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You are bored in your room doing your homework. Stuck on a math problem that is incredibly hard to solve. As you try different ways to solve the problem you wished you would pay just a bit more attention in class. Then your thoughts drifted over to Leo. You walked over to your bag and took out the piece of paper that he had given you. You happily put in his number on your phone and text:

You: Hey what's up Leo?

Leo:Who's this?

You: It's Y/N, remember?

Leo: Totally, how can I forget you?

After reading this text you start blushing like crazy.

You:So....whatcha doing?

Leo:Just watching Space Heroes in my living room.

You:You watch that?

You two then break into a conversation about the show that lasts about 127 texts. The conversation ends in: Do you want to come over to watch it with me? you were the one the sent this. Suddenly you felt stupid for texting this but you felt overjoyed when he texted yes. 


You were in the gym that your uncle owned helping out with some cleaning. You got really bored and told your uncle that you had to go because it was getting late and your parents would get mad. That being a lie because your parents couldn't care less about what time you got home. You just wanted to get out of there. You got home at about 7:06. Again you were bored and really didn't feel like doing homework. So you remembered Raph. You get your phone and start texting him.

You: Sup.

Raph: Hey, who's this?

You: Y/N.

Raph: Who?

You sighed at this text. You knew what he wanted you to saw.

You: It's princess. -.-

Raph: Oh hi my princess. XD

You blush.  Then, you guys start a conversation about the gym that your uncle owned. The conversation ended with Raph texting: Meet me tomorrow at your uncle's gym after-school. I'll be at the front door. ;) You start blushing and put the event on your calendar. You couldn't wait. 


You were at your and Mikey's hang out place ( the skate park ) but you couldn't see him anywhere. It was Friday after-school you guys always saw each other here at that time. You then remember that Mikey gave you his number. You whip out your phone and text him.

You: Hey, Mikey. Where are you? I'm at the skatepark.

Mikey: Y/N?

You: Yes.

Mikey: Sorry, dudette. My sensei told me that I had to stay to train more.  I'm a ninja! :D

You: You study ninjitsu? 

Mikey texts yes. You start talking about nun chunks and ninjas of ancient Japan. Mikey being the innocent boy that he is gives little clues about him and his brother's going out at night and beating up the bad guys. Of course you never tell anyone. Mikey then texts you: I'm coming over to show you my nun chunks! You smile and put some snacks on the table. 


Home alone. You start trying to do your science homework and your actually getting it! You guess all those tutoring sessions with Donnie are paying off. Suddenly you get an idea. You start texting Donnie.

You: Hey, Donnie. Do you think that you can come over right now and give me a little bit of more knowledge?

Donnie: Y/N?

You: Yes, it's me.

Donnie: Of course, I can. You having trouble with your homework?

You think in your mind: Not really, I just want to hang out. Should you text him that or lie to him and say that you were having trouble. You decide to tell him the truth.

You: Not really, I just want to hang out.

What you didn't know was the Donnie was blushing and his face looked as red as a tomato.

Donnie: Okay, then I'll be there in a bit. 

A/N Ok. So I just finished this and I think I'm going to do one more before playing my pc game. BTW please comment if you play the game Wizard101. I personally love it and I play it all the time. If you play Pirate101 put that in the comments as well. Anyways, OT I'll see you guys in the next chapter. I really can't wait to have more followers and votes and views! 

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