Becoming a Kunoichi

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A/N: Kunoichi= Female Ninja


"Hey, Y/N!" "Hey Leo!" "Do you want to maybe come over tonight? Me and my brothers are having a tournament and I want you to be there to see me win." You start laughing. "Of course I'll be there I don't want to miss the chance of seeing you get beaten up by Raphael or Master Splinter." He just rolls his eyes and kisses you on the cheek. You blush slightly and hold your hand against your cheek. ---------------------------------------------------------Time Pass------------------------------------------------------------------It was time for the tournament and you were waiting quietly in the dojo with Master Splinter, then ou get an idea. You rush over to Leo's room. He wasn't there but all of his gear was. You take the katana holders and sling them on your back. You put on the bandanna and start slinging the katanas around. You dual wielded really nicely. Since you took gymnastics, you did a flip of the bed and then pretended to slice someone in half. Someone cleared their throat. You turned around and noticed it was Leo. "Leo, I'm so sorry, I-I just saw it laying there and I..." you stutter a bit. "No problem I see potential. How would you like to become a kunoichi. You could go on patrol with us and slice real mutants and robots." You jump up and down and hug Leo's neck, katanas still in hand. "Hai!" A/N: Hai = Yes


You and Raph were in the gym and decided to head home late at night. Not such a good decision. You were jumped by the Purple Dragons. Raph started fighting and you decided to join him. You've been practicing punches and kicks and it's not like these guys were any good. Raph takes the left flank and you take the right. When he's done with his, you only have four left. He decides to watch you fight instead of joining. You notice his eyes on you and push yourself harder. You round-housed a guy so hard that you think his neck turn too much. You sweep of the leg and hit him on his throat. The third and fourth one just started to run away when they saw the guy you round-housed. Just then, you heard clapping and whooing! "That's my girl!" Raph yells. He hugs your waist from behind. "My kunoichi." "I got to do that more often!" you say. "You can, train with Master Splinter and then you can join my patrols." You give Raph an evil smirk and say yes.


Mikey had already started to teach you how to use nun chunks. You hit yourself once, or twice and hit him a bunch of times. After a month of practicing with him you started to get the hang of it. You could do about 7 tricks with them. When Mikey took you to the dojo to practice on the dummy Raph had, you never noticed that Master Splinter secretly watched you. One day he spoke up," Y/N" "Yes, sir?" "Come over here." "Ooooh, what did you do now?" Mikey whispered. "Shut up," you say. When you follow Master Splinter into the dojo. He says,"How would you like to train with me and become a kunoichi?" " I would to, sir!" you bow. "Please call me sensei." 


You were brooming (?) in your house while Donnie was looking over your homework, you had no idea why but he loved to review it. You then remembered Donnie practicing with his bo-staff in the dojo. You tried to imitate him, the broom as your weapon. You threw it in the air, caught it and twisted it around your back. Then to stab the imaginary person in front of you. You spun it in your fingers like a professional. Donnie almost drooled at how attractive you looked to him. "That's it!" He yelled! "Donnie, how much did you see?" "All of it, your so good! A little more practice and you'll be ALMOST as good as me!" "You think you're such a big deal." "As a matter of fact, I do." You smile. "Want to be a kunoichi?" he asks. "Thought you'd never ask."

A/N: I used to do two a day but now I'm doing one, the teachers have been laying some HW on us. :( 

I'd like to give a shout out and a big thanks to: 255940g for giving me my first two votes. Thanks girl! And BTW I too love boy shows, no shame! XD

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