Behind the Mask

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"Naruto... Naruto."

Naruto's eyes fluttered open. He saw the person in front of him and leaped backwards, instinctively taking out a sharp kunai.

The woman in front of her had long, silky red hair that flowed down smoothly. Her violet eyes locked on Naruto and she wore a long green kimono. She smiled serenely, somehow calming Naruto even though he fought to keep his guard up. "My little boy has grown to be such a strong ninja."

Naruto's eyes widened as he registered what she was saying. "What?" He cautiously lowered his kunai.

"I'm Uzumaki Kushina." She pushed a strand of hair back. "Your mother."

He froze. "How did you-"

"I'm not sure either," she admitted. "I think your father tweaked the seal-" She hesitated. "Do you know who your father is?"

Naruto paused. "No," he whispered. "I used to, but I lost all my memories."

"You're the carbon copy of him," she murmured. "You lost all your memories?"

"Yeah," Naruto admitted. 

Kushina's eyes widened as she gasped. "Has anyone filled you in? I've been stuck in this place ever since I died and you were born, but I don't know everything."

Naruto allowed a small smile to cross his lips. "Tell me everything you know."

Kushina hummed thoughtfully. "You were the ANBU Commander, but you were sent to the ninja Academy to watch over Uchiha Sasuke as a mission. Then, you were placed on a team with Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, and your first C-rank was turned A-rank when you fought with a very strong ninja named Zabuza Momochi. You met a girl named Haku and she was Zabuza's subordinate. She had a good heart, but she was going to sacrifice herself for Zabuza."

Naruto raised his eyebrow. "I'm guessing I jumped in front and got killed, and at the same time used a Jutsu to bring this Sasuke guy back to life."

"Oh yeah, that too," Kushina nodded in confirmation.

"Our son lost his memories?"

Naruto's head snapped up. He took in the warm and bright blue eyes similar to his own, as well as a mop of blonde hair slightly longer than his. The man wore standard Konoha attire with a short-sleeved haori with red flame motifs licking the edge. 

"Tou-san..." Naruto whispered. Is that him? He does look a lot like me.

Surprise flickered in Kushina's eyes. "Minato-kun, why are you here?"

Minato shrugged. "It seems like we've been given a second chance." He made eye contact with Naruto. "Naruto, we'll exist in your mind for now. I don't know how long we're going to be able to stay in here, but..." A tiny grin appeared on his face. "Do you know any Fuuinjutsu?"

"I use it for sealing, but I'm not a Seal Master yet," Naruto replied, raising an eyebrow. "The only thing I remember are my abilities."

"Well, how would you like to learn Fuuinjutsu? Perhaps a Hiraishin?" Minato smirked.

"I'm up for it." In an instant, Naruto was standing right next to Minato, eyes gleaming.

Kit... Kit.

Naruto's eyes fluttered open. What day is it?


Naruto shrieked. It was Mokuyobi when I - oh. Mina - Tou-san trained me. Right. He shook his head, still getting accustomed to calling the man his father. Was he really his father? I mean, they did look exactly the same, but...

M - Tou-san, Kaa-san, can the both of you hear my thoughts?

Yup, Minato confirmed. So in the master bedroom there's a whole scroll of sealing equipment, I figured you'd like to unseal them and play around a little...

Oh, I will. Naruto paused. Do any of you have any idea where my body is?

No, sorry. It was Kushina who replied this time.

Naruto sighed, running a hand through his hair, before walking over to the master bedroom and successfully finding the scroll full of sealing equipment.

This is all I need. Time to get out of Konoha. He frowned thoughtfully. So technically I'm still a Konoha ninja... Oh! Kaa-san said something about me being in ANBU. If I can just convince the Hokage to let me go on a mission... Alone...

With a smirk, he disappeared from sight.

Naruto was leaping through the forest at impossible speeds when a cold voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto."

He groaned, stopping and balancing carefully on a thin branch with superb chakra control. Not more shit again. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name..." There was a low chuckle. "You may know me as Uchiha Madara."




"And I was just thinking that perhaps you'd like this." The man stepped out of the trees. He was masked, but Naruto could see the two menacing Mangekyo Sharingan eyes behind the mask.

Behind the mask.

He stood, facing the masked man, his face covered with his own ANBU mask. Madara flew through hand seals and all of a sudden, there was a puff of smoke and Naruto's eyes widened.

Madara held up the body by the body's shirt collar.

It was him. A slightly younger version of him, maybe, by one or two years.

He could hear Kurama's low growl in his head.

That's your body.

Uchiha Madara has it.

Madara smirked, cocking his head arrogantly. "Come and get it."

That was all it took. Naruto's eyes flashed blood red, one katana was gripped in his hand and the other flew through hand seals as he flew straight at Madara.

Another story is (most probably) in the works and it's a timetravel fic so I might not update this as much because I'm working on that ;)

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