Chapter 16

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"Nate, you're an idiot." I playfully said to him while we playing Uno on his bedside table. I've made it my routine lately, I go to school, come here for about the max visiting time, and then go home and repeat. I also sleep very slightly. I haven't been getting much sleep lately. "Why am I an idiot, princess?" "You're completely setting me up to win, dummy." I told him with as much seriousness as I could muster. "It's just the cards." He replied, shrugging. All of a sudden I was on the ground with so much pain inside my skull. "Amber!" I heard Nate yell, but I couldn't see him. I was on the ground, you know, in pain. I started to see drunk teenagers and a couple kissing. I saw myself running onto grass. I saw a glimpse of myself kissing someone that wasn't Nate. Then everything went black.

"Why does my head hurt. I need pain killers. Please." I demanded. Nobody was in my room except for a few nurses, and they hurried out to get me what I needed. "What day is it?" I asked. "Well, you've been out for a little while, and it's about the middle of the night." One of them replied to me while handing me the pills and water. "Could I talk to someone? Like get out of here?" I asked the blue- coated strangers. "Sorry ma'am, we're not allowed to let you leave. You seem to have suffered an internal injury to your cerebellum in the past, and these headaches aren't a great sign." "No dip, sherlock. I just need to go and see a friend, he's in this same hospital. Oh, I know, you could push my bed and all of these wires you hooked up to me all the way over there so we could talk or you could let me unplug all of this stuff and go over to him and chat." I nicely told the nurse. Man, since when am I so demanding? "You have half an hour to talk to him, alright?" She asked me. "Perfect." I replied to her quickly. "I never let you do this, okay?" She secretly asked me. "You've got it." I told her. I un-strapped everything from myself, took another pill, and creeped over to Nate's room. Uno cards were spread out, from where I had obviously dropped them. "Nateeee." I shout-whispered. "Whaa?" He asked, half asleep. "What time is it?" He managed to get out. "Maybe 1am." I told him, whispering. "Whatchu want?" He whispered sleepily. "I have to tell you what I saw in my vision/ possible memories." I excitedly said, looking over at him. " That's what that was? I thought you were having a seizure." He told me. "Well yeah I was having a 'vision' as I'm now calling them. I was at a party, people were drunk, I ran out to the grass, and I also kissed some guy that wasn't you." I finished. "Oh shoot. That's a memory. Go back to your room and get some sleep. I'll explain all of that mess to you later, okay?" He asked me. "Okay fine. I just had to see and know what all of that was. My doctors want me to 'be patient' and 'let it happen on my own time'. It's quite annoying really. Well, sorry for bothering you this late at nig-" I started to end, "Amber, you didn't bother me at all, okay? You visit me more than my 'girlfriend' does and I'm grateful for you. I love you." "I love you too, I'll come back later though. I'm sneaking out on a time limit." I told him. "You, my dear tumorous friend, have a whole lot of explaining to do." After saying that, I shut the door and trudged slowly back to my own room. After sitting back in my hospital bed, the nurse popped out of nowhere. "That was thirty-two minutes." She pointed out. "Whoops, big deal." I sarcastically said to her. She was laughing at something as she was walking out of my room and all I could muster to hear was, "Like father, like daughter..."



*I'm moving so life has been crazy

* I don't have enough hours in the day

* School EOC's are coming up

* I'm stressed constantly

(Please understand that these are my reasons for the shortness and or not updating often)


Please tell a friend about this story. Just one other person?


I would love you forever.

Oh and don't be afraid to send me a message! I love talking to people.


That would be great.

again, ilysm.

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