Getting Captured

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It was a cold cold night as you were walking towards Leo's apartment. It was pizza/movie night and it was your turn to bring the pizza. However, when bringing the pizza to the apartment you felt like you were being followed. Your kunoichi senses kicked in as you felt someone or something walking up behind you. You did a backward 360 kick. You felt like your foot hit something but it wasn't like a regular human body. It felt hard and metal-like. You turned around to find a tall man dressed in metal armour and a metal kabuto. It was Shredder. You started to run but he caught you. "Splinter took my daughter, Karai. Now I shall take something he cares about away from him." You feel a needle enter your body as some kind of liquid flows through your veins. Then...darkness.


You were walking home from Raph's apartment at around 3 o'clock in the morning. It was hot but a nice breeze filled in the gap that was needed to make it feel at a perfect temperature. You turned at a corner in the street and immediately stop at your tracks. Kraang. You try to walk away carefully but the Kraang have already sensed you. "Kraang, is that the human known as female that Kraang needs to complete what is known as the secret experiment?" "Yes, Kraang. That is the human known as female that Kraang needs to complete what is known as the secret experiement." They say. "Holy..." you mutter under your breath. You start to run but feel a piercing pain in your leg. One of them shot you. They then carried you and placed you in a van. They covered your eyes and mouth and tied up your arms and legs. me.


Music blaring through your Beats, walking down the streets of one of the best cities in the world, life was the best! Well... it was until you walked into an alley and felt something bony grab your waist. It was huge! You felt a hot breath on your neck and heard growls. You heard stories about this enemy. You heard stories about how before this enemy was a mutant he was a karate dude who Mikey was in love with. It was Rahzar. "Grrowwwll. Master Shredder will really like his new apprentice." he said as I started blacking out.


"Thank you so much!" You hang up the phone. You received a call from NYU saying that you were accepted and your entrance exam and essay were impeccable. You cheered as you walked down the streets. Starting high school you were a student who couldn't really care less about her grades. However, Donnie changed all of that. He tutored you and turned you into the nerd you were now. And because of that, you were being accepted into one of New York's best colleges. You started to call Donnie to tell him the good news when you were punched in the stomach. It felt like it was someone in front of you but you didn't see anyone! "Yeah, boi! Master Shredder is gonna love me for bringing him this new piece of meat. He'll pay me money. No! Better yet, he'll promote me! Then I can make TigerClaw and everybody else do MY bidding!" You were being held by Beebop. You started screaming, then something covered your mouth and you started to feel sleepy. Then you were a

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