Appearance in the Battlefield

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The masked man chuckled darkly. "I always suspected it would come to this." Two red eyes glared at the pair.

The one with orange hair and Rinnegan eyes growled. "Uchiha Madara... Are you so confident of your abilities that you would declare war on the Five Great Elemental Nations?" Pein spat out.

Madara snorted in amusement. "I have the power of a god," he stated arrogantly. "Soon, coupled with the power of the Juubi, the entire world will bow before me."

Konan's eyes widened, unable to keep her expression impassive anymore. "The Juubi?" But the Kyuubi is sealed inside Naruto, is it not?

"I will take your eyes, Nagato," Madara sneered. "It's a promise." There was a blur and a man in an orange mask flew at Pein.

"Tobi!" Konan gasped, sending out a wave of paper to fend off Tobi for a few seconds to defend Pein. "You traitor."

Tobi laughed humorlessly. "I don't care about you, woman. Get out of the way so I can kill Pein and take his eyes."

A kunai landed on the ground, right in front of Tobi. The man narrowed his eyes at the kunai.

A three-pronged Hiraishin kunai.

There's no way -

He was cut off as there was a brilliant golden streak that appeared before him and used a chakra-enhanced fist to punch him in the gut. Caught off guard, Tobi spat out blood and flew backwards, landing on the ground.

"Namikaze Naruto," the figure spoke in a cold voice, "At your service."

Tobi's eyes widened. The man I fought in the forest...

"You learned the Hiraishin?" Madara smirked. "Perhaps you're a notch above the average ninja, Namikaze, but thank you."

Madara re-appeared right behind Naruto, holding a kunai to his throat. "Kyuubi Jinchuuriki," he sneered. "You've fallen right into my trap. This golden chakra, it's the Kyuubi's, isn't it?"

His eyes widened when Naruto disappeared, leaving only pieces of paper behind. Konan smiled.

"It's name..." Madara whirled around to see three shuriken coming straight at him. "Is Kurama!"

Madara reacted quickly, throwing shuriken with equal force to deflect Naruto's shuriken. Hmm... I can't seem to sense the fox's chakra in the Jinchuuriki. "What have you done with the demon fox?" Madara hissed angrily, his eyes spinning to form the Eternal Mangekyo.

Naruto flew through hand seals, expelling a gust of wind towards him. Madara's Susano'o was up in an instant, protecting him. "I wish Kurama was still alive," Naruto growled, emotion sparking in his eyes, "But it's not! Rasengan!" A spinning ball of chakra appeared on his palm and he smashed it into the Susano'o.

Madara hastily leapt backwards as his Susano'o shattered. What? How?

"Uchiha Madara."

Madara and Tobi turned, both pair of eyes gleaming when they saw the platoon of Konoha ninja.

The Allied Nations had arrived at last.

Madara sighed under his mask. It's time to completely decimate these pathetic small fry. I need to get the Rinnegan... His eyes fell on the same blonde boy that he was combating earlier. The boy was wearing a fox mask, but his chakra signature was the same insanely powerful one that Madara recognized.

Next to him, Obito shifted, still wearing his Tobi mask. "Get the Rinnegan," Madara ordered Obito in a low tone, before he glanced at the fox-masked boy again. He knew that the boy would probably try to break their masks.

Then we'll break yours.

"Surrender now while you have the chance. It's not very wise, is it, going against five nations of strong shinobi?"

Madara turned his head coolly, seeing the Suna's Kazekage sitting on a platform of sand. "Hn," he simply snorted, his eyes casually flicking towards the sand.

Gaara let horror cross his features as black flames appeared on his sand, rendering it unable to defend him.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique," Obito called, releasing a huge ball of flame at the helpless Kazekage.


In a literal flash, the Kazekage was gone, brought back to the rest of the allied shinobi.

Madara 'hn'ed thoughtfully, eyeing the boy in the mask. "You again?"

"Like he said... Give it up!" Naruto yelled, darting forward at the speed of light, swiping left, right and center with his sword.

"Taichou!" Kakashi yelled. "Stop, it's dangerous!"

For Kurama... "Forbidden Art: Dance of the Kitsune!" A deadly mix of Kyuubi chakra, kenjutsu and taijutsu. To the shinobi, it looked as if the fox-masked ANBU was dancing between the two masked men, but in reality, he was slicing at them with incredible speed, combined with chakra-enhanced kicks, which was also enforced by his golden cloak.

Madara jumped backwards, avoiding the boy. "Impressive," he called, his face twisting into a sneer. "But just one kinjutsu cannot defeat me."

"If you can be defeated by this, you're not so great, are you?" Naruto responded stoically. "Finishing Move!" He turned on his heel, kicked Obito in the knee, and sliced down.

Obito cried out as a gash opened up on his arm and light flooded his vision.


So that was what the young Namikaze had been going after.

Obito scowled, nursing his arm. It wasn't a deep cut, thankfully, but he wasn't a Jinchuuriki yet, so he couldn't heal that fast.

Shock flitted across Kakashi's face. "Obito?" he whispered.

"Uchiha Obito." Naruto took a step back and smirked. "The Sage warned me about you..."

"Attack!" There was a cry and the Allied Nations surged forward. It was a whirlwind of activity - Madara was taking shinobi down rows by rows, Obito was battling Kakashi to the death, and at some point both Zetsu and Deidara had joined the fight on Madara's side.

At some point, apparently, Itachi and Kisame had also joined, and Itachi was taking Deidara down rather efficiently, while Kisame joined Kakashi in the fight against Obito.

Naruto stood there, tilting his head.

What to do...

He had marked Madara earlier, but he couldn't bear it if Kakashi died due to Obito. He smirked.

I'm counting on you. He pulsed slight chakra through the seal on Madara's shoulder, threw a Hiraishin kunai towards Obito, and disappeared in a golden flash.

At the same time, a yellow and red flash marked the entrance of a certain pair named Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina as they turned smoldering eyes to one Uchiha Madara.  

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