The Savior

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"What?" Pein's eyes narrowed as he observed Naruto's eyes that seemed identical to his. "Is this some form of genjutsu-"

"Nah, I think not," Naruto said, outstretching a palm. "Almighty Push!" A chair in the corner of the room toppled.

Pein frowned. In an instant, two more men with similar eyes and colour of their hair appeared next to him. "Tell me, how did you do that?"

"It's my Bloodline Limit." Naruto shrugged. "The ability to copy any and all other Bloodline Limits."

Pein drew in a breath. "Which Bloodline Limits have you learnt so far?"

Naruto regarded him with a cool, thoughtful gaze for a few seconds before deciding to reply. "Ice Release, Sharingan, Rinnegan, Wood Release and Byakugan."

Pein raised an eyebrow. "Ice Release? How'd you get that?"

Naruto paused. "I... Don't know. You see, well, I kind of lost my memories," he admitted.

Pein fell silent, thinking. "Naruto..."

"Spit it out. I know you have something to propose," Naruto said.

"Would you like to join our organization? It's called the Akatsuki," Pein invited. "We're a group of S-ranked ninja working together. If you join us-" He paused for a moment. "We'll help you get your memories back."

Naruto 'hmm'ed quietly, thinking. After a while, he asked, "Kisame, the shark guy, he's in your organization too, isn't he?"

Pein nodded. 

"Then I refuse to join." Naruto stood up. "Sorry, but I'm going back to Konoha. Kisame-san threatened the lives of my friends."

"Ah, but that would be my fault," Pein said smoothly. "You see, I ordered him to get you here as quickly as possible and he's a little violent. It... temporarily slipped my mind."

Naruto's eyes faded from the rippled purple-grey pattern to his normal cerulean blue. "Sorry, but no thanks." And just like that, he was gone, a faint rush of wind spreading around the room.

There was a faint rustle of paper and Pein's partner Konan appeared next to him. "A Bloodline Limit copier, huh? That'll be... Interesting."

"We can't let him out of our sight," Pein insisted. "He's too strong."

Konan turned her beautiful eyes to him. "No, Nagato, don't you see?" she said softly. Paper flew from her hands and formed a key, locking the door and scattering to form seals, preventing anyone on the outside from listening in. "He's strong. He has your power, plus powers from other Clans. He could have my power, too, if I displayed it in front of him."

Pein swallowed. "What are you trying to say?"

"He already has the original Sharingan power. What if he unlocks the Mangekyo? We could just get Itachi to show it to him. Or even better, if he somehow obtained the Eternal Mangekyo, combined with the Rinnegan, Byakugan, Paper, Ice and Wood Releases... Also, if we just found someone with other bloodlines he could obtain them too." Konan paused, her fingers curling into a fist. "He has a good heart. He..."

She bit her lip. "He could help us. He could fight. He could win."

Pein shook his head. "He may be strong, but we don't know whether he has the full abilities of the Bloodline Limits. We also don't know how strong he is without them. Madara is far too powerful... We can't risk it. And we don't know if he'll help in the first place."

Invisible, Naruto leaned against the wall thoughtfully.

MADARA?! Kurama roared loudly. He was the one who caused me to attack Konoha... Kit, you could take him down in a heartbeat.

No, Naruto replied quietly.

No?! Kurama roared.

If I did, what would become of me?

There was a silence. Naruto had trained, gaining more and more strength. Every time he gained more power and chakra, he put more seals to mask and restrain his power. He could release a number of seals and be stronger than five Kage combined, but he couldn't release all and reach that godlike status without most likely having his own body be ripped to shreds by the sheer raw power.

Kurama was silent after that.

Naruto sighed. I'll have to think about this. His chakra flared a little and he disappeared for real this time.

Turn left, okay, now right, and - there.

A mansion loomed before his eyes. "What is this?" Naruto whispered.

Your parents' mansion. There's a blood seal on the front gate, Kurama informed.

Naruto's breath hitched. My parents... Who are they? he asked himself, biting his thumb and swiping his blood across the seal. The white gate clicked open gently and shut immediately after he walked in. "This place is amazing," Naruto said aloud. It had a sprawling front garden, with security seals placed everywhere so nobody could ever climb the gate, see or hear anything that happened past the gates. "Is that a pond?" Naruto whistled. "I can do some neat water-walking tricks there."

He pushed the rosewood door open gently. There were preservative seals everywhere, making sure all the furniture looked as good as new. "Nice!" Naruto cheered, deciding to take the stairs up. It was all empty bedrooms and bathrooms on the second level, although a sign saying "training room" caught his eye. He made his way up to the third level, where the first room was an old storage room filled with ninja equipment and gorgeous weapons. 

The biggest room... It was your parents'. And the room next to it... Kurama stopped talking.

Interest piqued, Naruto uncertainly pushed open the door next to the biggest room. Tears sprang to his eyes. The walls were painted baby blue with a cot in the middle. An orange fox soft toy lay in the cot.

My parents... They did this, because they thought that they would be here today. All of a sudden, he fell to the ground with an anguished shriek, black markings appearing all over his body.

Kit... Kit! Stop! No! What's happening?

Naruto fought back, trying to keep his eyes open as he gasped, beginning to sweat. One of his seals broke and an enormous amount of chakra was expelled.

Kit, give in or more seals might break. But -

Naruto fought harder, not hearing Kurama's shouts.

No matter how hard he fought, something was always holding him back, pushing him to the ground, rendering him helpless. Slowly, his eyes closed and he drifted off to unconsciousness, Kurama's cries of 'Kit!' fading.

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