Righting the Wrongs

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This is one of the last chapters ^w^

He plunged his hand into Obito's heart.

"Farewell," he murmured, turning away as Obito's bloodied body dropped to the ground.

He took a few steps away, his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan spinning as he prepared to bring himself back to the real world.

"Farewell to you." There was a dark, low whisper in his ear and he froze as a kunai embedded itself in its back.

"Obito..." He choked out, for once having the taste of blood in his mouth. His blood. How long had it been since an enemy had actually drawn his blood?

The Uchiha was supposed to be dead. Naruto had struck his heart.

"I have no heart," Obito sneered. "Not anymore." Naruto turned, his back pulsing with scorching pain, and saw the empty hole in Obito's chest where his heart was supposed to be.

Is he immortal?

How am I supposed to defeat him?

"Tsukuyomi," Naruto growled, forcing so much chakra into the genjutsu that even Obito couldn't escape with his own Mangekyo, no matter how desperately the man tried.



Horror marred Obito's face as he found himself in the Tsukuyomi world. The blonde that he now viciously hated with a passion appeared in front of him. "Let's find out why you really fight..." were the blonde's parting words to him as the caster of the Tsukuyomi disappeared from sight.


Stop it. Obito stilled. How could he know?

"Rin," he rasped.

"Obito-kun..." Her familiar brown eyes softened as she leaned up to touch his face. He felt himself pining for her soft touch once more, but his body reacted violently, pulling away. He saw her eyes harden as she brushed back brown hair from her porcelain skin.

"Obito-kun, I knew you'd reject me," she snapped, her eyes holding pain and anger. "You - you betrayed me, Obito-kun. How could you work with someone evil like him?"

"It's not-" Obito growled, his heart aching at the sight of Rin again. It's just Tsukuyomi. It's just Tsukuyomi. Yet he was going through far more pain than physical torture.

"I never loved you." Rin's face twisted with slight fury. "I love Kakashi-kun. He remained loyal to the Leaf, unlike you, you traitor!"

Naruto closed his eyes as he saw Obito's body slump to the ground. He began to heal the deep wound in his back, wincing slightly as it stung. I'm sorry, Obito. No one deserves to go through this... He thought of Hinata, Ino and Temari. Never forgive me for this.

Obito watched, his throat tightening as a younger Kakashi materialised and Rin ran over to him, the sweet, docile smile back on her face as she chatted happily with him.

Despite his willpower, he felt a growing sense of jealousy and pain as he saw Rin slip her hand into Kakashi's and smile radiantly at him.

"Rin..." he rasped. "Kakashi killed you. How could you love him?"

Rin turned towards him, and an emotion appeared in her eyes.

... Resentment?

Could Rin hate me?

"I made Kakashi-kun do it," she whispered. "They captured me to make me a Jinchuuriki, and I impaled myself on Kakashi-kun's Chidori. You're a monster... You tried to kill him for something that he didn't do!"

Obito's breath hitched.

Rin willingly killed herself?

It's just a Tsukuyomi. Everything is a lie.

Obito clenched his fists tightly.

He was convincing himself they were just lies that Naruto had made up, but everything was starting to fall into place. Why Kakashi had stabbed Rin after promising to protect her. Why Rin looked like she died smiling, and why Kakashi had cried.


Don't believe it!

Don't show your weakness to Naruto...

Naruto's lips curled into a small smile. Perhaps Obito was finally seeing the truth.

No! Obito gritted his teeth. You worked so hard for this, with Madara! For conquest! World domination! A world where everything would be perfect!

"Obito-kun, gomen nasai." The hatred had faded from Rin's eyes. "You didn't know better." She tilted her head to the side. "Obito-kun... Did you really love me?"

Obito swallowed.

I didn't really know her.

"Perhaps it was just an infatuation," he admitted softly. "You were always in love with Kakashi, weren't you?"

Rin nodded quietly. "Gomen, Obito-kun."

He chuckled. "I don't care if you're with Kakashi. I'm cursing myself for being such an idiot, falling for Madara's lies..."

Naruto smirked.

This is going pretty well.

"Obito-kun, you know as well as I do that I can't be with Kakashi-kun. He's alive, and I'm not," Rin said gently. "But perhaps when Kakashi-kun passes away, he'll join me."

Obito took a deep breath. "And me."

"Obito-kun?" Confusion settled deep into Rin's eyes.

"I don't want to live anymore," Obito whispered.

Rin smiled. "Then, I'll see you soon." She waved and slowly dissolved into golden light. Kakashi eyed Obito, gave a small wave and dissolved into golden light, much like Rin.

Suddenly exhausted, Obito fell to the ground.

Naruto cut off the Tsukuyomi. "That's enough for now, I think," he mused, picking up Obito's still body and going back to the real world.

"Wow, it's chaotic in here," Naruto commented as he appeared. He saw Sasuke and Itachi, both wounded, while Madara laughed at them. Sasuke, Itachi, and the five Kage can't bring Madara down... Just what would it take for him to die? Naruto thought.

He glanced at the allied shinobi. They were hard at work, fighting the Edo Tensei and Zetsu clones.

"Na - ruto," Obito rasped, "Bring me to Kakashi."

Naruto nodded and found the silver-haired nin, fighting a reanimated Kakuzu and Hidan back-to-back with Gai. "Sorry Gai, I'm borrowing Kakashi for a moment," Naruto said, creating a clone that immediately sent two Rasengan straight at Kakuzu. He then disappeared in a golden flash, Kakashi in tow.

Kakashi's mismatched eyes hardened. "Obito," he said coldly.

"Kakashi..." Obito lowered his gaze. "Kill me."

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