Tickle Torture Pt. Donnie

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Some girls enjoy to be wined and dined, gifted a diamond necklace or Rolex but me and Donnie? We enjoy to be locked up in his "laboratory" / room. He was working on a new invention while I sat on his bed playing Aura Kingdom. Usually, during these times Donnie doesn't pay much attention to anything besides his invention. However, it didn't bother me all that much because I know that he loves me after all. "NO NO NO NO NO NO! OH MY GOD WHY DO I ALWAYS GET STUCK WITH THE IDIOTS WHEN I GO DUNGEON RUNNING!" I groaned in frustration and pulled my hair out. I couldn't handle with anymore. I looked over to Donnie who was hunched over his table with tools and lamps all shining on his face. He looked adorable, when he is concentrated he always sticks out his tongue towards the right. It's hilarious because he never sticks it out towards the left. Yes, I observe him very closely, what can I say? I love him. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind," whatchuuuu doing" I whispered. "Working, my love." He said while keeping his eyes fixated on his well, thingy. "I see that, do you want to take a break though?" He shook his head and continued to work. I sighed in disappointment and walked back to his bed. Then I looked at the box of Pocky next to me and took out out. I placed one in my mouth and walked over to Donatello. I got up real close to him but instead of playing the Pocky game with me he used his hand to snatch the stick and gobbled it up. I gave him a "bruh what the heck" face and sighed again. This time even more deeply. He didn't even move! I poked his sides, then his back. I grabbed one of his screwdrivers and sang really loudly in his face until he needed it. At that moment, I gave it back to him and tried to look for something else to bother him with. OOH LIGHTBULB! I started asking him some sciency questions that I already knew the answer to, at least this way I can hear his voice speaking to me. "Do humans shrink in space because of lack of gravity??

"Is it impossible for Kangaroos to walk backwards because of the shape of their legs?"

"What is dust made of?"

"If an analog clock is broken and not moving anymore. How many times a day will it show the correct time?"

"Why is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?" 


Every time he answered me, he kept his eyes glued to his worktable. I went back to poking him and 20 minutes later of pure annoyingness he pounced on me like a tiger and started to tickle me. We were on the floor laughing and rolling. He finally was paying attention to me, oh mah lord. He knew every single one of my tickle weak spots and he used that knowledge right now to make me suffer. For a science nerd he was so strong so I couldn't flip him over to tickle him. I decided to take my punishment for being annoying. "Donniiiiiieee... please babe stop... oh my GOD!" I managed to make out between breaths. He stopped and then put me on top of his chest," do you want to go out and buy some ice cream so we can watch some Netflix?" he asks me. "I would love to, finally you pay me some attention." He laughs and then says," I love you."

"I love you too Donnie." 

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