Falling Apart

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A/N: Here you go, yet another chapter. I don't have school so I'm finding time to update in between a bunch of projects and school work, but at the end of June when I start again... Yeah, don't expect too much.

"Rest now, Kit," Kyuubi said in a silky growl. "Recover your physical strength."

Naruto lay down and promptly fell asleep in seconds.

He lost his memories... Most of them, at least... But how?" Kyuubi wondered with a low, frustrated growl.



He froze, the kunai about to scratch the forehead protector.

But if I left Konoha, where would I go?

It took all his willpower to force himself to put the kunai down.

You're being stupid.

Don't act rashly.

He took a deep breath. Shaking his head, he wore the forehead protector to cover his eye again and walked out.

2 years later

"Kit..." Kurama called.

Naruto walked up to the giant fox without a hint of fear. "What is it?"

"You're ready."

Naruto smirked. "Alright then... It's time for me to make my departure." He paused. "Thanks, for everything, Kurama."

With that, he flew through handseals...

And then he was gone.

Kyuubi watched, his eyes troubled. 

How will he ever survive out there without his memories?

Somewhere far away, there was a flash of light and a blonde-haired man landed on the ground with a foxy grin on his face.

"Now... Where the hell am I?"

"I can't believe it's been two years," said a young woman softly.

There was another young woman next to her. The one who had spoken had long, luscious blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, and her friend had short pink hair that framed her face.

The pink-haired woman stiffened. They both were identified as ninja from Konoha from the forehead protectors they wore. "Yeah..."

Inside a building, a woman picked at her nails idly. Her hair was a sandy-blonde colour, and tied up in four ponytails.

Two years already, huh? I miss him...




The black-haired boy stared at the training post, breathing hard as he recovered from punching the hard wood.

Two years since Naruto died.

He had been training since then, forcing his body past his own limits. He was by far the strongest Chunin out there right now.



His chest heaved as he continued to punch.

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