Chapter 13

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Before you read this, do you see that amazing new cover??? It's brilliant, right? Well, I didn't make it. Raining_Stardust did sooo yeah. She's amazing and this chapter is Dedicated to her!


I ran over to Amber's place as fast as I could. Well, technically I drove. "Amber! Where are you?" I yelled loudly. I ran up to her bedroom to find her still crying and clutching onto a picture frame. "What's that?" I asked her as I really began to look at her. Her fiery-red hair was sticking up at every angle and she still has snot running down her face. She's a mess really. "I, I don't know." She replied, or choked out. " I just feel this connection to her and I don't know WHY. She's in all of these pictures all around my room, but it doesn't make any sense! Where is she now? I'm just so confused." She wrapped her hands around her knees, curling into a ball. She still continued to bawl right in front of me. I walked over to her. "Hey, hey now. Her name is Seaton Grace, okay? She's your little sister." I told her, comfortingly. "Well, where is she?" She asked. "She passed away Amber. Two years ago." I replied. She didn't say anything, but instead, she hugged the picture frame and continued to cry.

I feel like my heart is breaking for her. Losing your memory? It's just awful. I can't imagine it really. Then some guy has to tell you that you have a sister that you can't remember, but she's dead anyway. "Hey Amber, I have to admit something. Are you willing to listen?" I asked her. "Yeah. I guess." Okay, this is it. I gotta tell her how stupid I was last night. Kissing her and then going to spend time with my girlfriend. "Amber. I was stupid last night. I kissed you and then went to meet Kat in the park and like made out with her." She looked shocked. Well, I would be too. I don't really blame her. "It's whatever." She replied. "Thanks for telling me about Seaton and the kiss and everything." "So you don't think I'm some sort of jerk?" I asked her. "No, I'm still thinking you're some sort of jerk in my head." She replied. "Well, thanks for being considerate." I bluntly stated. "Yeah, no problem." She replied. I saw a glimpse of a smile escape from her lips. "I saw a smile. I saw it!" I told her. "Yeah, but I'm still mad at you." She replied. "Yeah, yeah whatever." I said, shrugging. "How about we go to Waverly's?" I asked. "No. You're a meany." She coldly said. "Fine, I'll just go by myself." I replied. "Wait, what's Waverly's?" She asked. "Only the BEST coffee shop in town!" I replied. "Hmmm well, do I enjoy this Waverly's you speak of?" She questioned. "Yeah, you love it. Since I'm a meany, I just won't be taking you." I cockily answered. She sniffed, letting the remaining tears fall down her face. "Fine, I forgive you I guess." she replied. "Take me to this coffee shop." She demanded. "Sorry Princess, no can do." "But you offered!" She screamed. "That offer expired already, darling." I taunted her. "Fine, I didn't even want to go in the first place. Whatever. Who needs you. I don't. You meany." She rambled. "Amber, no offence, but you look terrible. In a good way." Her face froze and she narrowed her beautiful eyes at me like she was a snake and I'm the poor little mouse about to be eaten. "I'm just saying..." I said, trying to defend myself. Man, I'm a goner. "You might see Dane looking like the way you are? He goes there quite often." I pitched out there, trying to help my case. When a woman looks at you like that, you know you're screwed. Not in a good way.

"Fine, I guess you're right." She finally admitted. "What was that? I'm what?" I repeated, wanting to hear her say it again. "I'm not saying it again, jerk. But really, is the offer really expired?" She asked. "Never." I replied. "Good. Go home, get some money, and then come back." She told me. "Yes ma'am." I replied. I walked to my car, got in, and started for my short drive home.


Man, it has been a long day. I don't even know what will fix it except for a nice, long, shower. Good thing that my bathroom is like right across the hall from my room. It makes life easier for me. "Mom? Dad?" I called. I got no answer, so I'm just going to assume that they aren't home. I think they have like jobs and such. I think they work during the summer too. I'm not really sure though, I don't know them that well still. I've grown closer to my mom though. Nate and Lizzy are probably like my rocks. They keep me stable. Mostly Nate, who is coming back soon. I stripped down all my clothes and like a ninja, made my way into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I hopped in. Phase one complete. I made it in here without being spotted. I ran shampoo through my hair as well as conditioner. Now the best part of showering is when you can like just sit there under all of the hot, steamy water and enjoy yourself. Think about life and everything. My problem is that I don't really remember any of my old life. It's hard knowing that. I had a sister, and I can't even remember her. This whole situation is just awful. I don't really enjoy it one bit. Getting out of the shower I just now realized that I forgot to bring any like new clean clothes. Whoops. The worst part is that I don't have a towel in here either. Man, what's wrong with me these days? I'm an emotional mess with zero sense of memory skills. Well, I guess it's time for phase two. Time to get to my room from the bathroom without any clothes on. There's not any parents home, so what's the problem here? Yeah, wait, I'm actually right. There aren't any parents home, so what am I worrying about?

I slowly opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom, feeling accomplished with my logic. I started to fist pump right there in the hallway, naked. YOLO, right? "Hey Amber, I'm back, I can't find any ice-" that's when I spotted him. " AHH AHHHH OHMYGOSHNATE!" I screamed and ran as fast as I could to the closest wall to hide anything from him. "AMBER OH GOSH." I was now trying to cover any part of my body that I could. He was closing his eyes. "I swear, I didn't see anything." He finally said. "Nate just go away for like 10 minutes." I said to him. My face is completely red now, not that he can see anything. How could I have forgotten about Nate coming back? "Oh I- I'm so sorry. I swear I saw nothing at all. I just oh man. I'm sorry." He stuttered out. I didn't know how to react, so I started to laugh. I mean, really, this is quite hilarious, if you ask me. I was stupid, he caught me in the act. I dunno, I guess I just needed something stupid to happen in my life right now. "Amber, what are you doing?" "I really, really don't know." I huffed out, still laughing. I mean if you could see me, I'm standing with my front half against a wall, covering my back with my hands and Nate looks like he's seen a ghost. I'm laughing hysterically and I don't know why, but this is probably the best laugh that I've had in a while. "Okay, you keep your eyes shut and go in another room. I'm going to go and put some clothes on." "Okay, it's probably better if you do." He whispered. "No dip, Sherlock." I stated bluntly. "Oh, and by the way, you're still buying me coffee."

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