the funniest part was when Mikey dared Raphael to wolf whistle as loudly as he could. We received some death glares but we just laughed it off. Except for Splinter, who slapped Raphael upside the head.  "Mikey told me to do it!" Raphael yelled in defense. "And if Mikey told you to jump off the Empire State Building? Would you do that?" the wise man said. Raphael pouted and crossed his arms. "No" he whispered. "I thought so," Mikey started sticking out his tongue and taunting Raph. "Children," Leonardo commented. 

We went to sleep early and rested well enough that all of us woke up with ease and Mikey was disappointed that he didn't have to wake any of us up. Donnie sat down and patted the empty seat next to him. I sat down and put my legs on his lap. "Let's get this present show on the road!" Mikey yelled with his Santa Hat on and jingle bells on his knuckles. "If you don't shut up, I will shove those jingle bells down your throat," Raph complained. Mikey gulped and took off the jingle bells. Then we started to open up presents.'s the part where I keep on running out of ideas. Here goes nothing

Mikey got new Beats Headphones by Dr.Dre and Raphie got a new punching bag to hang in his room because he completely demolished the other one that he had in there. Leonardo received a new Projector for his room so he can watch his Space Captain shows without disturbing anybody. But, how much you want to bet that everybody else is going to use it too? I know I will! Splinter got a photo album that all of his decided to put together. He was so happy that he almost started to tear up. He went through all of the photos and embraced us all in a hug. "You always told us that you would rather have a gift with heart rather than an expensive materiel gift, so we came up with this," Leonardo said. "I love it, I really do," Splinter whimpered. He was trying so hard not to cry but it was still very noticeable. To lighten the mood I put on some music and handed Donnie his present. "Your turn!" "NO WAY!!" He screamed. I quickly covered my ears but laughed. I was so glad to see that he loved my gift. "The Samsung VR! I've been dying to have my own set of these! Do you know how these work? It's really fascinating! You see, there's something called a stereoscopic display. This works by displaying two slightly different angles of the scene to each eye, simulating depth. This along with other ways to simulate depth like parallax, shading and techniques create an almost life like experience. And there's also---" I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm very glad to see that you like it," "Like it? I adore it! Just like I adore you," he hugged me tightly. "Here, with this gift you gave me I feel really stupid just getting you this but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless," He handed me a big box wrapped neatly with a purple bow on top. Just like his mask. I opened it to see many gifts from Pink. There were leggings, a sweatshirt, perfume and lotion. There were also fuzzy socks and cute fake geek glasses. I put them on and looked at Donnie," You look adorable, my little geek" he said as he poked my nose. "There's one more thing," he said. I looked into the box and saw a pillow with different pictures of Donnie and I. I gasped and hugged it tightly close to my chest. "It's beautiful!" I said. "I'm glad, I love you Y/N"


"I love you too...nerd"

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