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"I did it," Naruto whispered in awe. "I got my memories back, and all my seals unlocked without me dying."

Did you heal me, Kurama?


Only silence answered.

"Oh no," Naruto murmured.

"What's wrong, sochi?" Kushina asked Naruto worriedly.

"Kurama isn't replying. I'm going to the seal," Naruto said, closing his eyes.

Kurama? he yelled. Kurama...

He saw her body, laying on the ground. "Kurama... Kurama!" Naruto yelled. "Kurama, no!" He ran forward, fingers trembling. Her head was tilted slightly to the side and a small smile graced her features. She looked as if she was smiling in her sleep.

But her body didn't move.

"Kurama..." Tears spilled from his eyes. "Kurama, wake up."

Her porcelain skin was smooth but cold to the touch. "Kurama..."

"KURAMA!" he screamed. "Why... What caused this?" His body shook as he cried tears of sorrow. He glanced at her hands, placed on her chest. It looked so natural. "Kurama... Tell me you're just asleep." But there was no use. He couldn't feel the demon fox's chakra within him. "Kurama, wake up."

He felt numb. How had she died? How did she? Her fox form was a mass of chakra. She couldn't die. Perhaps her human form...

His eyes widened as he saw her form slowly begin to fade. "Kurama!" he cried. "Kurama, stay!" He made a grab at her body, to keep her from fading, but his hands only closed around empty air. "Kurama..."

"What happened?" Minato asked immediately as he saw his son's tear-stained face. "Naruto, it was to do with the fox, right?"

"Kurama's gone."

Kushina's head jerked up and she stared at Naruto, her violet eyes glittering with a mix of emotions - confusion, regret, sadness. "What? Kyuubi..."

"Kurama is dead. Perhaps she'll return a century later after reforming, I don't know." Naruto closed his eyes. "She's gone from my body. I found her lying in my mindscape. She was fine only an hour ago... I can't - I don't..." He shook his head, his voice trembling. "She looked at peace. She was smiling."

It seemed to have struck a chord in Kushina's heart as the fiery redhead, too, broke down in tears. "I never really got to know her," she rasped. "I treated her like shit, using my Chakra Chains to suppress her. Gomen, Kurama-san."

"Maybe she knew..." Naruto stated softly. "Perhaps she knew something would happen, and that's why she rushed to train me in everything that she could before this."

Minato swallowed. "Did she give her life to resurrect us?"

Naruto shook his head. "It can't be. As far as I know, the both of you stayed in my body long enough to gather a portion of my chakra and you gathered enough chakra to become live human beings, but you're still vulnerable in battle, so I'd suggest staying out of sight."

"We love you, Naruto-kun. Never forget that," Kushina said softly.

Naruto nodded. "I love you, Tou-chan, Kaa-chan," he whispered. "I just... I need some time alone."

Kushina and Minato nodded and walked away after using Transformation to disguise themselves.

I need to defeat Madara. I WILL defeat Madara. For you, Kurama... Naruto looked up at the sky. The storm clouds had cleared, replaced by bright sunshine that was the opposite of the torrential storm in his mind.


It was her. The lilting, soft tone betrayed her identity to Naruto. She was alarmingly beautiful, in an angelic yet mysterious sort of way. She looked at Naruto with gentle amber eyes as her short blue hair blew in the wind, a paper rose adorning it.

"I'll defeat Madara," Naruto spoke softly.

"You heard the conversation?" she murmured.

"Yes... Konan." He turned towards her and formed a paper bouquet. She smiled slightly at the display of her own powers.

"Thank you. You are the only one who can save us now," she whispered.

Naruto let the bouquet scatter into paper and fly off in the wind. "You love Nagato, don't you?"

The unexpected question caught the angel of Amegakure off guard. She paused, regarding Naruto with soft but surprised eyes. "Perhaps I do," she stated quietly.

"Then I will do all I can to bring down Madara for the both of you," Naruto said, his blonde hair blowing in the wind, making him look like a replica of his father.

Konan gazed at the boy. "You have loved ones too. Don't do it for us..." Another ghost of a smile crossed her lips. "Do it for them. The ones that you love."

"I can't," Naruto choked out. "Every time I love, I'll lose them."

"It's better to have loved than to never love at all," Konan murmured, compassion deep in her eyes. "Come here."

Naruto fell into her arms, knowing that he shouldn't be so easily trusting of an Akatsuki member, but at the same time, not caring. "Promise me," Konan said. "Promise me you'll protect those precious to you."

Naruto allowed the tears to flow, grateful that they were at a place where no one went, so they couldn't witness Naruto talking to an Akatsuki member. "I promise."

Konan smiled for real. It wasn't a hint of a smile that would make people wonder if it was just their imagination - it was an angelic true smile that reached her eyes and radiated motherly love.

"I promise," Naruto repeated softly as Konan dissolved into paper and disappeared.


Tou-chan, Kaa-chan...







A sense of warmth enveloped him and a golden cloak formed around his body, stronger than ever. "I promise I'll protect you," he vowed aloud.

And I know you're there with me, Kurama, watching with a smile on your face.

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