Kakashi... Sensei?

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"Ugh, we've been waiting for hours!" Sakura wailed.

Team 7 - Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura - were the only ones left in the classroom. The seconds ticked by slowly as Sakura boiled with impatience, Sasuke merely brooded, and Naruto dozed.

Naruto opened one blue eye. "Patience is a virtue, Haruno," he drawled before closing the eye again.

Sakura hissed in anger. Ohh, that BASTARD! I know, I'm going to prank him! She let out a little high-pitched and slightly giddy giggle, feeling smug at the thought of putting the - in her opinion - arrogant blonde in his place.

"Psst. Hey, Sasuke." Sakura turned to see Naruto fully awake.


"Don't you think Haruno's a bit out of it? I mean, she had a slightly devilishly loony grin a moment ago, a second before she giggled. And she sounded loopy."


"I knew it."

Sakura's eye twitched, but fascinated, she watched as the enigmatic blonde had a mostly one-sided conversation with the poor Uchiha she fangirled over. How is he doing that? she wondered.

"Hey Sasuke, do you prefer older women?" Sakura twitched at that.


"Yeah, I guess that would be kinda sick. Do you like Sakura Haruno?" Sakura listened, peeved. It's as of we're not here!

"Hn." The indifferent noise came out a bit - unintentionally - louder and harsher.

"Oh. You don't?" Sakura gritted her teeth. "What about Ino?"

No response.

Naruto gasped dramatically. "So you... You have a crush on Ino?" he cried. Sakura gasped silently, her fingers curling to form a fist.


"Oh, sorry, misunderstood. So, do you like any girls?" Sakura sighed and relaxed slightly.


"Y - you're... You're GAY? OH SWEET KAMI! AHHH!" Naruto screamed loudly and fled to the other end of the classroom.

For the first time in two hours, Sasuke showed emotion. Angrily, his eyebrow twitched and he bit out furiously, "Dobe..."

"I'm just as good as you, teme," Naruto responded cheerfully. "Oh Kami, he's gay, he's gay..." Sasuke ground his teeth together.

"Hey Naruto, how did you understand the conversation?" Sakura piped up curiously. Maybe if I'm friendlier...

Naruto stared at her.








Naruto stared at Sakura for another few seconds. "I don't," he deadpanned.

Sakura felt a massive sweat-drop forming. "BAKA!" she screamed.

"You fell for the Sasuke-liking-Ino thing, didn't you?" Naruto called cheekily. "Pah. What did I expect? You're pathetic."

Sakura's eyes narrowed to slits. "NA - RU - TO!"

"That's my name; you don't have to growl it out. It makes your voice husky. Are you really that desperate? You've yelled or growled my name out lots of times ever since yesterday," Naruto replied with a smirk.

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