Fallen Angel

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Enjoy! Final Chapter: Fallen Angel

He heard Sasuke cry Chidori, heard the chirping of birds and the crackling of lightning fill the air, and then a victorious shriek, a growl of pain, and the crunch of bone as Sasuke was thrown back, hitting the ground rather violently.

Naruto stumbled to his feet. "Don't... Hurt... Sasuke... You jackass," he bit out, glaring at Madara.

"Oh? You're still alive?" Madara said coldly.

"If we were in a fight alone, this would be over by now," Naruto hissed at him. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the Chidori hole in Madara's chest. It seemed that Sasuke had caught Madara off guard.

Madara smirked. "It's quite a shame, you know... Both you and that Chidori-wielding boy showed so much promise, but I have to kill you both." His gaze flitted over to Sasuke. "Actually, I think that one is already dying."

"What?" Alarm shone in Naruto's eyes as he turned around.


The raven-haired boy lay on the ground, looking so helpless and defeated. Naruto felt rage welling up inside of him as he glared furiously at Madara. "You just dug your own grave by doing that, UCHIHA MADARA!"

And Naruto charged.

Minutes left, both the Uchiha and Namikaze were soaked in their opponent's blood, a dull look settling over their eyes. Naruto pulled his hand out of Madara's chest and let it drop to his side as he watched Madara's blood-stained body fall to the ground, impacting it harshly, yet Naruto did nothing.

"It's over, Madara," Naruto stated, his voice colder than ice.

Madara lay motionless.

He was gone at last. Naruto cast his eyes up to the darkening skies.

Madara's dead.

There were screams of joy and elation, but also sobs of grief and sorrow from the allied shinobi as the Zetsu clones fled and the Edo Tensei disappeared, leaving behind many lifeless bodies from the battle.

Naruto looked for his precious people. Kakashi stood over Obito's body, Sakura next to him, trying to comfort him. Ino, Temari and Hinata huddled together.


Konan's body lay next to the Deva path of Pein.

They were taken down by numerous Edo Tensei.

Naruto sighed. They were gone and he couldn't do anything about it. "Sasuke, are you still there?" he asked urgently, crouching by his ex-rival's body. "Sasuke, answer me."

"Chakra..." Sasuke murmured, wincing as he spoke. "Overload."

Chakra burn.

Naruto froze. No. How?! Sasuke... He was deprived of chakra, and he called on the Chidori, which was more chakra than he had, making his chakra pathways run rampant.

How can I save him? He thought desperately. I need to help him. I can't let him die.

All of a sudden, he remembered Kurama. How he had nearly died from chakra burn.

But I didn't actually die. My chakra signature disappeared momentarily, but I didn't actually die.

His eyes stretched wide. Is it possible..?

He knew that Kurama was a Tailed Beast, and Tailed Beasts did not die. They were made up of chakra. There was no way a mass of chakra could simply die.

What if..?

He was deadly certain of it now. He looked down at Sasuke.

He'll die soon if I don't do anything.

Sasuke had already fallen unconscious.

The only way for a Tailed Beast to die was for their chakra to be destroyed or lost. But it was impossible for Tailed Beasts to lose all their chakra, for they had near infinite amounts of pure chakra.

Chakra burn.

The Kyuubi had sacrificed itself, using a Jutsu to take Naruto's chakra burn from him, and put it in itself. The Kyuubi had suffered from Naruto's chakra burn and the chakra burn destroyed it, considering that it was ripping through chakra, and the Kyuubi was made up of chakra.

A tear trickled out of Naruto's eye. Thank you, Kurama. He took a deep breath.

Hinata, Ino, Temari, I love all three of you more than you can imagine.

Temari-hime, I'm sorry that I never got to fulfil my promise... I'll marry you in the afterlife, okay? I'll watch over you forever and ever.

Ino-chan, you were the first girl in the Academy I actually spoke to willingly. I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you.

Hinata-chan, you were always shy, but thank you for loving me. I'm sorry I didn't get to spend time with you before... This. Lead the Hyuuga clan well, alright?

Sakura... You've improved so much from the squealing fangirl I had when I first joined team 7. Thank you for being my teammate, and keep working hard.

Kakashi, you were always an amazing team member and I was fortunate to have you on both my ANBU team and my genin team. Thank you.

Obito, you never were the bad guy, just messed around with by Madara. I'm glad I helped you find peace, and maybe, just maybe, I'll see you again... soon.

Konan, Nagato, I barely knew you two, but I know you two were good at heart... I'll see you soon.

Neji, I swear, if you don't go out with Tenten, I'm going to come after you with my katana...

Yugao, Anko, thank you for being in my ANBU team and making them the most memorable years of my life... ANBU was a big part of my life.

Sasuke... You better become Hokage in my place, teme. Naruto looked down at the boy's body and chuckled softly. You'd better marry Haku. You fit perfectly with that girl. If you shun her for the rest of your life, I swear, I'm going to haunt you forever and ever.

Naruto took out his katana, the one with the golden fox symbol, and ran his fingers over the symbol. This was his identity, and he was an ANBU, now and forever.

He flew through hand seals, praying to Kami that it would work.

Kurama... Wait for me, okay?

When Uchiha Sasuke stirred later on, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were gone from the battlefield, leaving no trace, and a still body lay on the ground next to Sasuke.

It was Naruto. He was lying on the ground, his eyes closed and a peaceful smile on his face. He looked like... He looked like he was smiling in his sleep.

Sandaime-jiji... Mission complete.

And that concludes Behind the Mask: Silver Blood Fox!


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