Little Do You Know

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Haku lowered her eyelashes, staring at the ice flower. It looked so innocent, so small, placed next to the lifeless body of him. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Little did he know, or anyone knew, she had met him once before, but felt an instant connection. Little did they know, she was breaking on the inside as she stared at the boy she had killed.

She had killed.

The realization struck her.

She had killed him.

He had died at her very own hands.

The tears streamed down her face again. "I'm sorry," she choked. "I'm sorry. You're right." She looked up, meeting Naruto's cerulean blue eyes. "You're right."

"Right about what?" His voice was gentle.

"I loved him," she whispered out, as if it was physically hurting her just to say the words aloud.

"Then learn from the past," Naruto said. "Make sure it doesn't-"

Haku's lips parted and she stiffened in alarm. Biting her lip, she casted one last look at Sasuke before she darted away.

"Haku!" Naruto turned.

Oh no.

"Stop!" Haku sobbed. "Don't kill him!"

She ran straight at Kakashi, flinging her body in front of Zabuza. "Kill me instead," she rasped.

Don't do it.


Kakashi's Chidori plunged towards Haku.

"Stop!" Naruto cried. 

He temporarily let his real speed loose and reached there in less than a second.

"Naruto, move!" Kakashi shouted in alarm. "It's going to hit you-"

Half a second.

"I'm going to let you kill innocent-"

Then Kakashi pulled his hand back, trembling, and more tears trickled down Haku's pale cheeks as she stumbled backwards in shock.

The words stopped.

"Let me through!"

Kakashi turned his face towards the direction of the sound. His eye was glassy and shocked.


Sakura and Temari pushed to Naruto's side. "Naruto..." Temari whispered, tears blurring her vision. "Dammit Naruto, why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Sakura looked up at Haku and Kakashi. "What about... Sasuke?" she murmured.

Haku lowered her head.

"No..." Sakura's breath hitched. "It can't-"

"I'm sorry." Haku's voice was filled with grief and regret.

"Look what we have here."

Haku and Zabuza whipped around, hatred filling their eyes as they saw none other than Gato, that fat, ugly tyrant. Behind him were a whole bunch of mercenaries and bandits.

"You never planned to pay us, did you?" Zabuza said in disgust. "Well, Kakashi, it looks like we aren't enemies anymore."

Kakashi shook his head. "He is the cause for the death of my students. It's the end for you, Gato." His Sharingan spun blood red as he took out a kunai. Zabuza smirked, grasping his sword tightly. Haku stood straighter, ready to fire. Temari took out her fan, standing next to Naruto, while Sakura stood by Sasuke.

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