The Bridge Builder

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"Team 7," Hiruzen Sarutobi greeted, his face creasing slightly as he smiled. "Ready for another mission?"

They just stared at him, looking rather disgruntled. "Okay, so - Tora escaped again, Kiro-san needs to hire babysitters-"

"Not again." Naruto's voice was low and firm, and even Sasuke looked mildly surprised. "I'm. Not. Doing. Another. D. Rank!"

A faint smile crossed the Hokage's lips - or were Sasuke and Sakura just imagining it? "Fine," he agreed simply. "Naruto already knows, but we have a soon-to-be Suna-Konoha ambassador, and I think this is a perfect time for her to go on a mission and stretch her legs. After all, we wouldn't want to keep our guest doing endless D-ranks, do we?"

Naruto grinned excitedly. Temari-chan is coming! Good, it won't be so boring anymore! Over the span of time, the two blondes had gotten to know each other better, becoming fast friends. Temari was a headstrong young Genin unafraid to daringly speak her mind, and didn't care all too much about how she looked in front of boys. Despite her impulsive character, she could hold her own and was a good name to kunoichi.

Hiruzen raised his voice. "Call Tazuna-san and Temari-san, please!"

"HAI!" came the slightly muffled voice of his secretary. There were a few moments of silence then the door opened.

The first person walked into the room, mostly silent except for the very soft thud of her footsteps. Her hair was tied up in her signature four ponytails, each tied very tightly and firmly with a black rubber band each. Her teal eyes were focused and sharp, and she stood alert and ready, one hand palming the base of her fan.

Sasuke's eyes swept over the girl and his eyes narrowed. She seems strong enough...

The second person looked half-drunk as he staggered into the room. He carried an empty sake bottle with him and his cheeks were red. His breath stank with alcohol as he stumbled up in front of Temari. "I'm the superrrr bridge builder Tazuna! I hired super ninja to guard me," he mumbled, his words slurred. "Why do I get these runts?"

"I can assure you, Tazuna-san, that these are highly capable shinobi," Hiruzen told Tazuna seriously. "They will do their absolute best to complete the mission successfully, don't worry."

Tazuna grumbled a little but went with it. Kakashi turned to Team 7 with an eye-smile. "Well now that's sorted... Report at the gates in one hour, pack enough to last a week! Dismissed!" Kakashi disappeared in a Shunshin, Sasuke was out of the office door in a flash, Sakura squealed 'Sasuke-kun! Wait!' Before chasing after the Uchiha, Temari bowed respectfully but shortly to the Hokage and left calmly through the door while Naruto fled through the window.

Tazuna blinked at seeing everyone vanish, and confusedly wandered out of the main door.

"So, we're all here!" Kakashi said with another eye-smile of his.

Naruto and Temari both nodded in confirmation, looking ever-ready to begin the mission.

"Hai, sensei - WAIT, you're on time!" Sakura screamed in surprise and everybody sighed.

Kakashi glanced at her strangely. "... Yes, yes I am," he confirmed. "Okay, let's set off."

As they were walking, Sakura asked Tazuna, "So, Tazuna-san, does the Wave have any ninja?" Which caused Naruto to inwardly roll his eyes.

"No," Kakashi replied Sakura. "At most there will be bandits or occasionally missing-nin."

For some reason, Naruto picked up slight fear wafting from Tazuna and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.  Hmm... Is there something the drunk geezer is hiding from us? With a shrug, he kept walking, but he raised his guard.

They walked for a bit until Tazuna cried out, "We're nearly here!"

At the same time, both Kakashi and Naruto noticed suspicious water puddles on the ground. Odd. It's scorching hot here in Wave, and apparently it hasn't rained in days... Genjutsu, Kakashi guessed.

Naruto had already secretly dispelled the genjutsu and could see the Demon Brothers. Huh. What are they doing here? Both the experienced ex-ANBU kept walking, but their positions changed slightly - Kakashi took to the front, walking slightly more defensively, while Naruto stayed close to Tazuna, one hand discreetly slipping into his weapons pouch.


As they walked past the puddle the Demon Brothers shot out and one wrapped his chain around Kakashi. "KAKA-SENSEI!" Sakura screamed pathetically in fear as Kakashi was 'shredded' into pieces. Clever Substitution, Naruto thought to himself.

"Sakura! Guard the bridge builder!" Naruto commanded. In a state of fear, Sakura froze and couldn't move. Sasuke leaped towards the first brother and engaged in a fierce, tiring Taijutsu battle.

"Sakura! Move!" Naruto yelled. He kicked the Haruno out of the way, not caring when she landed on the ground with a pained gasp and indignant 'hey'! He pulled out a sharp kunai and stabbed the other brother squarely in the stomach, ending his life instantly. He dropped the guy and left Sakura to pick herself up. Temari had just finished helping Sasuke take care of the other guy.

"Good job Temari, Naruto and Sasuke," Kakashi said, appearing with an eye-smile.

"Kakashi-sensei! You're alive!" Sakura gasped in joy, then looked to the ground in shame and embarrassment because she hadn't done anything but be a burden.

Kakashi turned to Tazuna with a cold, stony glare. "Now Tazuna-san, would you mind telling us exactly why there are two Chunin-level missing ninja after you?"

Tazuna swallowed nervously, droplets of sweat sliding down his red face. "Uh, well, you see, there's this tyrant named Gato..."

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