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Go and vote for pairings in this story! The pairings are:

NaruHarem (2nd highest vote so far)

NaruIno (tied with NaruHarem)

NaruTema (highest vote so far)
NaruSakura (lowest number of votes)

and by request, SasuNaru (same number of votes as SasuHaku)

KakaAnko (highest no. of votes)

NagaKonan (2nd highest no. of votes)

"Orochipedo and Tsunade" as stated by one of the commenters
SakuSai (tied with NagaKonan)

"Sasuke! Sasuke! Dammit Uchiha, where are you?"

Sasuke's eyes widened, hearing his blonde teammate's voice. "Naruto." His onyx-coloured eyes hardened as Naruto stepped into the clearing.

"Dammit Uchiha! Were you here all this time?" Naruto exclaimed exasperatedly. "Temari's helping to look for you too." He created a shadow clone and whispered instructions to it to tell it to call Temari back.

"I was training and I stayed here to rest," Sasuke said shortly.

"Don't give me any of your crap, Sasuke," Naruto said sharply. Sasuke jerked, his spine stiffening and his mouth opening but with no sound coming out.

"I know that you haven't been training. So tell me... What exactly have you been doing? Is it because of what I said earlier?" Naruto asked, a slight edge still in his tone.

Sasuke stubbornly stayed silent, his piercing eyes burning into Naruto's cool blue orbs.


It was something in Naruto's tone that made Sasuke widen his eyes. It made him want to obey Naruto, more than he had ever listened to Iruka or Kakashi.



"Is it true?" Sasuke asked. "I was the reason for my clan's death? Itachi massacred the clan to save my life? Is everything my fault?"

"No!" Naruto half-yelled insistently, grabbing the collar of Sasuke's shirt. "Listen up, Uchiha. It is in no way your fault, and neither is it your brother's. It is the work of that dirty rat Danzo Shimura," he spat out, his voice dripping with venom and disgust. "That man blackmailed and tricked the Uchiha clan. He wrapped them in his web, and convinced your father Fugaku that Konoha wasn't treating a clan as powerful as them well enough. Danzo plotted with Fugaku and scheduled a coup d'etat, while treating Fugaku like he was the leader, but Danzo was the sneaky mastermind."

Naruto paused for breath, seeing that Sasuke was absorbing every word that left his mouth. "In the end, Fugaku told Itachi of the coup d'etat, but since Itachi was an ANBU captain and a loyal member of the Leaf, he had to tell Hokage-sama. Itachi tried to explain to his father why a coup wouldn't be a great idea, but Danzo had warped Fugaku's mind so much that it was too late. As a loyal shinobi of the village, Itachi killed every member except the innocent... You, the only Clan member that was not a ninja or a ninja student at the time."

Sasuke was deathly silent, processing all the information. "So Danzo Shimura... He was the man who caused the death of my clan!" His eyes darkened. "I shall avenge my clan by ridding the world of that filth, and I will get my brother back into Konoha!"

"Sasuke..." Sasuke glanced at Naruto. Why was the blonde smiling? Couldn't he see that Sasuke was in the middle of telling the world about his oh-so-evil plan about killing that rat named Danzo?

"You've finally activated your Sharingan. Two tomoe in your right eye and one in your left," Naruto announced. "Can you feel the difference?"

Sasuke blinked. "I can... see chakra?" he said confusedly. "I can see your chakra."

"Yup," Naruto grinned. He had of course suppressed his chakra to low-Chunin levels. Kakashi knew he was a Jinchuriki, so he didn't find Naruto's high amount of chakra suspicious.

"I can also see really clearly," Sasuke informed him. 

"Good job, Sasuke," Naruto said. "My clone dispelled. Temari's back at Tazuna's house, and Kakashi's up. He's going to train us, I think. Come on, let's go."

"So," Kakashi began. "Zabuza fled.  Which means he's not dead yet. Which means, he's going to come back once he has recovered he'll most likely be back. Therefore, we're going to train!" His eye creased into his signature eye-smile.

Sakura raised her hand as if she was still in the academy. "But sensei!" she protested. "You're not fully healed yet."

Kakashi shrugged. "Did I say I was going to train? No. I'm training you, so you're going to be the ones doing all the work. Come with me."

Kakashi stopped in front of a large tree. "This skill is a basic skill that all ninja use. It's called tree-climbing."

"Umm, Kaka-sensei, we all know how to climb trees," Sakura piped up.

"Not like how any old civilian does it, though," Kakashi said with another eye-smile. "We're going to be climbing without the use of hands. Instead, channel chakra to your feet and use it to stick onto the tree trunk. Careful, if you use too much you'll be blown off and if you use too little you'll slip off." He threw two kunai that landed perfectly in front of Sakura and Sasuke. "Use that to mark your progress."

"What about Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"I already know tree climbing," Naruto said. 

"Naruto, go and practice water-walking. Do you know how?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto nodded. "I saw a genin team practicing it once." If I showed him my mastery of water walking he'll definitely get more suspicious than he already it. Therefore, he went to the nearby lake and purposely channeled too much chakra into his feet. He yelped loudly as he plunged deep into the lake and emerged a few seconds later, hair dripping wet.

"The water is cold!" he yelled to his team as he swam to land. "Ugh, I hate this." This time, he applied too little chakra and fell inside once more.

"Sensei, I'm done!" He heard the annoying voice of banshee-turned-human - in other words, Haruno Sakura. Not surprising, with her puny amount of chakra she ought to have good control.

As she sat on the branch looking pleased with herself, Naruto turned back to the water. "Let's try again-" he was about to say, but was cut off.

He stared at the water, his cerulean blue eyes widening.

The water had been frozen into ice.

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