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Hey guys :) I love you already for reading this! On the side is a picture of Nate :) Enjoy this story please!



The worst thing about moving? Packing. Unpacking. Repeating.

I mean all schools are about the same: you've got the prissy cheerleaders, guys who think they're jocks, and then the smart kids. Now me? As you may be asking, which category do I fall into? Well, you're just going to have to pick that out by yourself while you find out my life story here throughout this book.

My names Nate. I guess my "when I'm in trouble" name is Nathaniel Caden Grace but yeah, everyone calls me Nate. It's easier that way.

But as I was saying before, we were yet again, settling into another town. I don't get attached to people anymore because I know that the maximum length I'll be staying is possibly 2 years. Why? Why, you may ask...well I would be asking why also if I didn't know me. But I do know me so really it's you that needs all the answers. Well since my dad has a complicated job, you could say we move from town to town very frequently and some of the time he's barley in the house we're living in at the time. This town though, gave me a funny feeling in the bottom of my stomach, the it's creepy enough to give you goose bumps, but not creepy enough to have it confirmed as a fear? Maybe my logic only makes sense in my head; and maybe it is all in my head. I walked around my new "home" and surveyed it pretty well. It was normal sized, 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, complete with a two car garage. Looking into a mirror plastered on the wall I took a good look at myself. I guess you can say that I'm tall, brown haired and pretty in shape. That's one thing that won't change with every town. The gym always has the same kind of stuff. I usually go there to calm my mind, you know get some anger out.

Another thing you might want to know about me? I've never been "in love". I don't even know what that feels like. Sure, I had some elementary school crushes and everything but never really hit off with those. I'll know when the right girl comes along because I guess it will be the one thing that makes me want to stay in town. But for now, it's just another town. Just another passing fade. I'll spend junior and senior years here and then finally settle in a place for college. And that my friend is all you need to know about me, for now.



"Summer! Wooooo!" My best friend Elizabeth shouted in my ear.

"Chill, woman, lets just enjoy the day and take a jog or something around the neighborhood."

"Girl, you're too much of an exercise goo-roo. How about you jog and I walk and text at the same time?"

This caused me to laugh. Elizabeth (or Lizzy) wasn't much for exercising or healthy eating. She was still as skinny as a bean pole and her main priorities were hair, texting, and manicures. We're complete opposites, and yet we are best friends. She's pretty tall and has dark brown, curly hair and like perfect skin. She's just naturally beautiful without all of the make-up, but she wears some anyways.

I, on the other hand, am pretty short. I've got medium length auburn hair and I actually have to work hard if I want to be skinny. I guess you could say that I'm a healthy person, because I'm known as the "health freak" and "exercise goo-roo" but hey, that's fine with me. I've lived here my whole life and I don't understand why other people move in to this town, It's pretty boring if I do say so myself.

"Come on Lizzy, lets start our 'exercise routine'!"

"Okay, fineeeeee." She grumbled. Why is she complaining? She's not running at all.

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