*3rd POV*
Morgan did her entrance and smiled throughout the whole thing. She did what Nikki Bella does and swung her hips around in a circular motion while twisting her body around. She walked down to the ring, slid into the ring and got up on the turnbuckle, making peace signs with both their fingers.
Morgan grabbed a microphone and waited for the crowd to die down before speaking. "Lemme cut to the chase!" she said leaning over the ropes. "Taryn, I'm so sick of you and your hoes so here's what I'm gonna do....I will take down Jade, then I'm coming for you Taryn. Even if it means I have to go through your other hoes."
The Dollhouse's theme started and they did their entrance. Jade stepped into the ring and they fought for about 20 minutes before Taryn and Marti stepped into the ring. They jumped in and started punching and kicking her, both screaming like little kids.
Eventually, Velvet jumps in and beats them up until they topple out of the ring, Taryn getting the worst of it. Velvet helped Morgan up, who had a busted lip and scratches from where she was fighting back. They walked back, seeing Gail and Brooke.
After me and Morgan walked in, we saw Gail and Brooke talking. They didn't seem to notice us until Brooke looked over at us. They tried to leave, until I grabbed Brooke's arm and turned her around. "What?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"Okay," Morgan said. "What's up? What are you two really doing? You two didn't see me get attacked out there?" Brooke's face turned to one of fake shock, and it wasn't lost on me.
"W-we didn't know!" Brooke said walking up to us. I stood in front of Morgan in a protective manner. "Velvet, girl, what are you doing?"
"What am I doing?" I said looking at her. "What are you doing? You ignored her all night!"
"We didn't see her all night!" Gail said.
"Bullshit! Before the show, you and Gail were in there with her...in fact, you were right next to her!"
"We didn't know that!" Brooke yelled.
"Yea you did, you just didn't want to be around her," Velvet said. "I want a clear answer and I want it now: what are you two doing?"
Brooke and Gail looked at each other before sighing. "Morgan," Gail said. "Girl, we love you, but you've changed a lot over the last year."
"What does that mean?" Morgan said.
"Over the last year," Brooke said, "you let Jeff Hardy change you into something scary. Ever since you came here, you've changed for the worse and we don't know if we can be around you like that."
"Before I came here," Morgan said. "I was a punching bag for the Authority. Before I came here, Triple H and Stephanie wanted me out of WWE and I didn't want to be there anymore. It was driving me insane. Would you rather me go back there and be a punching bag? Cause if not, I am most certainly not being one here. And another thing," Morgan said getting into Brooke's face. "Jeff Hardy didn't change me. Honestly, if I hadn't met him, I'd probably be in the exact same position I am in right now." She walked off back to her locker room and we heard the door shut behind her, loudly.

How Everything Changed (Book 4)
FanfictionThis is the fourth installment in the How Everything Changed series. Now with extra drama. Read today!