Battle of the Gods

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This is the chapter before THE END elrsughsvf lfbhsfkvaehdkgb tdf AHHH

"What?" Kakashi exploded. "Are you insane, Obito? Is this a trap?" The Jounin glanced at Naruto.

The blonde boy shook his head. "I told him everything you... Told me and some stuff that I, erm, found out, and he's changed, so yeah."

"Please," Obito murmured. "Kill me, Kakashi." He tossed Kakashi a kunai.

Kakashi took a deep breath. "I can't do this, Obito."

"Kill me," Obito said. "Use the Chidori."

"No." Surprise shone in Kakashi's eyes. "I can't. Not like..." He swallowed. Rin.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth envelop him. The Jounin realised that he, too, was coated with Naruto's golden cloak. "It gives you extra strength, and chakra," Naruto smiled. "I'll always be by your side, sensei."

Kakashi nodded, drawing a shuddering breath, as the Chidori crackled to life.

He remembered Rin mouthing words to him before she died.


"Ka - ka - shi," Obito rasped painfully, blood spilling from his mouth.

Know that no matter what...

"Know that I never meant to cause all this damage..."

I will be watching over you...

"I never meant to hurt you or kill anybody..."

I'm sorry I couldn't spend the rest of my life with you...

"I'm sorry..."

Kakashi-kun, forever and always...

"Kakashi..." His voice was weaker now, his eyes dimming.

I love you.

"Thank you, and goodbye."

Kakashi pulled his arm away, eyes dull with shock. Obito hadn't died smiling, but there was a serene expression on his face, as if he had finally found peace and serenity.

Kakashi knelt next to his former teammate's body, now lifeless and motionless. "Farewell, Obito."

There was a fluttering sound as paper wrapped around Obito's body. Konan walked forward as she finished wrapping the paper around Obito, then created a bouquet of flowers. "Rest in peace... Obito."

Naruto smiled at her. "I thought he betrayed you."

"In the end, he joined our side by doing what he did," Konan responded. "He's not in Madara's clutches anymore."

Almost as if Madara had realised what Obito had done, the impossibly strong Uchiha let out a howl of fury, using a Jutsu that sent the five Kage and two Uchiha brothers reeling back.

"Well," Naruto said grimly, his eyes fixed on Madara, "I believe it's time to deal with the big guy." He turned to Kakashi and Konan. "Can you guys - and Pein - help to bring down Zetsu's clones and the Edo Tensei? I'm sorry, just hang on until I defeat Madara."

Konan nodded, her eyes worried. "Nagato's on it. Naruto, be careful."

"I'll bring Madara down, no matter what," Naruto promised.

Even if he brings me down with him.

With that, the young Namikaze disappeared in a golden flash.

"Namikaze Naruto," Madara growled as Naruto appeared behind him. "Obito's death was your fault, was it not?"

Naruto let an amused smile play on his lips, if only just to irritate Madara. "Perhaps," he answered evasively, inwardly grinning as he saw Madara frown in irritation.

"Naruto, be careful. He's strong," Sasuke said, gritting his teeth. "Itachi is..."

Naruto glanced at Itachi. It seemed that the older Uchiha brother had been protecting Sasuke, and took the brunt of the damage from Madara.

I'm sorry, Itachi.

Naruto could see that the man didn't have long left to live, and wouldn't make it, not even if Tsunade tried healing him.

"Madara..." Naruto's eyes blazed.

He watched with a sort of eerie calm as Madara formed his blue-coloured perfect Susano'o.

Madara's eyes held disbelief and contempt as an orange-gold version of his Susano'o formed around Naruto. "What?" Madara hissed. "There's no way you can acquire a perfect Susano'o-"

"My Bloodline Limit is being able to copy other Bloodline Limits," Naruto smirked. "You can't beat me, Madara."

"That's cheating," Madara snarled, throwing a kunai at Naruto, but it simply bounced off his Susano'o.

"This is the battlefield. There is no fair," Naruto stated, quoting Obito. "And the Sharingan users copied so many Jutsu in the blink of an eye - no pun intended - and you accuse me of cheating?"

Madara let out an infamous Uchiha 'hn'. "Well spoken, Namikaze. Let's see how you handle this!" He sent two waves of flame at Naruto, followed by a blast of wind to propel the flames.

Naruto backflipped, avoiding the flames, but hiding behind the first blast of wind was a cutting blade formed of wind. Naruto gasped aloud as he stumbled backwards, the blade narrowly missing his eye. He shook his head, sending droplets of blood spraying.

He's trying to blind me, Naruto realised. "Not so fast, Madara. Ice Release: Blizzard Fox!" Three large foxes made of ice leapt at Madara. "Dance of the Paper God!"

Madara writhed away from the foxes. Two shattered upon touching his Susano'o, but somehow one got in and bit down on Madara's arm, drawing blood. Madara's Susano'o was temporarily deactivated as Madara's scarlet blood dripped on the ground. His eyes widened as paper wrapped around his body. "You copied from Konan, too... That pesky Jutsu." He struggled a little. It's restricting my movements.

"Almighty Push!" Naruto intoned, sending Madara flying back.

He expected Madara to hit the ground and break his leg, or arm, or something.

He did not expect Madara to suddenly disappear.

"Behind you," Madara growled, and Naruto remembered doing the same to Obito moments ago.

"Almighty Push!" Naruto shouted again, turning around. His eyes widened. Madara managed to avoid that? He's incredibly fast...

Naruto managed to roll away just in time as Madara's kunai nicked his shoulder. "Tsukuyomi!" he tried, glaring at Madara straight in the eye.

The man was gone.


"When will you learn? I'm too strong for Tsukuyomi," Madara growled from behind him.

Naruto's eyes slid to the left. Itachi had passed.

You will pay for that, Madara. "Forbidden Art -"

"I told you, I'm not as weak as Obito," Madara's voice seemed to come from all over. A wave of panic swept over Naruto as his vision faded momentarily.

"Naruto!" He heard Sasuke's alarmed cry.

Then, he felt something pierce his chest, and he collapsed on the ground. His vision returned, and through a very blurry vision, he saw Sasuke rush at Madara.


The next chapter is the end of this story fvljkdfvsijfdbdfvhkdnfgvjkgv

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