Chapter 18

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(A/N) It's one in the morning & my brain can hardly function at this point. Please vote/ comment! You don't know how much one little simple thing like voting for a chapter could do for an author like me :) I love every vote and I would like to thank you for sticking with me and my slow updates!


"Hey stranger!" I called to Nate as he was laying down in his pathetic looking hospital bed. "Hey princess." He said to me. "I have a huge surprise!" I yelled. "What? Did you win the lottery?" He replied back. "Even better! I have two Demi Lovato tickets for a show next week! Do you want one?" I asked him. "I don't think I have a choice, do I?" He asked me. "No sir, you do not." I told him, smirking. Well, my attempt at smirking. I'm convinced that only guys can master the perfect smirk. Girls just can't seem to grasp the concept. "What are you thinking about?" He asked me. "Smirking. I just can't seem to master the art." He only let out a small chuckle at that. "You're something else Amber, something else." I took an over-exaggerated bow to show him how amazing I am. "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!" I exclaimed, taking another bow. "You're very humble too, nice qualities in a person." He said dryly. "Oh lighten up! Wait, that reminds me of a song!" I screamed. "Oh not again..." Nate grumbled "not so quietly" to himself. "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE! THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED, BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN'T HARD TO TELL, YOU DON'T KNOW OH OH, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!" I finished with my last beautiful note while Nate only stared at me in bewilder. "What? No applause?" I asked him, looking at him with my puppy eyes. He only clapped softly. "Don't you have any other friends besides me?" He asked me. Well, I suppose I do have Lizzy. I haven't heard from here in a while. Maybe I should call her up and we can go shopping. Yeah, that actually sounds like a great idea. "Yes I do!" I called out in amusement. "I have another friend!" I told Nate excitedly. "I know, this is why I suggested it." He dryly said again. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked him. "Yeah, I've just got some chemo today and my gorgeous locks are slowly fading." "Nate, what will I have to do with you?" I asked him. "Sometimes I wish you didn't have cancer and I had my memory and everything could be back to normal." I whispered. "Me too girl. Just remember, my life isn't The Fault In Our Stars and I refuse to be Augustus Waters. " "Good thing I like you better than Gus then." I told him. "You do?" He asked. "No. He's perfect, who am I kidding? You're a good second though." "Oh thannnkkssss." He replied, faking hurt in his tone of voice. "I should probably call Lizzy now, and I really need a good run. I'm sick of this place. I will see you later for sure!" I called to him. I ran out of the hospital room and continued to run until I got to a bench right outside of that awful building. I found Lizzy's number and dialed it. She picked up the phone and couldn't get any words out before I said, "I need to shop. Now. I also need a run, but let's blow cash." "I'll pick you up in 5." She replied, before ending the call.

"Hey girlfriend!" Lizzy called, with her brown locks swaying back and forth, looking absolutely perfect. "Hey! How've you been?" I asked her. "Forget how i've been! How have YOU been? I mean you can't remember much and your lover boy is in the hospital. Oh, I didn't mean it like that." She quickly added on to the last part. "Oh, I'm holding up. I'm going to a Demi Concert soon, like next week. Ummm Nate and I have decided to start over on everything since everything has been so confusing. Like he has a girlfriend but he doesn't act like it." I told her. "You like him though, don't you?" "Heck yeah I do!" I answered her. "Oh yeah, I think I was actually there and helped you figure that all out earlier." she told me. "Oh, then why in the world are you asking me this? You know I like him, I know I like him, he knows I like him. I don't see why all of this has to be so confusing?!" I Practically screamed at her. "This is why we need some serious retail therapy." She simply stated. "Retail therapy?" I asked. "Shopping. Blowing money FAST." "I do have a debit card on me." I told her with a mischievous grin on my face. "You wanna run by an ATM?" She asked me. "Yessss. How about two hundred? Sound reasonable?" I asked her. "Yupppp!" She exclaimed, popping the 'p'. I got inside her car and we drove to the nearest ATM. I got out of the car, got the money, and we were off to GoodWill. "Buy used, save the difference!" Lizzy exclaimed, quoting the Duggars from TLC's 19 Kids and Counting. "Exactly! You can find a ton of good and cute stuff here actually! After this, let's hit up Ross Dress For Less." I told her as I started to browse through the racks, quickly finding several shirts to put into my cart. I held up a pink, sleeveless, ruffled shirt and showed it to her. "How about this one?" I asked her. "Oh man, you're gonna look hot in that. I can already tell from here." She told me. "How about this one for me?" She asked, pulling up a black leather jacket. "I dare you to try it on." I told her. I can't ever see her actually wearing it in public, but I could be fooled. She's just one of the sweetest and nicest people I know, kind of like a flower. Very gentle. "What do you say we head to the dressing rooms?" She asked me, looking down at both of our full carts. "Good idea." We quickly both grabbed dressing rooms and I ended up getting the pink top along with many other garments. I got 8 shirts and 3 pairs of pants for around 50 bucks, and in my opinion, that's a pretty good price for everything. Lizzy's came out to a little more than me, but she likes to shop, what can I say? "Off to Ross now?" I asked her. "Fo sure!" She replied. "Lizzy, you just became a defined rebel, you can't turn into a gangster on the same day." I calmly explained as she was flashing around her brand new, black, leather jacket. All she has to do is put on some red lipstick and start breaking boy's hearts and she'll be all set.

We exited Ross with more items than we had at GoodWill. I got ten shirts and five pairs of pants while Lizzy got about the same amount. The cost was around 70 dollars and I just love discount stores. "You feel like a round of Auntie Anne's pretzels?" I asked her. "The mall? Sounds splendid." She replied. With our entire back seat filled with bags, we made our way to the mall. The parking lot there on a weekend isn't the best ordeal, but we managed to get a pretty good spot anyways. "Ready to face the judgemental people in there?" I asked her. "Totes. I like to eat a lot and I'm proud!" She screamed to the parking lot full of cars. "I'm glad you got that all sorted out with your motor friends. Let's go." I looped my arm through hers as we made our way into Macy's in order to get into the rest of the mall. "Hey Amber! Hey Lizzy!" One of the random sales clerks called out to us. "Do I know you?" I asked her. "Oh i'm Ronnie, the girl who looks like a ghost of Miley Cyrus' past. We met at a party a while ago." She explained. "Oh, right, sorry! I thought you worked at Waverly's?" I asked in confusion. "I work there too. I need all of the extra cash I can get in order to be able to afford tuition in a few months." She told us. "Oh well, good luck!" I awkwardly wished her. Lizzy dragged me out of the store after that. "You aren't good at this whole 'people' thing, now are you?" She asked. "I don' know. Running into people from my past isn't the best thing ever in my opinion. It's creepy how most people know me better than myself." I told her. "Ummm Hi." I heard a masculine voice to the left of me and turned around. He was a little taller than average, he was ripped from head to toe. He seemed to be looking at Lizzy though, with his brown eyes and red hair. He was cute I guess, but not my type. I've become very attracted to a certain brunette. Lizzy struck up a conversation with this guy for a few minutes while I continued to daydream. I didn't listen again until he spoke directly to both of us. "So, do you guys wanna grab lunch?" Lizzy looked shocked and I reluctantly agreed. If I was bored after fifteen minutes, I vowed that I was leaving. If I get embarrassed, I'm leaving too. "So, are ya'll coming or not?" He asked once more. "For sure we're coming!" Lizzy announced. "We are?' I asked her. "Yes Amber, we are." She said to me in a motherly tone. Well, this will be fun. Did he ever mention his name?

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