Chapter 7

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Hey! I just found out some amazing news :) I was so happy, so I decided to update!


Nate’s Point of View

I opened my eyes to see that I wasn’t in my bedroom. That’s weird, where would I be? Then I realized that I was in Amber’s room. Right, I came in here early this morning to tell her about my date. The date actually went great! She loved the willow tree and everything. I left out the part about amber’s parents and stuff. She gets all mad when I mention Amber. I can’t imagine why really. I mean Amber is just my best friend in the planet, who happens to also be a girl. “Nate? You’re awake! Yay!” I heard her yell next to me. “Yeah, can I go back to sleep now?” I asked her, because man, am I tired. “No way, I made pancakes, let’s eat them!” She said, a little too enthusiastically. “What happened to miss healthy pants?” I asked her mockingly. “She died in a hole along with miss shy girl. I’m hungry for some carbs.” She replied. “Didn’t you have donuts like seven hours ago?” I asked her. “Yeah, so?” She responded. Okay, who is this chick and what has she done with “I’m on an healthy eating plan” Amber? “Okay yeah, I’ll take some pancakes then!” I told her. “Be right up!” She yelled and ran down to the kitchen. I lazily got up and made my way down there myself. “Well, look who’s here!” Jane yelled at me playfully. “Sorry, Miss, I just had to stop by last night!” I told Amber’s mom. “It’s fine, I know you guys are just friends,and wouldn’t dare do anything that you know I would disapprove of, right?” My cheeks immediately flamed up, along with Amber’s. “Mom!” She yelled, “Why would you think that? We’re just best friends, it’s normal!” She yelled again at her. “Okay, I guess I’ll leave you two alone…” Jane mumbled as she walked out of the kitchen. “Amber. I love your mom.” I told her before I let a laugh escape my lips. “Yeah, whatever.” She mumbled as she was stuffing her face with the delicious looking pancakes. Did I forget to mention that Amber is an amazing cook? “All Night Long” By Demi Lovato started to blast through her phone speakers and she shamelessly sung along.

“I love the way you're talking

I'm loving what you're doing boy

I don't fall easy often

I've never had a love like you before

I like you, put your number, put your number in my phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, yeah

You heard me right so, call me, call me when you're all alone, lone, lone, lone, lone, lone, lone

Don't make plans

Come on with me, we'll stay up all night long

I want you, and I want you bad

Let's keep the party going all night long

Let's keep the party going all night long (hey)

All night long (hey), all night long (hey), all night, all night

All night long (hey), all night long (hey), all night, all night

A-a-a-all night “

She yelled or sang loudly. I practically know most Demi songs since Amber is a “slight” fan of her. She’s actually dragging me to a concert later in a few months. Teenage girls. What can you do? Food was hanging out of her mouth as she was singing and she smiled slightly while I’ve been grinning since I got in the room. “What are youh lookin af?” She asked me, mouth full. Isn’t that oh so attractive? I, being her best friend, have to put up with this stuff. But hey, I’d deal with amber’s mouth full of food and singing if it means I get to eat her delicious pancakes. “Instagram moment!” I shouted as I whipped out my phone and took a picture of the scene in front of me. The look on her face was priceless at that moment. Her eyebrows furrowed together and I ran as fast as I could away from her before I got punched. She ran after me, with a pancake still in one hand. I ran to her room and shut the door. I sat on her bed and waited calmly. “Nate you are SO dead to me! Take that picture off! Dane follows me on Instagram you know!” She yelled, once she was finally in her room with me. “Nah, I don’t think I will.” I cockily smirked. “Oh that’s it!” She yelled at me. She came running towards me and knocked me down onto her bed with all of her force. Now she was laying on top of me. My guy hormones were stirring, but I ignored them and flipped her so I was on top. “You, shouldn’t have done that.” I playfully said to her. “Well. I thought it was a good idea at the time.” She huffed out. “Nah gorgeous, hate to burst your bubble, but look where we are right now.” I said, the words rolling right off of my tongue. “You’re squishing me.” Amber mumbled. I pressed my body down harder to her. “That. That was nothing.” I stated. “You know, you’re making this sound really sexual right now.” Amber bluntly stated. “So what if i am?” I asked her. “It’s more fun messing with you this way.” “Well, you and your big muscles better stop.” She stated to me. I looked into her beautiful eyes and had this sudden urge to kiss her again, even though I had a date with Katrina yesterday. It’s just my hormones though. “Why is that?” I asked her curiously. “Because if you don’t get off of me, I’ll do something I know that I’ll regret later.” She whispered. “Well, I’ll honor your wishes then,” I said, as I gently climbed off of her and left her laying on her bed. I walked over to one of her chairs and sat down, waiting for her to get up again. “So, what are your plans for the day?” She asked me casually. “Well, I might try to go out again with Katrina but that will be later tonight. What about you?” I asked her. “I say we go for a run! We need to work off these pancakes anyways, right?” She asked me. I nodded my head and started to put my shoes on. “What are we waiting for then?” I asked her. “Beats me, broski!” She yelled over enthusiastically. “Okay then, let’s go!” I said, while

looping her arms with mine.  “Mom!” She yelled, “We’re going out running! Be back whenever!” “Alright! Come

home before dark?” Her mom replied, and then we were off. She was dressed in leggings and a tank top while I

was in athletic shorts and a bro tank.

We started to jog and usually we have a specific route, but when I started to turn, Amber still went straight. “What are you doing?” I asked her. “I want you to meet someone.” She simply stated. She started jogging and I followed her like a lost puppy. I had no  Idea as to where we were going. We ran for another mile and a half when she suddenly stopped at an abandoned looking patch of land. I looked a little closer to realize that it was a cemetery. “Amber, why are we here?” I asked her. “Like I said, I want you to meet someone.” She replied softly. She took my hand and led me through the gates and between the tombstones. “Amber,” I started to say, “I was fifteen.” She said. “What happened?” I asked her. She led me to a tombstone. “Seaton Grace. The Lord wanted this angel a little too early.” It read. “Seaton?” I asked her. “Seaton Grace. The cutest little girl that I had ever known.” She answered in a whisper. “How did you know her?” I asked. “She was my sister.” She answered, tears silently streaming down her face. “Amber, I’m so sorry,” I whispered while wrapping my arms around her torso into a tight hug. “She was only two. Cancer.” Was all I got out of Amber before she was crying harder than ever. Her arms were wrapped around my neck, with her face buried into my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, my sweet girl.” I said trying to reassure her. “She would’ve wanted you to be happy. Don’t cry because things are over, beautiful, smile because they happened.” I whispered into her ear. “I know, I know.” She replied. “Seaton’s fourth birthday is tomorrow. I want to do something special, yah know?” She choked out. “I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to make it special.” I replied, meaning that with my entire heart.

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