Chapter 21

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"Nate?" I whispered in the dark, quiet hospital room. "Gosh, what do you want?" He asked. "I couldn't sleep knowing that you're not happy." I told him. "Well that sounds like a personal problem." He harshly spat out. "Please, can we please talk about all of this?" I asked sweetly, giving him the 'puppy-dog pout' even though he couldn't see me. "Talk about what?" He calmly pretended to ask. "I'm sorry for being snappy earlier, Nate." I said quietly. "I shouldn't of had a giant attitude with you." I finished. "You're right, you shouldn't have." He replied, and began to sit up in the hospital bed a little bit. "But I guess I was a tad harsh today too." He said, looking up at me finally. "Well, do you forgive me?" I asked. "Only if you forgive me too." He replied, calmly. "Always."

"Is it okay if I ask how you're really doing now?" I asked. "I'm so empty feeling, I don't know if I can answer this question. She pulled the whole 'its the cancer, I can't date a sick guy.' line from The Fault in our Stars. It's sad actually, and I can't believe I wasted so many feelings on her. Oh man, I sound like a total chick." He finished, only laughing a little bit. "I think you describe that feeling pretty well actually. I'm sorry, I can't cheer people up very well, but if I know us, we're gonna get through this together. You know why? Because we've been through so much and this is only a little speed-bump in the road that we call life." I told him. "So, is cancer a like brick wall in this road, or what? I need some clarifying." He only stated- laughing at me. "I liked my metaphor, okay? You can choose whatever you like on this road, alright?" I answered. "You're so poetic Amber."

"Well, what are we going to do now?" I asked. "You're gonna come in this bed, give me a huge hug and then we'll figure it out from there." I only smiled and climbed in there with him. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and my heart felt like it could stop any minute and I would be okay. "Thanks Amber." He whispered. "Anytime. You're going to be okay even when you're bald." I started to pull away from the hug but he stopped me. "No, no, you're staying right here." I wrapped my arms back around him and layed my head on his chest. "Okay, I think I can do that."

I woke up to the harsh sun glaring in my face and realized where I was. "OH SHOOT. I'm late for school and now shoot I'm going to be in trouble because I wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place and oh my gosh now I look terrible, ugh. What am I supposed to do? Nate!" I yelled. "Wha-" He sleepily said. "It's like 10am and I have school today and I needed to show Harrison around. I'm so screwed." I explained. "Well, your dad works here so he's gonna know you were here, your plan is kinda flawed Amber." He calmly said to me. "Thanks for reminding me. I've gotta go, but I'll hopefully come back by here later." "Okay, thanks for breaking the hospital rules." He replied. "Whatever, see you soon!" And with that, I was out of the door running to my car. "What are you doin-" I heard one of the nurses start, but oh I didn't stick around long enough to hear that before running out of those big, white doors. I got in my car and started to drive just barely over the speed limit towards school.

So, thankfully, I keep a spare shirt in my car and old shopping bags that I don't bother to bring in. Changing in my car isn't very classy, but oh well-it works. I pulled out my phone, only to realize that it's about to die. I didn't charge it last night. I did have a few texts though from my mom and Lizzy. Also I got one from a new number claiming to be Harrison and asking where in the world I was because I'm supposed to show him around today. Ah yes, well, hopefully he's doing alright. I walked in the school and went straight to the front office- losing your memory has its perks, but tardies aren't really on the list. I'm just pretty late. "Amber, Amber, Amber.... what am I going to do with you?" The secretary asked, while shaking her head disapprovingly. "Well, I fell asleep at the hospital again." I told her. "Well, now that's too bad, you're still stuck serving detention for it though." "Okay, seems fair enough." I told her, taking my tardy and detention slips. I really should've remembered to bring my phone charger with me because this is going to be a long long day. On the plus side, first period is Band, and I'm only supposed to be in third period right now so I haven't missed much. "Where were you?" I heard lizzy whisper as soon as I sat down in my seat. "I fell asleep in Nate's bed again." I admitted. "Are you guys alright?" She asked. "Yeah, well, we are now. I've got detention after school because of how much I miss. I guess I'll have some time to catch up on stuff though, you know?" "You're terrible and need to get here on time, okay chica?" She replied. "I'll try."

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