Amber's point of view
"Well, you have one attractive guy friend." Lizzy said after Nate left for the date of his. "Lizzy!" I yelled at her jokingly. "Well, you know it's trueee." She cooed at me. Well, yes. Nate is an attractive guy, but that doesn't mean we can't be best friends. "Whatever. " I said, simply replying. "So how's this summer been? Please do elaborate on the whole him kissing you thing." Lizzy plainly stated. “Well, we went out for a movie then afterwards he just kissed me! He was like ‘I like you more than a friend’ and all of this stuff.” I calmly explained to her. “So he likes you more than a friend and he’s now out on a date?” Lizzy asked me. “Uhh yeah.” I stated. “He’s moved on, and we’re back to being friends again.” “Bul!” Lizzy screamed. “This is all bull. From what you’ve told me, and from what I’ve seen, you guys belong together!” “Why did you help him with his date? He should be taking you on a date instead.” She stated as calmly as possible. “Tell me. How do you feel about him going on this date of his tonight?” She asked me. “I feel fine, I’m happy for him,” I said, my voice cracking. “See!” She yelled at me. “You so like this guy! Just stop denying it and everything will be okay.” “Seriously, you’re crazy. I could never like him!” I yelled back at her. “You’re going to sit here and tell me that you don’t think about him when he’s not around? That you don’t stop thinking about his amazingly shaggy hair and his soft looking perfect lips? You don’t want to kiss him ever again?” She asked me. Man, this is too many questions. “Fine. I guess I’ve played that little kiss over and over in my head. YOU'RE RIGHT.” I finally told her. “OhmygoshhhohmygoshIwasright!” “Hey, chill out bro. Yes, fine. You were right. He’s on a date now so I can’t do anything about it really.” I mumbled. Oh my gosh. I like Nate. No, I like Dane. No, I like Nate better. Dane is still gorgeous in his own way, but Nate...He’s just amazing. “Oh, girl. Yes you can! Just get closer and closer to Nate and then eventually tell him how you feel. There’s no way he could ever stop his feelings towards you. You’re just so loveable.” “Awe, thanks Lizzy! I’m already close to Nate, so what’s the harm, right?” “Now that’s the spirit!” She yelled at me.
My phone vibrated on my bedside table. I could see the the glowing screen, and vaguely make out the name in the dark bedroom. “-ello?” I answered. “Hey Amber! What’s up?” I immediately recognized Nate’s voice on the other line. “You’re asking me? What the HECK are you doing awake at 4am?!?” I practically screamed at him. Forget feelings. He woke me up at 4 in the morning, he’s going to pay. “Well, I thought you would want to know how the date went?” “Not at 4 in the flipping morning! Nate, what is wrong with you?” “How about I go get donuts and we can talk?” He asked me. “Fine. Whatever. I’m too tired right now to really worry about what’s actually in donuts. Just hurry up.” “Thanks gorgeous!” He yelled through the phone. “Flattery won't get you anywhere.” I simply stated. I hung up on him quickly. I quickly threw myself up out of my very confortable bed and ran to my bathroom to quickly do my hair and throw some mascara on. Even though I was half asleep and barely able to function, I still was able to brush my hair out and let it fall in loose waves behind my back. I grabbed my eyeliner and quickly did a rough job on my eyes, it wasn’t perfect, but I could live with it. Next, I put on my mascara in the same function. Looking at least presentable, I hopped back into my cloud-feeling bed. Maybe I could squeeze some sleep in before Nate got here. I gently closed my eyes and laid my head against the soft, inviting pillow.
“Amber, Amber! Wake up!” I heard someone calling my name. I sleepily turned to come face to face with Nate. I knew it was him because of his trademark smell. He smelled pretty amazing if you ask me. Like Hollister and Abercrombie put together with just a dash of sexy guy. What can I say? These new feelings are messing with my hormone levels. “Whatchu want?” I sleepily dragged out. “Remember? I brought donuts girl!” “I fell asleeeep.” I told him. “Well, obviously, you kind of forgot to put pants on.” “Oh snap! What’s wrong with you? Close your dang eyes while I go find some. It’s not my fault I don’t like to wear pants!” I yelled back at him. My cheeks heating up in the process. “Chill, it’s okay Amber. My eyes are closed. Plus it’s dark in here anyways.” He replied. It was definitely NOT okay! He saw me with NO pants on! I returned to him, where he was sitting on my bed casually. “Okay, something good must of happened otherwise this whole 4am thing is going to get you smacked.” I told him. “Yeah! It went great actually. We really connected and we’re going out again tomorrow.” He told me. “Wow! That’s great!” I spit out, faking happiness. “Yeah Amber, thanks for all of your help with this kind of stuff.” He replied. “Yeah, no problem. I’ll always help my loser of a best friend!” I replied, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “Just shut up and eat the box of donuts.” He told me, faking bitterness. “Nateeee you know you love meee!” I said, clinging onto his muscular arm. “Whatever, nerd.” He said, still faking bitterness. “Nate, don’t make me make a fool out of myself trying to cheer you up, Mr. Grumpypants.” He started to laugh, while shoving another donut into his mouth. “Yeah, I’ll save you the trouble.” He replied. “That’s go-” I said before yawning rather loudly. I put the donut box on my nightstand and laying on Nate’s shoulder. “Amber, you know some people would freak out if they saw us right now.” Nate whispered to me. “Forget them.” I replied. I felt my eyelids closing, and the last thing I saw was Nate’s beautiful eyes looking down on me while my head was resting on his shoulder. Waking up, I started to open my eyes, and realized that I wasn’t alone. “Who the heck are you?” I asked the person. “Chill, woman.” A groggy, but sexy man voice said to me that I recognized as Nate’s. Then last night came back to me. “Oh, sorry, I forgot what happened earlier this morning.” I told him. “It’s fine. I should probably head out anyways.” He replied. “No, please stay?” I asked him. “Fine, I guess my dad will have to do without me today. What should we do then?” He asked me. “How about we watch chick movies and I try to make you cry?” I suggested. “You know, Amber, I’m only going to do this because I love you.” “Yay! I love you too, you’re the best friend in the whole wide world!” I told him. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just pick a movie.” I went to my movie cabinet and picked one called “October Baby”. “October Baby, really Amber?” Nate asked me. “What? It’s a really good movie! It’s sad too. I cried. I bet you will too.” I replied. “Whatever you say, Amber.” Nate replied. The movie started and I was fine. Then the middle part came and I was crying like a baby. I looked over at Nate to see how he was doing. His face was as tear-streaked as mine. I scooted over to him, and layed my head on his shoulder. “Nate, everything is going to be okay, just make it to the end.” I whispered. “...but but the brother and her...and she...her mother...I can’t do this…” He whispered back. “Nate. Yes you can. I know how this movie ends, it’s going to be okay.” I reassured him. “Thanks Amber, I believe you. I officially don’t like girly chick flicks. They make me too emotional. “That can be a good thing sometimes.” I told him. “Not for a guy like me, sweetheart.” He shot back sarcastically. “No Nate, especially for a guy like you. If you’re strong all the time, when you finally break, you’ll be broken forever.” I replied. “Wow,that’s some deep stuff right there.” He said to me. “Yeah, I know it from a friend of mine, she learned that lesson the hard way. It’s all okay to cry and let your feelings out, you know?” I asked him. “Yeah, I know. Let’s just watch the movie now.” He replied. “Alright. And by the way, when you have the time, you need to read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.” I told him.
“Why?” He asked me. “Just because.” I said, winking to him and mostly to myself. If October Baby made my tough best friend cry, there’s no telling what this book will do.
Hey guys! I know my chapters are getting shorter and shorter. I’ve been crazy busy with school, sorry:) I try to update when I can, but It’s been getting really hard. I love you all still :)
Stay Beautiful XX

Novela Juvenil“You, shouldn't have done that.” I playfully said to her. “Well. I thought it was a good idea at the time.” She huffed out. “Nah gorgeous, hate to burst your bubble, but look where we are right now.” I said, the words rolling right off of my tongue...