The Ambassador

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"Ah, Team 7. Nice to know you all passed," the aging Hokage said with a kind smile.

He sweat-dropped as the team stared back at him in silence. The Uchiha brat was brooding quietly while doing his absolute best to ignore the pink-haired fan girl who was alternating between glancing at the Hokage respectfully and drooling over the poor raven. Kakashi just stood there lazily, slightly slouched, looking at Hiruzen with his eyes - err, eye. Meanwhile, he could also feel a very menacing 'I'm gonna kill you' aura radiating from a certain blonde.

"Well, I guess it's time for you to take your first mission!" Hiruzen said cheerfully.

Again, complete silence.

Finally, he sighed. This team is weird. "Well, uh, Kakashi, have you briefed your team?" He asked the ex-ANBU operative with the silver-turned-orange hair - courtesy of a foxy blonde prankster.

Kakashi turned slowly to his team. His visible eye creased into his trademark eye-smile and he stated, "We're gonna get some D-ranked missions."

Hiruzen Sarutobi would have face-palmed if not for him being the leader of the village. "... Never mind," he said tiredly, "I'm certain Iruka-san has taught them all about missions and the likes."

"Hai, Sandaime-sama!" Finally, someone other than Kakashi spoke.

The Third nodded in acknowledgement. Hmm, the Academy instructors all claim she is a bright girl, but Naruto doesn't seem to enjoy her company... Neither does Sasuke, for that matter.

"Okay, let me see the available missions..." The Hokage picked up a relatively heavy folder filled with papers. "Hmm... Weeding out Sunora-san's garden, walking Rai-san's dogs, catching Tora the cat..." At the last mission, he saw both Kakashi and Naruto twitch very violently, slight anger and annoyance flickering quickly on both the ex-ANBUs' faces. He smiled, standing up. "Why don't you all go and catch the cat?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Team 7 chorused. Sasuke and Sakura didn't know - yet - of the demon cat they would soon come to loathe with a passion. Kakashi released a quiet sigh of despair while Naruto kept the rage bubbling inside of him in check lest he accidentally kill the cat.

"Pink Blossom in position!"

"Black Raven in position."

"Golden Fox in position."

"White Scarecrow in position. Naruto, I hate you."

It's funny how I decided on 'Golden Fox' for myself and still literally no one noticed. The young ex-commander sighed, then realised the demon cat was in his sights. "COME HERE YOU FURBALL!"

"Can I see the Hokage?" Naruto asked, walking up to the secretary, a brown-haired woman with rectangular glasses.

She looked up, a practiced smile appearing on her face, before she realised it was Naruto. "The Hokage is too busy to deal with filth like you, demon brat," she spat out, the smile completely wiped off her face.

By now, Naruto was unaffected by this behaviour from villagers. "Let me in," he demanded.

"You insolent piece of shit!" She cried out furiously, her eyes twinkling maliciously as she tried to slap the boy hard across his face.

She gasped out as he caught her wrist easily and twisted it backwards until she shrieked. "Never cross me," he growled out.

Her eyes flashed - bravery or foolishness? Most likely the latter. "You really are a demon!" She hissed out, rubbing her shoulder and trying to slap him again.

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