Ice Flower

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Hellooo! So based on the results, the most likely pairing will be NaruHarem, coz it's in the lead. If NaruHarem turns out the winner, there's still the option of:

x. Haku dies

x. Haku joins Konoha but stays single

x. Haku joins Naruto's harem
x. Haku becomes Sasuke's gf

Most likely side pairings:
Kaka/Rin/Anko (Kakashi used to like Rin in the past, but now likes Anko)
NagaKonan (It's Nagato, not Yahiko)
Possibly NejiTen

And once more, if NaruHarem wins:

x. Sakura remains single

x. Sakura goes out with Sai (side pairing)

x. Sakura joins Naruto's harem

If you have any strong objection to one of the listed pairings shoot me a pm or comment down below.

If there are no more votes, by the next chapter it shall be NaruHarem.

"What?" Naruto whipped around, his cerulean blue eyes narrowed. Sakura had hopped down from the tree, her emerald green eyes widening. Sasuke dropped from where he was, his kunai leaving a mark on the tree's bark.

"Sharingan no Kakashi," came a crystal-clear, feminine voice. "It would be an honour to fight you, but unfortunately I'll have to give Zabuza-sama that privilege." 

Zabuza's acquaintance? Naruto thought, flinging two shuriken at where the voice was coming from.

"Sasuke-kun, I apologize." Instead of fighting Naruto, a woman stepped out and threw ice needles at Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes were wide with shock. What... "Haku?" he yelled, frozen in place as the needles neared and neared.

"Sasuke, move!" Naruto shrieked. He was forced to use his unnaturally fast speed to shove Sasuke out of the way. A needle stabbed his shoulder, causing a thin trail of blood to run down.

What... That was past Kage speed, even... Did Naruto inherit some sort of speed bloodline from his father? Kakashi thought in shock.

Naruto glared darkly at Haku. "Why did you target Sasuke?"

Haku's dark brown eyes glanced briefly at Naruto before she responded by calling out her Jutsu name, "Demonic Mirror Ice Crystals!" Mirrors made of ice formed all around Naruto and Sasuke.

"Well, shit," Sasuke said flatly.

With his enhanced hearing, Naruto could pick out Kakashi and Sakura screaming before a deeper voice interrupted, "Kakashi, say goodbye." There was a clashing of steel against steel. Zabuza has arrived.

"Haku! Why are you doing this?" Sasuke shouted, taking up a defensive stance. His eyes turned red and spun slowly as his Sharingan activated.

"Apologies, Sasuke-kun." Haku's voice seemed to echo from all over as more needles were flung at Naruto and Sasuke. Due to Naruto's speed and Sasuke's Sharingan, they managed to avoid the needles.

It happened so fast and unexpectedly Naruto was unable to stop it. Haku targeted her Jutsu Thousand Flying Needles of Death at Sasuke and although Naruto used a Jutsu to sweep away some needles, a good number still pierced Sasuke. The Uchiha's lips parted, his obsidian-coloured eyes widened and he fell to the ground, unmoving.

"Sasuke," Naruto whispered. "Hey, Sasuke."

The boy didn't move a muscle.


Naruto glared up, his eyes flickering scarily between blood red and cerulean blue. He let out a piercing, Kyuubi-enhanced roar and one of his hundreds of his chakra suppression seals burst, causing him to release a massive burst of chakra.

Oh no... Kakashi fretted. He had felt a huge spike of chakra. The person had mid-Jounin chakra now. It couldn't be any other than Naruto.

Did something happen to him or Sasuke?

"I'd advice you not to lose focus!" Zabuza smirked as he swung his massive sword at Kakashi, aiming to cleave him in half.

Kakashi leaped backwards. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!" With a deft swipe, he revealed his full, three-tomoe Sharingan that stared furiously at Zabuza.

"Haku!" Naruto roared. With brute strength, he swung a fist at the closest mirror and it shattered in half. Haku flew out of the mirror, her hair flying as she landed on the ground.

The instant she touched the ground, Naruto was standing over her, his hand trembling as he pointed a deadly-sharp kunai at her throat. "Why did you do that..." he rasped.

Haku looked up in his eyes, her own brown ones full of... regret? Pain? Sorrow? A silvery tear spilled down her pale, smooth skin and she parted her lips to reply. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "You can kill me if you want. I'm no longer of use to Zabuza-sama, and I expect you want to avenge Sasuke-kun."

"Sasuke-kun," Naruto imitated bitterly. He dropped the kunai and it clattered on the ground next to Haku's side.

She stared into his eyes wondrously. It was a calm, steady cerulean blue now, that held unimaginable sadness and despair within its depths. Strangely enough, it didn't contain anger. "Why did you do that? Why don't you just kill me?" Haku murmured, closing her eyes.

"You cared for Sasuke, I know you did. Hell, you could have been slightly affectionate towards him, even. Why did you do it?" Naruto said, but his voice was flat, emotionless.

"I'm sorry," Haku choked out. "I-" She opened her eyes but lowered them, refusing to make eye contact with Naruto. "I don't deserve to live."

"Stop." Naruto grabbed her wrist tightly. She stiffened in shock. "This is the ninja world. T - things like this happen. We'll train so hard, then we'll become ninja. But eventually, a close one will die. Every experienced ninja has experienced it. Take my sensei, he lost everyone he held close to him. I forgive you, Haku. I just thought... I would have more time to get to know my teammates better, especially Sasuke."

Tears pooled in Haku's eyes. "Arigato..." She looked up questioningly.

"The name's Naruto."

"Arigato, Naruto-kun," Haku whispered. Naruto slowly walked to Sasuke's body, leaving Haku standing there.

H - how could I do that to Sasuke-kun... Moreover, how could Naruto-kun forgive me for killing his close comrade? Haku wondered. Having no will to fight anymore, her shoulders drooped and the ice mirrors all around shattered and fell to pieces. She formed a beautiful ice flower and placed it gently next to Sasuke's head. "I'm sorry."

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