Genin Exam and Team 7

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A/N: Hello my lovely (currently nonexistent as of 1 September 2015) readers! Might be slight Sakura or Sasuke bashing, unintentional. But... I don't really like Sakura so... *shrugs* Correction: Might be Sakura or Sasuke bashing, Sasuke bashing is fully unintentional. Although I'm not a fan of the emo dude, I'll make him decent... Ish. By the way, my 'genin exam will be slightly different from canon

The blonde moved with a catlike stealth and grace. His footsteps went unheard and he went unnoticed as he stopped outside Academy Room 300. Soundlessly, he slid open the door and uttered a word - well, actually, more like a soft question. "Iruka-sensei?"

A scarred Chuunin whipped around, startled. "A - ah, that's me. You must be Uzumaki Naruto?" Wordlessly, Naruto nodded and sat down in the empty seat next to a timid girl with pupil-less lavender eyes, who flushed pink.


Naruto flinched as the loud screech invaded his sensitive ears. Urghh, the Haruno's made their daughter a banshee too, he moaned inwardly. Is it a banshee Kekkai Genkai?

"Alright, first up is Aburame Shino!" Iruka yelled. Naruto watched as the bug-user walked to the examination room calmly. The bored undercover ANBU watched as a steady flow of ninja-wannabes went to the examination room, some taking a good half hour, others - especially those from clans - taking about ten or fifteen minutes. Some emerged holding a hitai-ate proudly, others holding back tears. Naruto felt his head droop, and then he fell asleep.

"N - N - Nar - ruto-k - kun!"

Naruto's eyes jerked open at the quiet stutter. "Oi, new kid! It'll be your turn soon. Shouldn't you wake up?" came a much louder voice.

Naruto turned to see a Hyuuga blushing heavily. He nodded his thanks, unfazed as she 'eep'ed shyly and turned away immediately. He then turned to see a haughty fellow blonde perched next to a pinkette, whose headband gleamed noticeably. "Already awake, but thanks for the reminder," he said sarcastically, flashing her a lazy smile.

For once, popular queen bee Yamanaka Ino was rendered speechless as she stared at the boy she had dubbed the 'new kid'. Who does he think he is, speaking to me like that-! Wait, he's actually quite hot... No, BAD INO! SASUKE-KUN IS MUCH HOTTER!

Cue fangirlish squeals and death glares at Sakura when the last Uchiha emerged from the examination room, hitai-ate in hand, with record time of 7 minutes. "Kyaaa! Sasuke-kun!" 98% of the girls in class swooned.

Sasuke merely ignored them and sat down after tying his headband snugly around his forehead. 7 minutes eh? I wonder if I can beat that, Naruto thought.

"Oi Uchiha! I've improved by a lot! What did you get for the kunai and shuriken throwing?" a boy - Inuzuka Kiba - yelled brashly.

Sasuke did not even turn as he addressed the Inuzuka condescendingly. "8/10, 9/10."

Kiba growled in annoyance. "DAMMIT! And I thought my score of 6/10 and 7/10 was decent."

"Shut up Kiba-baka! Sasuke-kun~ what did you get for the written test?" Sakura scolded angrily before fawning over Sasuke again.

"We're not supposed to talk about the written test, idiot." Sasuke barely batted an eyelid as he insulted Sakura.

Somehow, the banshee-fangirl didn't notice or just didn't care. "Aww~ I bet you did great," she purred. "It was so easy, right? I bet Kiba-baka failed though!"

"Oi, what's your problem, you fat slut!" Kiba yelled, pissed.

Sakura had a malicious glint in her eyes. "Did you just call me a slut?" She cracked her knuckles.

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