Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I got a laptop for Christmas, so updating has gotten easier!(:


"Okay Amber, are you ready to go home now?" My mother asked me. "Umm I'm not really sure. I'm scared." I admitted aloud. "Nate will be there, does that help?" She asked. "Yeah, he's the only one I kind of know." I bluntly stated. "Yeah, I know. We have a lot to fill you in on. Let's take things one step at a time." My mother told me. My mom is really pretty, in my opinion, to be my mom. She's got long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She seemed like she might of been a popular girl back in high school, but what do I know? She could've been a loser. What am I? What's my social status? Oh gosh, I have to go to school eventually. "What day is it?" I asked, generally. "Well, it's about a week until you start school again." A week? I only have a week? This summer has flown by, if I could remember anything that I did. "What grade am I going into?" I asked. "Senior year, of course." My senior year? Shouldn't this year be fun? "Ugh." I grunted. "You're not excited?" My mother asked me. "Mom, I can't remember a soul. I know who Nate is, I don't know our history. I know who Lizzy is, I don't know anything about her. I just don't know anyone..." I finished, tears building up in my eyes. "I'm sorry honey, I really wish I could do something about this." She told me. "Wait, what happened that made me this way?" I asked. Now that I think about it, nobody told me anything. "Well, you were upset and your father and I let you go out for a jog to clear your head. You must of stopped at the side of the road and sat down on the sidewalk or something. I wasn't there so I don't know exactly." She started to tell me. "Yes, that still doesn't explain why I don't know who anyone is." I explained. " Well, somehow you either were so mad that you ran out into the middle of the road and got hit by a car, or you ran straight into a pole or something. I know you ran into something hard and then a local came and found you not conscious and called 911." She finished up. It makes sense, kind of. I have concluded that I was mad about something. I don't know why I was mad though. Maybe it was a dumb reason but I don't really know. I don't know anything right now. "Are you ready to get in the car?" She asked me. "Wait, hold on. Why was I upset?" I asked. "Well, after Nate left your room, you were a mess. Something must of happened there." She told me. Oh okay, it's starting to make a little more sense I guess. "Um thanks mom." I replied. "You're welcome honey, if you need anything, just ask." I followed her out to the car and got in the passenger seat. "Thanks mom, for everything. I'm sorry that I can't remember anything." I told her. "Oh honey it's okay. When your father and I were teens, he got hit by a car and couldn't walk for months. Then, at a party one of us got poisoned because this teenage girl was a crazy jealous ex-girlfriend." I looked at my mother in shock. "Wow, this hospital thing must run in the family." "Oh, it does. Your father actually works here. That's why he's not with us in the car right now." She told me. "Makes sense." I stated. We started to pull into a driveway that I didn't recognize. "Is this our home?" I asked. "Yeah, why don't I give you a tour?" Wow, I'm getting a tour of my own house? I must be special. "Sure," I responded. I followed my mother in through the door. The house was a mess, but I'm gonna assume that it's never clean. Nate told me that my room was a mess too. We walked through the living room, kitchen, dining room, and laundry room. Everything looked so homey I guess you could describe it. There were papers everywhere though. Probably medical stuff and bills I'm guessing. "Are you ready to see your room?" My mom asked me. "Sure," I replied. I have to admit, I'm scared beyond belief. I don't know what I'm like. I guess I do in a way, but this might help me figure out my past, and my past is scary. We walked up the stairs and stopped in front of a colorful door. It has posters of bands and art pieces everywhere. I don't want to go in. My stomach feels like there's a zoo living inside of it. I'm thinking 'snap out of it Amber, it's only your room.' but then again, it's really not. I don't know. My feelings are so messed up right now. "I can't do this," I whispered. Tears have been threatening to spill all day, and this might just push the limit. "I really can not do this. I need Nate or something. " I told my mother. "Okay, you wanna call him?" She asked, holding out her white Iphone to me. "Yeah, that would be great actually." I clicked on Nate's contact and the phone started to ring. "Hello?" A manly voice answered the phone, "Nate?" I asked. "Yeah, what's up girly?" He answered. "I kinda need you right now. Can you come?" I asked him. "As you wish. Be over in a few." I sighed in relief, he's actually coming. "So?" My mom asked. "He's coming." I simply stated. I handed her phone back to her and walked back down the stairs. I decided to sit on the couch until Nate gets here. Not even a minute of sitting on the couch, the doorbell rang. I ran up from my spot and answered the door. Opening it, I found the sexiest guy alive, also known as Nate. "Now, I know I'm attractive, but eye-raping me again is kinda low." He bluntly stated. "I was not eye-raping you! I'm just still trying to figure you out I guess. Observe you. Yeah, observe you." I rushed out, blushing. "Whatever you say, just hug me already. I missed you." He stated. I threw my arms around him and buried my face into the crook of his neck. "I've missed you too." I whispered. He wrapped his strong, muscular arms around my back and I smiled. We pulled back and I wanted to hug the guy again. "Okay, now what do you need help with?" He asked me. "I want you to be here when I do this." "Okay, do what?" He asked. "Go into my room for the first time." "Alright, we might have to have a little talk, and I'll explain why it looks the way it does." He told me. "Okay." I whispered. "Are you ready to do this?" He asked. "I think I am now. Maybe." I honestly answered. He grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his. "Let's do this, shall we?" He asked me. "We shall." I replied, smiling. We walked up to my room and he opened the door. The first thing I noticed was that yes, it is a total mess, just like he said it was. The walls are covered in paintings and photos of me and some random people. I notice that Nate is in quite a few of them though. A broken phone is laying on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. "Is this mine?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm not really sure what happened to it," He replied, looking at all of the cracks in the screen. I clicked it on to find that I had texts from Nate and a girl named Katrina. "Nate, who's katrina?" I asked him. "That's my girlfriend, I think, I don't know where we stand at this point. What did she say to you?" I read the actual message. 'keep playing your little game, and I'll make sure you'll regret it' "What's this all about? I asked, showing him the message. Nate stared at the message and sighed loudly. "Let's just say, you don't approve of her. She doesn't approve of you either." He explained. I feel as though he's leaving something out, since this message still doesn't make any sense. "You're leaving something out, I can tell." I stated, bluntly. "Fine, do you want the heartbreaking story, or do you want to enjoy what we've got right now?" He asked. "Well, if you put it like that, I want to enjoy this right now." I answered. "Good, you'll learn the story later, when you can emotionally handle it maybe." He told me. I sat down on my bed and so did he. "Nate, I want to remember. I want to know everything about my life and I want to know now. I pretty much only trust you right now." I whispered. Small tears were falling from my eyes as I was speaking. I want to remember. I do. I'm so sick of all this questioning. It's killing me. "You know, sometimes physical contact helps bring back memories, so I've heard." Nate stated. "What kind of physical contact? I asked him. "Have you seen those movies where the person who loses their memory kisses someone and remembers things?" He asked me. "Nate, I can't even name one movie that I've actually seen. "Oh, well, whatever. You know what I'm talking about though, right?" He asked. "Yeah, or you're just trying to come up with a reason for me to kiss you." I stated. I really want to kiss him though. This guy is A, super sweet, B, attractive, and C, my best friend. "Ah man, you caught me!" He exclaimed. "Kidding, I have a kinda-girlfriend." He added at the end. "Okay, so we kiss to try to get my memory back and explain that to the girlfriend who hates me?" I asked him in shock. "Yes, exactly. Who ever said that she had to know?" He asked. "You have a point, just kiss me already." I told him. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He tasted like mint and smelled like cologne. I wrapped my hands around his neck and somehow I found myself practically sitting on his lap, kissing him with everything I have. Our lips moved in perfect sync and I feel like we must have done this before. He was kissing me back with as much intensity as I was giving him. He seemed to almost be enjoying the kiss. Heck, I knew I was. His arms were held firmly behind my back, supporting me. They slowly started to work themselves up to my hair though, getting tangled in it. I pulled back, knowing he had a girlfriend and that if we didn't stop, I would get in so much trouble. "You have had to of kissed me before now." I told him. "Yeah, but never like that." He replied. "Do you remember anything?" He asked me. "Not a thing." I replied. "I guess that plan didn't work then," He stated. "I guess not," I replied, sheepishly laughing. That kiss was amazing though. I wish I hadn't lost my memory. Then again, If I hadn't, I probably wouldn't of gotten a kiss like that. "I think the movies have had it all wrong." He stated. "Yeah, wrong." I giggled. "Hey Nate," I started, "Kiss me again."


Was it cute or was it adorable? (: Please VOTEEEEEEE guys! I will








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