This Is War

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I have an Instagram where I post all sorts of weird shit related to what I write, yay xD @silverkatana_wattpad I post updates, news & possibleeee spoilers there :3

To celebrate this fanfiction reaching #370 I decided to post this chapter today! And don't worry, there are at least three more chapters before the end ;) At LEAST I say... I've actually already written four other chapters aside from this but I'm not publishing yet coz I'm evil :P

Temari leaned against the railing, her teal eyes staring out at the setting sun.

"Guess who?"

She turned, her eyes widening as she saw a mini Yondaime. "Naruto-kun!" she gasped, running to him and throwing her arms around his neck. "You're back."

She took a step back, looking him in the eye. "Is it really..."

"It's me," Naruto promised, his eyes soft and loving. "I'm back."

"I missed you, you baka," Temari choked out between sobs of joy, hitting his chest lightly. Naruto chuckled. 

"I'm sorry, Temari-chan. I'll make it up to you," Naruto promised.

Temari blushed. "Make it happen," she said, walking closer to Naruto.

"Temari-chan, I-"

"Shut up," Temari whispered, pressing her lips onto his. He froze for a second before he accepted it, returning with a sweet kiss of his own.

"Naruto-kun," Temari said when they broke apart, "Do you know of the CRA?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed. CRA? If Kurama had been here, he could've asked the fox (A/N: the fox does not actually have a gender but I'm calling Kurama a 'she' because of her human form) but she was gone. It served to remind him of the aching hole in his heart once again. "What's that?"

"The Clan Restoration Act," Temari stated, looking down at the ground. "If you're one of the last of your clan, the council might make you have multiple wives to produce heirs."

Naruto gritted his teeth. Damn the council. "And what do you think of it?" he asked.

Temari looked up, surprised that he was asking for her opinion. "M - me?"

"If you don't like it, then I won't accept the CRA," Naruto stated strongly.

Tears pooled in Temari's eyes. "It's me? You... Really?"

"Of course it's you," Naruto laughed. 

Temari threw her arms around Naruto for the second time. "If you could marry someone, you'd marry me?" she whispered.

"Of course." Naruto smiled genuinely. 

Temari looked up, her eyes gleaming with tears. "I don't mind if you go through the CRA," she admitted. "Just promise me that you'll marry me first."

"I will, Temari-hime," Naruto promised.

She blushed. "D - don't call me that!" She hit him again, on the head this time.

"And there's the Temari I know and love."

"So, who else do you like?" she asked with a playful smirk on his face.

Naruto sweat-dropped. "My future wife is playing matchmaker. Really?"

Temari shrugged. "It might be fun. And I gotta make sure I'm good friends with whoever I'm gonna share you with next time!" she proclaimed.

Naruto sighed, pausing for a while to think. "I like Ino," he admitted. "And I might like Hinata."

"Hinata? The Hyuuga girl?" Temari exclaimed. "She's practically in love with you. Ino, probably."

Naruto chuckled in amusement.

"Off you go to talk to Ino," Temari said, shoving him. "Go on."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Alright, hime. Bye," he grinned in that foxy way, and was subconsciously reminded of Kurama again.

"Ino-chan!" he called, seeing her walk across the streets.

"Naruto?" Her eyes widened as she barreled into him, hugging him tightly. "I knew you could do it," she whispered between tears of happiness. 

"Ino-chan, I-"

"Attention all Konoha nin, report to the Main Square immediately!" came a voice.

Ino grabbed Naruto's hand and began running. "That's Tsunade-sama's voice," she cried. "It must be important." They reached the Main Square amidst a flurry of other ninja trying to get there.

Naruto spotted the ANBU in the front row, poised and attentive. "Ino-chan, I must go," he told her despite her protests. "I'm sorry." She nodded, sighing, but she understood that he had to leave, for whatever reason. He slipped through the crowds silently, summoning his old Fox mask, and put it on his face.

"Please sort yourselves out according to rank," Tsunade ordered. "From ANBU to genin. Jounin instructors, stand by your genin. ANBU commander, at the front."

Naruto saw an ANBU push his way to the front. Boar. The man was undoubtedly strong and muscular, but he was, too, arrogant and had a bit of a superiority complex, and the ANBU did not really like him as their commander, but as ANBU, they kept silent and obeyed.

Naruto smirked under his mask and strode forward, katana in hand. He saw Boar's head tilt downwards slightly as all the ANBU recognized the Kitsune mask and the golden fox symbol. Boar frowned. "Kitsune, you... disappeared for a while," Boar stated with an edge to his tone.

"Well, I'm back." Naruto shrugged.

Boar scoffed. "I'm the new Commander."

There was dead silence, then suddenly a voice cut through the silence. "Kitsune-sama, welcome back."

"Kitsune-sama!" It was Yuugao who cried that out.

"Kitsune-sama," Kakashi echoed, smiling under both a face mask and a porcelain mask.

"Kitsune-sama." His title spread across the masses of ANBU as one by one, they fell to their knees in respect. 

Boar shot a look of barely disguised contempt and anger at Naruto before he strode off to take his place back in the ANBU ranks as he gave up his position as Commander to the famous Kitsune.

Naruto turned up to Tsunade, who stood tall and proud. However, he could detect the slight fear she possessed within her even as she tried to keep calm for the sake of her village.

He eyed her impassively.

What's going on.

His thoughts were answered as she began to speak. "I regret to inform you that all five Elemental Nations are teaming up..." she began.

"How is that a bad thing?" one of the Chunin shouted. The ANBU and Jounin gave barely concealed shudders as horror marred their faces.

Naruto's blood ran cold.


The one word spoken by the Godaime plunged Konoha into chaos.

Naruto's eyes slowly spun into the Eternal Mangekyo, but with the purplish-grey of the Rinnegan. 

Uchiha Madara...

I'm ready.

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