Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Dedicated to the real Lyndsey because no matter what, she’s there for me:)


 It’s officially been a week since Nate, by best friend, kissed me. I guess I’m still in complete shock about it though. I didn’t realize how he actually felt about me. He has been trying to call and text me countless times. I just hang up the phone and don’t reply to the text messages. I mean, he stole my first kiss without knowing it. I don’t blame him for not knowing, but I was hoping that it would be special, not forced. I’ve been a mess too. Crying has never been a big thing for me, but I just couldn’t help it. He stole my first kiss. The way I’m talking about it, you would think that we were talking about my Virginity or something important to most teens, including me. But I just don’t know. I haven’t been running anymore either. I have been sitting in my room eating chocolates for the passed week, because I just can. School starts back up soon, and I think it will be good for me. You know? I can be social with other people and so can…so can Nate…Oh gosh, I need to pull myself together here. His name, my best friend’s name, I just can’t say it without getting mad and sad at the same time. I’m mad at him for kissing me, but sad because I pushed him away afterwards. I know he’s sorry. I know it. Reading his text messages proves it. I just don’t have any room to forgive him right now.

“Amber! There’s someone for you at the door, I suggest coming out of your room now, because he’s waiting for you!” MY mother yelled from downstairs.

I didn’t move. It’s probably Nate. I don’t think I’m ready to see him yet.

“Amber. I swear, if you don’t come out willingly, I’m going to drag you out.” She yelled at me again.

I lazily got up, not bothering to change out of my pajamas. Walking towards the door, my nervousness only grew to an extreme level. Okay. Nobody said it would be Nate; this is all in your head. Yes. It is all in my head. I got to the door to be pleasantly surprised.

“Uncle Carter, Aunt Lyndsey! What are you guys doing here?”

“We heard that you’ve not been the happiest and your parents have no idea why, so I decided to come cheer you up,” my Uncle Carter said. Well, he’s not really my uncle, he was my dad’s good friend for like ever and fell in love with my mom’s best friend, Lyndsey. It worked out for the best of us. Carter and Lyndsey have a little, blonde, girl named Loryn, well, not exactly a little girl. She’s like 11 or somewhere around there.  I’m just a tad older. By like 6 years, whatever.

“Where’s Loryn?” I asked them, my voice full of concern.

“At home, she’s fine. Getting all grown up on us, she can stay home by herself.” I nodded, not exactly knowing what was going to happen next. “Okay. You don’t have to get dressed for what we’re going to do, but it is an option.” Uncle Carter said to me. I looked down at my red and pink polka dotted pajama bottoms and my lime green cut-off shirt and smiled. No way was I going to change. “What about Aunt Lyndsey and the rest of the adults?” I asked him. “They’re staying here for now, kiddo. Uncle Carter is going to make his baby girl happy.” He seemed awfully determined to do so; therefore I wasn’t going to stop him.  “I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m 17.” I strictly told him. “Like it matters. Now come on, get in my truck.”


Pulling out of Chicken Express with a full meal on my lap, along with ice cream for dessert, I realized that I still hadn’t been smiling. My Uncle Carter didn’t say anything to me while we were in the car, I was so grateful for that though. I wasn’t in the mood for talking really. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking though. Nate just consumed my thoughts entirely and I knew eventually I would be asked about it. He drove and I had no idea as to where he was going. He finally pulled up to my high school football field. Why here? “Look, Amber. When I was your age, I would come here if I were upset about something. It’s my personal happy place. I didn’t play football or anything, but I did march for 4 years and it was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. I met my beautiful wife and got to know her through your parents and band. I would come here some days and just scream. Nobody could hear me, and it felt really good to get some energy out.” I just looked at him in dis-belief. Sometimes I forgot that he also had his teenage years. He’s always reminded me of the quieter version of Harry Styles. The curly brown hair and everything. “Now, Amber, “ He said as he was getting out of the car and pulling me to the field. I grabbed my sweet tea from the car and followed him out there. I personally feel like I’m closer to my Uncle Carter than I am to my actual dad. It’s super awkward talking to him about stuff that’s going on in my life, you know? When we were sitting on the field I felt calm. A lot more relaxed than I had in a while actually. It was nice. I decided to lay back and just look at the fading sunset. “Okay you haven’t talked, gorgeous.” Uncle Carter whispered inside my ear, and I knew he was right. I haven’t been talking. I don’t want to tell him how I feel, but some part of me really needs to vent. I would tell Lizzy, but she’s on vacation for the rest of the summer. “He called me gorgeous.” I whispered out loud, just enough for Carter to hear me. “I didn’t even think it through then.” I said even louder, just coming to realization with myself.  “Care to elaborate on that?” He asked me, “Nate-“ I choked out, “ He…he’s my best guy friend.” I admitted, hanging my head and shaking it slowly. Carter put his hand on the small of my back and started to rub small circles with his hand. “He admitted to liking me,” I confessed as a slight tear escaped my eyes and trickled down my nose, “ I just couldn’t say the same thing back, and I know that I hurt him because I didn’t say anything back. I didn’t say anything. He suddenly kissed m-“ And that’s when I lost it and the little tears started to fall at a more rapid rate. I should be happy, I really should be, but I just can’t be. He was my best friend, and I’m so afraid that I lost him, because of what he let slip out of his mouth. “Shhhh it’s going to be okay.” Carter said while pulling me into him and letting me cry on his shoulder. I loved my Uncle Carter so much. He’s always there for something, or me, when my parents are just too busy. “I have an idea. You may hate me now, but I promise that you’ll love me in the long run.” He said with an evil grin plastered on his face. “Follow me, come on, we’re going somewhere.” He led me back to the car and I followed obediently and reluctantly. Sadly, he was my ride for the day. “So this best friend, he’s your neighbor?” Carter asked. Oh no. I know where we’re going now. I’m not happy about it either.

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