Chapter 10

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“Hey Nate, wanna hang out today?” I heard Kat’s voice say on the other end of the line. “Yeah, we need to talk about something.” I told her, in a serious tone of voice. “Umm okay, I’ll come over in a few?” She asked me. “How about we go to the park or something, I don’t feel like this conversation will be good in front of my dad.” “You’re starting to worry me, Nate.” She replied. “Sorry sweetie, we just need to talk, okay? I’ll be there in about 10 minutes.” I told her a little more softly this time. “Okay, I’ll see you there.” She replied. I hung up the phone and started to run my hands through my hair. I know i’m not going to break up with her, I just couldn’t do that. I really really like her, and she’s my first girlfriend. I know, for my age it’s pretty sad. I just have never fit in really anywhere else. I got into my car and started to the park. I really don’t know what I’m going to say to Katrina, but I know that I’m upset. There’s not a doubt about it. I want to know what the text actually said and why she sent it and why everything happened and just ugh. I’m so frustrated. What actually made Amber say all of those things? Is it really better for me not to be in her life? I don’t even know anything anymore at this point. My thoughts and feelings are so clouded. I know I love Amber like a little sister, but what she said to me? That she actually loved me? Like love loved me. I still can’t get that. She finally loves me after i’m done with my feelings for her? This is all bull. Everything is just so bull. I want to be done with all of it. I want Amber back. I need her back. I also choose Kat though, she has a point. I really like Katrina a lot and it would be hard to let her go. She hasn’t done anything completely worthy of a breakup yet. I parked my car and spotted my girlfriend sitting over on a bench, looking at her phone. Walking over to her, I called “Hey babe!” She looked up, saw me, and smiled. “Hey you,” She replied, “What did you want to talk about?” She asked me, when I finally sat on the bench. “You want the blunt version or the sweet version?” I asked her. “Blunt, I don’t like to sweeten things.” She replied. “Okay. What did you say to Amber last night?” She looked puzzled at the words coming out of my mouth. “You heard me, Kat. What did you say to her?” I asked one more time, more sternly. “I just told her that what’s mine is mine. Not hers.” She replied sweetly. I turned so that my back was facing her. “You knew the relationship between Amber and I. You knew that we were best friends.” I spit out furious at the fact that she thought that what she said to Amber was an “okay” thing to do. “I thought it was always more than that, Nate. I’m sorry.” She answered. I didn’t say anything back. I only stood up and I began to walk away. “Nate! Come back! Please?” She started to scream. I turned around to face her. “What else do you want me to say to you?” I asked her. “I don’t know? Anything. Let’s just pretend this never happened and go back to being that happy couple?” She asked me. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. I whispered to her “I just need a day, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” I kissed her on the forehead and went back into my car. I guess I”ve calmed myself down a little bit after what’s happened. I guess she didn’t mean for Amber to take it like that, but she did. I don’t know really. I guess everything happens for a reason. “I REALLY WANNA LOVE SOMEBODY..” Oh great, my phone. What could it be now? I looked at the caller ID and saw Amber’s name pop up. “Hello?” I answered. “Nate, It’s Amber’s mom. Come to the hospital quick. It’s amber.” I hung up the phone and started to speed down the road. What could’ve happened to Amber? Is she hurt? I saw the exit for the hospital and started to get even faster. Nobody was out on the roads today in our small town and I’m friends with most of the Cops already since they know my dad. Anyways, I see the hospital coming into my view. I made my car go even faster, probably tripling the speed limit. I parked my car and ran inside the hospital doors. “Amber. Where’s amber being kept?” I asked frantically. “Room 37B.” A short, nurse told me. “Thanks!”  I called over my shoulder as I was already running towards the room. I opened the door and saw Amber’s parents and Lizzy sitting around her. Her head was wrapped in bandages. “What happened?” I asked in a hushed tone. “She was found in town with blood all around her head.” Amber’s mom replied. “Is she going to be okay?” I asked, my voice cracking. “She’s alive.” Amber’s mom replied. My heart slowly started to break into pieces. “Oh my...Amber…” I whispered. I walked over to Lizzy, Amber’s best friend, and hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered to me. “It’s going to be okay.” I told her. “Amber’s a strong one. She’ll make it through this.” I reassured myself. I walked over to Amber and grabbed her fragile hand. “Come on, baby girl. You’ll push through whatever this is.” I walked over to the opposite side of the room and stood there, just staring at her. Even with the bandages, she’s completely gorgeous. I can’t imagine anyone else more beautiful right now. A little voice in the back of my head was saying “umm maybe your smokin girlfriend?” But I ignored that little voice inside of my head. It was too overrated. My girlfriend is hot, yes, but Amber is gorgeous.  Suddenly, I heard a scream. It belonged to Amber. I ran over to the side of the bed and looked at her puzzled face. “Who are you people!?” She screamed. “You don’t know who I am?” I asked her. “No! I would appreciate it if you get away from me and stop looking at me like I’m crazy.” She replied. Amber doesn’t know who I am. My ex-best friend doesn’t recognize me. This has been the perfect two days. Yesterday she was telling me how much she couldn’t be in my life, and now she can’t remember who I am. Perfect, right? “Okay, I’m sorry.” I told her. “I guess I’ll just be going then?” I asked. I got out of the hospital room and slumped down on the wall right outside the door. Putting my head inside my hands, I sat down and let the tears freely fall. Amber doesn’t remember anything. Nothing at all. I can’t believe that I spent so much time with someone who won’t remember who I am.

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