Chapter 19

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Man, 2 whole updates in less than 24 hours? Ya'll don't realize how rare this is. Ilysm though if you're still reading this! Okay, here's your chapter :) Please vote, comment, & share it with friends if you like this story :)


The mystery boy who we met in the mall ended up taking us out to Chili's, which is one of my favorite places to eat. We were sitting down at a table having light conversation about school, turns out he goes to the neighboring city's high school. He's a senior like us and his name is Luke. We found out that he has a brother named Daniel, but everyone calls him Dan. Luke has two great parents who are dentist and they live in a regular suburb neighborhood. He's a normal guy I guess. The waiter came around to take our orders and I got the Margarita grilled chicken, one of the best things on the menu in my opinion. "So," Luke turned to me. "What's your story?" "Well, I'm 17, my dad's a doctor at the local hospital where I tend to spend a lot of time. My best friend is in there with stomach cancer. I love to run and eat healthy. I lost my memory recently because I was hit by a car or something of the sorts. Ummmm that's about it I think. I used to have a sibling, but she passed away from cancer a few years ago. I can't remember her very well anymore." I told him. "Oh wow. You're incredible." He replied. "Yeah sorry, probably shouldn't of told you all of that." I said, blushing. "Nah-it's alright. What about you miss Elizabeth?" He asked Lizzy with a goofy grin on his face. "Umm well I like to eat junk food. I'm super smart and super modest as well. Unlike Amber, running isn't my thing. She can run for hours. I hate it. I love to shop at used clothes stores because you can always save money that way...umm and did I mention that I like to eat pringles and watch movies?" She asked as finishing her little spill. "Well, I should be calling you Miss Modest then. I also play football and basketball, as well as Lacrosse. I forgot to mention that." Luke told her. "Well," Lizzy replied, "I can be your fan in the stands and after the games we can go out for pizza!" She thought about it and added, "Well, if you want to." In a quiet voice. "You know, I think I might just take you up on that offer." He said, smiling largely. "Really?" She asked in shock. "Yes, really. I'm having fun with you guys! What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked. "Oh nothing actually. We were gonna go get a sweet pretzel from Auntie Anne's later." I told him. "Well, how do you feel about one of those delish pretzels and then visit to a coffee shop?" He asked us. "Sure!" Lizzy and I said at the same time. "Oh, can we bring a pretzel to Nate? He's that guy in the hospital I was telling you about earlier." I added on as an afterthought. "I don't see why that would be a problem at all!" He exclaimed. Luke really is a great guy. I know we only had lunch with him, but I see a great friendship in our future for him and I. Lizzy, now that's a different story. I think something is gonna blossom between the two of them- and it's going to be more than a friendship, that's for sure. We got into his car, Lizzy sitting in the front with him and me in the back. I really don't mind, Luke talked to both of us on the way back to the mall. We had to pick up Lizzy's car anyways and we needed that delicious pretzel coated in sugar and cinnamon. Hopping out of the car, I practically ran to the pretzel stand. Well okay, maybe I ran pretty fast.

"Four orders of the Cinnamon Sugar pretzels and one order of the Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Nuggets." Luke ordered at the counter. "What's the nuggets for?" I asked him. "My brother, Dan. He loves 'em." He replied. I made the 'o' shape with my mouth, realizing what they were for. "So is Dan older or younger than you?" I asked. "We're twins. But we look nothing alike, so don't worry." He told me. I'm glad they don't look anything alike. That would take a real toll on my memory skills. They're pretty fragile at this point. "To the hospital?" I asked him. "The hospital!" He shouted in a battle cry, brandishing the pretzels. I quickly took mine away from him and Lizzy followed the sort. "Dang, you hungry girls!" He shouted in playful agony. I took a large bite out of mine. "Deal wif igt." I managed to get out with my full mouth. He just laughed at me with Lizzy beside him doing the same thing as me (scarfing down the sugary goodness). We got inside our own cars while he followed us to the hospital. We met up in the parking lot and walked in together. Walking inside there without a major injury is always a great thing in my opinion. I got several "Hey Amber." "What's up miss memory loss?" and "How ya doin' Amber?" Greetings from the receptionists. I'm pretty popular around here I guess. "How do they all know you?" Luke questioned. "I spend 95% of my day here and I sleep here most nights. I don't remember the last time I slept in my own room." I told him. "Hey kiddo!" A man in a long white doctor's coat shouted out at me. "Daddy! What's up?" I asked, after hugging him tightly. "Busy busy busy! I needed some food and the nice ladies down here always seem to have cake of some sorts." He replied. "Did you make a new friend?" He asked, gesturing towards Luke. "Oh yeah, we met him in the mall this morning and he took us out to lunch and a pretzel date." I said, holiding up my pretzel and the one for Nate. "Hello sir," Luke stuck out his hand towards my father and they shook hands. "Well I'll need him to sign in as a new guest. You guys have fun with whatever you've got planned today!" He told all of us. "Alright! Bye!" He walked away and the three of us continued to walk towards Nate's section of the Hospital. "Well, that explains a lot. I knew your dad was a doctor, but I didn't know he was that popular." Luke said in a surprised tone. "Yeah, he's a really cool dad actually." Lizzy told him. "I can see that." Luke replied in a cheerful voice.

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