Battle of the Masks

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by the way, before I start the chapter, I'm in the midst of writing a time travel fanfic (mostly team 7 centric) so how many of you would actually read it? And I've decided to make it either SasuNaru, NaruSaku or no pairings, so you can vote for that too.

"Come and get it." The Uchiha smirked.





They leaped apart, a low, feral growl sounding in Naruto's throat as he failed to land a hit on that man. That infuriating Sharingan wielder who had his body... "My, my. A tad bit impatient there, are you?" Madara asked in amusement.

Naruto snarled in response. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" 

"Not bad, but do you think a C-rank can honestly defeat me?" Madara chuckled. Two piercingly red Sharingan eyes stared at Naruto through Madara's mask.

"Blade of Wind!" Naruto cried. Madara's eyes widened as he narrowly dodged, a small gash appearing on his arm.

"Not bad. An A-rank," Madara smirked, his eyes spinning. "Susano'o!"

Naruto gritted his teeth. What?!

That man is dangerous, Minato warned.

Naruto put his hands together in a familiar cross hand seal and two clones appeared next to him.

"Clones aren't going to defeat me," Madara stated in amusement.

"Give me the body," Naruto demanded coldly.

"I'll give it to you when you prove yourself a worthy opponent," Madara responded mockingly.

Prove yourself a worthy opponent.

Naruto began to fly through hand seals so fast that Madara could barely follow, despite his Sharingan eyes. "Wind Release: Hurricane Step."

He re-appeared behind Madara and the man's eyes widened. Naruto was in the Susano'o with him?

Madara gritted his teeth. 

This - it's like a version of Hiraishin, Minato mused to himself.

"Fire Release: Burning Wrath!" Madara retaliated, using the scorching flames, combined with taijutsu, to force Naruto out of the Susano'o.

Naruto clenched his fists as he landed lightly on the ground.


Do it.

Naruto streaked forward at superhuman speed, biting his thumb to draw blood as he ran. "Summoning!" he cried. All of a sudden, he was on a large seven-tailed grey fox as they ran straight at the Susano'o.

Fighting in a forest filled with trees didn't work so well for Madara. The Uchiha was forced to cancel his Susano'o before he knocked down half the forest. "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" Madara expelled a huge ball of flame at Naruto and the fox.

The fox dodged nimbly, despite his size. "Now you're the one using C-rank jutsu," Naruto called. "Have I proved myself a worthy opponent?"

Madara scoffed. "Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"Earth Release: Earth Release Wall!" Naruto shouted, blocking the dragon-shaped flames. 

"Wind Release: Sky Bullet!" Naruto yelled out again, flashing through a whole bunch of hand seals. Madara widened his eyes and narrowly dodged the invisible air bullets.

Madara chuckled deeply. "I admit you're pretty impressive, Naruto. But here's your end." He went through hand seals at an incredibly fast rate. "Earth Release Barrier: Enhanced Dungeon Chamber of Nothingness!"

Naruto was thrown into a dome of earth. He threw a fist against it and gritted his teeth when he realized it was self-repairing, and it was sucking his chakra at a speedy rate too. "Lightning Release: Thunderstorm Bolt!" He channeled lightning chakra to his hand and struck the dome, but it was no use. Even a B-rank wasn't strong enough.


I'll do it. I hate him more than you could ever imagine. Use this power wisely, Kit.

Slowly, a warmth enveloped Naruto and he opened his eyes, a golden cloak forming over his body and power practically radiating from his pores. "Wind Release..." He smirked, holding up his hand. "Rasenshuriken!" 

No way! Minato shrieked in his mind. He's completed it... He's really done it.

Naruto used all his strength and hurled the Rasenshuriken at the top of the dome. It burst open and Naruto hurtled out, his speed even further advanced due to the golden cloak. He threw himself at Madara, and he saw the alarm in Madara's eyes.

"I was not expecting you to get out," Madara hissed, his eyes glancing at the golden cloak. He threw the body on the ground and disappeared. 

"Coward," Naruto spat. He fell to his knees, the golden cloak rapidly disappearing from his body.

I doubt that's really Madara, the Kyuubi commented grimly. The real Madara is a lot stronger than that, and he wouldn't allow you to get your memories back that easily.

"Whatever. I have my body back." Naruto picked the light, limp body up and slung it over his shoulder. It felt somewhat surreal and honestly really strange to be carrying his own body. He slowly made his way over to Konoha, fighting exhaustion. Training with his parents, copying bloodlines, fighting a Madara-imposter and releasing a seal was very exhausting, no matter how strong he may be.

"Naruto!" the pink-haired girl - Sakura? - shouted excitedly. "You..." Her emerald green eyes widened. "You found your body."

Naruto nodded. "I'll start soon -"

Wait, Kit.

"Hold on."

Naruto entered his mindscape to see the large Kyuubi - at least, expecting to see the large Kyuubi. Instead, there was a female with waist-length crimson hair and sky-coloured eyes, nine tails and a pair of ears sprouting from her body. "... Kurama?!"

"I can take a human form," Kurama stated. "Naruto... Before you use your body to get back your memories, I have some stuff." She swallowed. "Let me train you in everything you know before you get your memories back."

"Why?" Naruto asked. "Why can't it wait?"

"Please," Kurama rasped. "I'll teach you everything I can. I'll make you stronger than Madara."

"You've already taught me before," Naruto pointed out.

"I have more to teach. I have my wisdom to impart," Kurama said.

Naruto sighed and sat down. "Alright."

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