Tickle Torture Pt. Leo

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These parts are dedicated for @lioncub343, who unfortunately had to wait so long for my lazy butt to sit down in front of my laptop and write these chapters. I'm so sorry, but without further ado we will get to the TICKLE TORTURE!!


Mondays. They are the bane of my existence I swear to you. It's like, why can't school just give us four days of school instead of five!? Whatever, school is less of a pain now that I have Leonardo to help me through the day. As long as he is near me, nothing is a bore and nothing can go wrong. After school, Leo and I were waking over to my house when he told me to go to my room and grab a bathing suit. "We are going to go to the Y pool which is completely empty on Mondays at this time," he stated. I jumped up and down and ran to my room and grabbed my bathing suit. I snatched my phone from my bag and told my mom that I was going to be at the pool in the YMCA center. She already knows that I go there often so she won't have a problem with it. I ran downstairs, "let's gooooo!" I shouted. With that, Leo and I walked out the door. I skipped through the streets walking while Leo walked behind me. "You're a child," he sighed but he had a small smirk on his face as he shook his head. "But you love me" I teased him. He smiled widely and nodded in agreement, "ofc course Y/N". We finally got there and I walked towards the changing room. I had an off the shoulder black top and high waisted bottoms. Honestly, not baaad Y/N, not bad. I walked out to find Leo with his mouth wide open, he had already taken off his shirt. Wowzas, he is hot and I am so lucky. I headed towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He goes," we are one hot couple aren't we?" I laugh and say," you're really confident in yourself!" "Well, I can't say that I'm not good looking because I know I am. I had to be at least a little bit if I can date a goddess such as yourself." I kiss his lips with mine, hypnotizing him with them  so much that he didn't realize we were moving. When we were close enough to the pool I pulled away from him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I then moved my hands to his chest, I gave him a quick an evil smirk while he gave me a confused look as I pushed him into the pool. He let out a small yelp, almost like a yorkie as I cackled by the pool floor. "AWW MAN I SHOULDA SAW THAT COMING!" I held my stomach as I laughed at my now soaked boyfriend. Part of me really wanted to use my new powers but then I still have to worry about the stupid cameras. Well... what happens to electronics when they get wet? I quickly shot a water harpoon towards all cameras in the vicinity. "Now we can have our fun without worrying about anyone watching, yeah?" His eyes widened at my statement.

 Wait! Wait just a moment, what does she mean by that? Oh God she's coming into the pool. Oh Gosh I'm sweating.... I'm sweating in a pool??? That's possible what am I talking about. Wait come to think of it, how can a fire start in the ocean? YOU'RE GOING OFF TOPIC LEONARDO, WHAT SHE DOES SHE WANT FROM YOU! 

I placed my hands on his cheeks as he still stood petrified in the water, I smiled again and started to tickle him. He looked like he was relieved but I had no idea why. "Oh no you don't" He grabbed my waist and threw me towards the deep end where he grabbed my feet and tickled the bottom of them. I laughed and laughed until I felt like my lungs were about to pop. "Stop, stop, stop, OH MAH LORD, please stop" I said between breaths. He grabbed my waist as I wrapped my arms around his waist, my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Do you want to do this every Monday?" 

I nodded, God I love this boy. 

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