Kakashi Gets Pranked!

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Kakashi turned up three hours late as usual. The first thing he saw was a decidedly grumpy Uchiha glaring darkly at him. A certain pink-haired fangirl looked quite fed up, too. And the blonde was... Well, sleeping against a tree trunk.

"Wake up, Naruto," Kakashi called, raising his voice slightly. Naruto's eyes widened and he leapt to his feet, getting into a Taijutsu stance. "Huh? What?"

Kakashi narrowed his eye. Huh. Interesting... Fast reflexes. "I said, wake up. The test is starting soon. Rules are simple - there are two bells. First two to get them before noon pass and the third goes back to the Academy. Fight like you want to kill me."

A kunai whizzed past him at lightning speed. If Kakashi was not previously in ANBU and had superior reflexes, he might have gotten badly injured. "Now, now, Naruto, we haven't started," Kakashi warned.

"In real battles the opponent will not wait," Naruto responded calmly.

Kakashi cocked an eyebrow amusedly. This guy is something else. "Alright, start."

They disappeared in flashes of yellow, black and pink. Naruto, hidden well, smirked gleefully then brought his hands up in a hand seal and whispered, "Activate."

Kakashi pulled out a certain orange book. "Sigh... I wonder who's going to make the first move?"

"How about me?"

Kakashi's eye widened as he glanced up from his book. Naruto flew at him, kunai in his hand. Naruto made sure to keep his speed mid-Genin level. He's fast for an Academy graduate...

Kakashi took out his own kunai and fought against Naruto. Naruto smiled secretly, taking out four shuriken and throwing them at Kakashi. The silver-haired nin frowned and leaped backwards, easily avoiding the projectiles.

Ah, here we go...

Sakura and Sasuke, from their respective hiding places, had to pick their jaws off the floor as the ground beneath Kakashi exploded. "What?" Kakashi gasped, luckily managing to use Replacement to escape. This guy... Did Naruto set traps?

Naruto watched him with an eerie cool. "You said fight like we're trying to kill you, didn't you?"

Shit. I underestimated them, Kakashi thought.

Naruto flew through hand seals. "Great Wind Breakthrough!"

Kakashi's uncovered eye stretched wide. He's a Wind Style user? Just like his father...

The Jounin instruction was forced to dodge once more to avoid the cutting winds. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Sasuke hissed silently from his hiding spot.

Naruto cursed quietly as he leapt away to get away from the scorching flames. "Great Wind Breakthrough!" he called. As Kakashi leapt to the side, he flung out five shuriken with deadly accuracy. Kakashi swore as he had to twist to avoid the shuriken. Doing so made him lose his balance and he stumbled slightly. Naruto rushed at him again, engaging him in a battle of Taijutsu.

Of course, Naruto had to downplay his skills tremendously and in a moment Kakashi had overpowered him. "I have to admit that what you've displayed so far is impressive," Kakashi stated. "But you cannot beat me."

Naruto wriggled under his grip. "Shadow Clone Technique!" he muttered, creating two clones.

Surprise showed in Kakashi's eyes. "You can create clones without hand seals?"

"Great Wind Breakthrough!" The clone smirked. Kakashi was forced to use Replacement again, thus letting go of Naruto. The 'Naruto' popped, revealing that Naruto had in fact flawlessly replaced himself with a clone.

All three Naruto's simultaneously threw kunai at Kakashi. "It'll take more than that to defeat me!" Kakashi yelled. Yes, he's very impressive for an Academy graduate, but I'm not using my full power and I haven't even revealed my Sharingan.


"Fuck!" Kakashi cursed loudly as he was blinded for a moment. When he opened his eyes, he saw a white powdery substance everywhere around him.


He touched his finger to his face. He ended up with a finger coated in flour. "NARUTO!"

"Yeah, well, it's not just flour," Naruto called cheekily. "There's spray paint too. But hey, nice new hair colour!"

The colour drained from Kakashi's face. "My... Hair..." He frowned angrily and wove through hand seals.

"Woah, woah. I got the bells when the flour exploded in your face," Naruto said.

Kakashi frowned. "Sasuke, Sakura, show yourselves."

The two sheepish genin appeared.

"You two didn't fight at all. If I was being serious I would have killed Naruto."

Sakura sensed it wasn't the time to be snarky about Naruto so she just muttered a "sorry".

Kakashi sighed, shaking his head. "I'll work on your teamwork. Naruto, who are you going to give the other bell to?"

It was in that instant that Sakura regretted ever insulting Naruto.

To her utter surprise, a silver bell flew at her and she fumbled to catch it. Sasuke caught his more easily than she caught hers, also looking slightly dumbfounded.

"I don't care," Naruto said with a shrug. I'm a fucking ANBU commander. I can keep an eye on the teme secretly without being in his team.

"In that case, you all pass!" Kakashi announced with an eye-smile.

Oh fuck, I'm still stuck in this team?! But hey, at least Kakashi now has a new orange hairdo.

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