First Date

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You were getting ready for your first date with Leo. You decided to go casual since you didn't know where he was going to take you. You wore a pair of denim jeans with combat boots. You accompanied it with a one sleeve blue shirt and a black tank top under it. Leo picked you up at around 2:00 in the afternoon. "Ready to go milady?" He held out his arm for you to grab. You chuckled. "Yeah, but where are we going?" "You know how we're always looking at those costumes in Comic Con and you always say I want to wear that and that and that and..." "Ok ok I get it!" "Yeah, well baby, I'm taking you to Comic Con." You squeal and jump up and down. You guys take a cab there since none of you had a driver's license. When you get there Leo hands you a costume of (your fave char from any show/book) You happily grab it and run to a bathroom. "Wow, Y/N you look beautiful, not even (person who your costume represents) could look that good in that. " Leo says as you come out. "Thanks." you blush. You two continue to browse through the posters and comics. Leo somehow had a lot of money saved up for this. So you two bought almost everything that you found. You took a lunch break and ate...of course pizza. After the lunch break you went to the park and hung out. You joined a game of soccer and you bested Leo. You went on the swings and lay down on the grass to talk. When night came you two went to the movie theaters and watched a movie. He then took you home and wished you a good-night. Best. Day. Ever. 


Black converse, black leather leggings and a red flannel was what you wore for your first date with Raph. To top it you wore a black cap that said," Swag." Raph never told you where you were going to go. He just said," Friday at 5:00, I'll be there to pick you up." It sounded more like a command then asking you out on a date. "Hey, princess." Raph shows up wearing jeans and a regular t-shirt. Then you knew that  it wasn't going to be anything fancy. "Come on hot-stuff." He grabs your hand and starts walking down the street. You blush slightly at him calling you hot. "So where are we going?" you ask. "You're going to have to wait to find out." Time Pass  "A Bot fight!?" "Yup, thought it'd be cool." A/N: no we are not in the future, just picture Real Steel, if you don't know what I'm talking about I suggest you look it up on Google, if you really want to understand this date. You sit down not so far from the front row. You both yell every time a bot is knocked out, or when an uppercut is performed. You two even bet on who you think would be the winner. At the end you won and Raph gave you twenty bucks. When the fight ended Raph took you to a teen club. You danced, met some people and drank. (LOL drank soda) At the end of the date Raph took you home and you watched some TV with him until it was 12:00. 


Michaelangelo had asked you out on a date not so long ago. When you asked where you were going you said that it was a surprise and that I had to wait until the actual date. But not even two minutes later he told you that he was taking you to the X-Games. He just couldn't control his excitement. Three days later here you are at 4:00 changing into your orange Adidas high tops with black leggings and an orange knee length dress. You thought it was okay because it's not like you were actually going to skate, you were just going to watch people skate. When you got there, Mikey would not stop yelling and cheering. You did too but at some point you got tired and your voice started to lower. The games lasted about two hours. So at around 6:30 you two headed towards Murakami-san's. You tried something called pizza gyoza. And you loved it. You couldn't wait until you two went on another date. 


You were in your room getting ready for your date with Donnie. You wore a purple high-low dress A/N: sorry but I don't really know what they're called. You know the dresses that are longer in the back and shorter in the front, sorry bout that. with black flats. "Wow you look beautiful, Y/N" "Thank you, Donnie!" you say happily, you were glad that he liked your choice of wardrobe. You walked over to a Japanese garden. Under a cherry blossom tree there was a blanket, a projector and a screen. On the blanket there was a basket filled with your favorite food. "Oh my gosh! Donnie is this for us?" "Yup, I came earlier and set all this up, hope it's not too much." "No!" you wrap your arms around his neck. "It's perfect." You eat (your favorite food) and watch a movie on the projector. After the movie, Donnie takes out his knife. And carves your initials inside a heart on the cherry blossom tree. "There, now everyone will know of our date here." he said. You two talked for hours and watched a couple more movies. At the end you wrapped everything up and headed home. The date was all about you two, no science and no school. It was perfect. 

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