This is just kinda a filler chapter, sorry :) But hey, I got a super AWESOME new editor. Her username is >>>> Im_In_The_ Dark_xxx :) She's great so check out her story!
"What's with all of this hand grabbing?" He asked me as we were sitting in Waverly's after our run. What can I say? I love the place. "Maybe I like the way it feels." I told him, smiling. He reached over across the table, grabbed my hand, and smiled. "What about now?" "You're too cheesy." I told him, smiling widely. "Oh, so when I kissed you, there was no effect? But when I grab your hand, there is?" He asked, curiously, wiggling his eyebrows as the words spewed from his mouth. "You've got me there." I said, shrugging. "Why?" He asked. "Because, anyone can kiss me and it's going to have more/less the same effect. If I blush when you hold my hand, you've gotta be something special." I told him, leaving out the part where I've kissed Nate plenty of times. "Okay, I guess your logic makes some sense." He told me, shrugging and smiling. "Really? That's all you've gotta say? After my proclamation, you say it makes some sense?" I asked, pretty loudly. "Ugh Amber, don't make me shut you up with a kiss." "Well, in that case, I should just keep talking." I replied, smiling. "If you want me to kiss you, just say so." He told me, smirking. "Nah, why would I want a kiss?" I asked, taunting him a little bit. "Amber, you just said so." He bluntly stated. "Well, I can change my mind, dummy" I told him, attempting to smirk. "Really, again with the name calling?" "What if I like it?" I tauntingly asked. "Am I going to have to work for this kiss?" he asked, smiling. "Completely. Very hard tasks lay ahead before you get another kiss." I replied smiling widely at the look of terror placed on his face. "Like what?" "Let's go back to my house. I know I seem like Wonder Woman, but my body really really hurts." I told him, feeling very light-headed all of a sudden. "Shoot, my car is at the school. We ran here as well. I guess we can walk back to my house." I told him. He stood up and put his hands out. "I'll give you a piggy back ride, hop on." He told me casually. "I can't do that to you." I replied "Consider it one of the 'very hard' tasks that I need to complete." He said, smirking. "Okay, if you get tired of carrying me, just say the word." I told him sadly. "Okay, let's go." I grabbed his hand and hopped onto his back. I found myself slipping out of consciousness and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.
I can't believe she's asleep right now. You can almost feel the sickness radiating off of her frail, yet strong body. Amber believes that she's a superhero and can do anything, but in reality, she's lost her memory. She got hit by a car and randomly blacks out. I mean, she's incredible and gosh she has me wrapped around her little fingers. I got to her neighborhood and slowly began to look for her house. I scrolled through her phone contacts to call her mom and ask where they live. She was a tad worried, as she should be. I guess this getting hurt stuff runs in the family. Being the man I am, I told Amber's mom- Jane, that I'd take care of it. When I finally reached her place, I rang the doorbell- hoping somebody was home. "Hello mate, who are you?" I looked up as a british looking guy stared me down. I'd seen him around school and his name is Harry...? "I'm Dane, she passed out when we were getting coffee. Could I come in?" I asked questioningly. "Oh, sure, blimey. I'm Harrison, the exchange student living with them." He replied, answering my previous question. Can he read minds or something? "Oh, that's cool. Where should I lay her down?" I asked urgently. "Her room is over here, follow me." I clung onto Amber and followed the guy down the hall. I saw her bed and immediately laid her down. "What happened? How did she get like this?" Harrison asked, freaking out a little bit. "Well, we went for a run, and then while at Waverly's she just fell into this exhausted state. I probably should've taken her back to the hospital, but she spends enough time there. She even sent me out to get some food for her." I explained to him, a look of contentment spread across his face. "Oh, well, I see. Thanks." I just nodded at him, kissed amber on the forehead, and left the house.
Waking up was one of the weirdest things today. I don't remember much, but what else is new? I was getting coffee with Dane and now I'm here. In my bed. With a concerned mom, Harrison, Luke, and Lizzy standing around in my room. "What? I'm okay. I'm okay." I told them all. They looked at me with puzzled expressions and I did my best to smile. "See? I'm okay. No broken bones, so wipe the shocked stuff off your faces" I bluntly said to all of them. "I'm glad to see you!" Lizzy said to me, with her arm wrapped around Luke. I did the "guy nod" to him and he smiled. I think they're really happy together honestly. I feel the absence of Nate though, I need to muster enough energy to go and see him. "Do you need any meds girly?" My mom thoughtfully asked me. "No, but I do in fact need the car or someone to drive me. I have to go to that dang hospital again." I told them. "I got you Amber." Harrison piped up. "Will you be able to drive on the right side of the road?" I proudly joked. "Of course, I practiced before coming to your bizarre country." He stated like it was obvious. "Let's go then. Help me up." He extended his arm and I took it, leaning as I walked out of my room. "I'll be back for dinner and I want you all there." I declared, leaving the people who obviously feel sorry for me in there.
"Hey handsome!" I heard a feminine voice say, and not just anyone. Amber was at my doorway holding onto Harrison like a lifeline. "Hey, I heard you broke out of here, again. Thanks for the Taco's by the way from the other day. " I told her. "Oh yeah, I like passed out earlier today, but I wanted to see you." She told me. "How are you doing?" She asked. "Well, aside from the obvious chemo treatment and stuff, It's kinda lonely in here." I told her with all honesty. "Oh, I'm sorry. If I was physically stable and mentally right in the head, I would happily spend my time here." She said, genuinely. "Thanks kiddo. So what's the deal with Dane all of a sudden?" I asked, greatly curious. "He rescued me when I fell after detention and then things just kinda clicked I guess." She finished, smiling. I could see her glowing and It kind of broke my heart a little bit. I've lost her affection as if I'm the moon and she's the sun, we're never able to shine together. "That's great, Amber. If he doesn't treat you well just let me know and I'll beat him up for you." She laughed, but it was out of pity this time. The person who met her isn't the person laying in this hospital bed. "Okay Nate, I'll make sure to let him know to stay in line." She told me, smiling "Do you need anything?" She asked, concerned. "Except for my life back, I think I'm alright." I told her as dry as the Sahara. "Okay, well I love you, I'll see you later when I have a relapse probably." And with that closing statement, she hobbled out of the door, clutching onto Harrison.

Novela Juvenil“You, shouldn't have done that.” I playfully said to her. “Well. I thought it was a good idea at the time.” She huffed out. “Nah gorgeous, hate to burst your bubble, but look where we are right now.” I said, the words rolling right off of my tongue...