Next Time you see him:

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Seven laps, three more to go you think to yourself. You run around the track that the school had around it's football field. As you run the ninth lap you find Leo running the opposite direction. You start to slow down your pace hoping that he'd notice you. "Y/N" he yells. Waving at you he runs up to you. "Hey how's it been Leo?" "Great, my brothers still a bit annoying but hey what can I do about that?" "You have brothers?" "Yup 3 of them." "Nice, I have an older brother" Suddenly you find yourselves sitting on the bleachers chatting away until your friend Melanie comes to ruin the moment. "Y/N we gotta... woah who's the hottie next to you?" "Melanie this is Leo, Leo this is Melanie." "Nice to meet you Leo" "You too" he responds. "Anyway, I've got to go but I'll see ya later right?" Leo then grabs your wrist and puts a piece of paper in your hand. Then he walks away. You unravel the piece of paper and it reads:

I know life with brothers can be annoying, so you might need someone logical to talk to and when you do, give me a call ;)

You grab the piece of paper and kiss it. You put it to your chest and walk away fangirling over the piece of paper and the number.


You were in the gym punching the dummy when you felt someone touch your shoulder. You turn around and grab the wrist and flipped the person that touched your shoulder. "Woah woah, calm down princess it's just me, Raph." You see the electric green eyes staring at you . You felt a small blush on your cheeks and let go of him. "Sorry" you say. "It's okay, you have power" "Yeah, thanks." "Next time you need to pivot your heel more and your waist needs to turn more." "Whatever" "Come on princess I'm giving you advice, take it." " Don't call me princess." "Ok, princess." You turned to punch him but then he turned around grabbed your arm and swiped you off your feet. You start blushing like crazy and he does too."Big mistake" he says. You wiggle a bit before he lets you go and then throws at you a wad of paper. You unravel it and read:

Maybe if you'd like some training you would give me call, or text me, ok princess? ;)

You smile at the paper and kept punching the dummy.


It was one week after you met Mikey. It was Friday once again and you headed to the skate park hoping to see Mikey once again. You waited a couple minutes until you finally saw your friend skating. You skated over to him. "Hey" you yelled. "Y/N, wow it's been a week since we last talked." "Yup, so how's life?" "Perfect, I like annoying my brothers." "You have brothers?" "Yup, three of them." "Nice, I'm an only child." you said with a small frown. "Here" you gives you a small piece of paper. "Don't read it until I'm gone ok?" "OK?" You start skating again just like last week except this week you felt like your bond was even deeper. After two hours he left and you unraveled the paper.

You're an only child so if you ever want to hang out with me and my brothers call me and I'll pick you up to take you to my house. Cya next Fri!

You skate all the way home, thinking about Michaelangelo.


You and Donnie were studying in the lab as he again explained everything as if you were a toddler. "The atoms of H2O are simple to understand. The formula H2O tells us that one molecule of water is comprised of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen bonded together. The bonds which hold the hydrogen and oxygen together are called covalent bonds - they are very strong." A/N sorry for that lesson :P In your head you heard blah blah blah science blah. You just kept nodding like you understood. "Y/N I think you're dazing out again." "Oh yeah sorry" " No, it's okay." The bells suddenly rings. No! It's too early! you think. Donnie stands up and leaves a little piece of paper on the table next to you. He leaves the room as you open the paper up.

Maybe you'll like to continue this some other time maybe at your house or my place?

You smile. "Definitely" you say aloud.

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