Chapter 14

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Man, that coffee was sure good. It's been a traumatic morning, you could say. "Well, as nice as this coffee has been," Nate started, "I must go. We have school tomorrow, you know." He finished. School. I haven't even thought about that yet. I only know two freaking people. How in the world am I supposed to start school again? Am I popular? I vaguely remember Nate saying that we aren't. I guess I should believe him then, hun? "Oh, yeah, alright. Are you gonna pick me up? I don't know where it is." I told him. "Sure. Oh, and I'm picking Kat up too. I don't think she realizes that you don't know anything." "Hey, I know plenty of things!" I protested. "Yeah, right. What does kat look like?" He asked, tauntingly. "She's blonde, and preppy?" I guessed. "EHHGHH!" Nate yelled like a buzzer, "Wrong answer!" "Fine. I don't know everything." I huffed out, crossing my arms. "Can I hear that again?" He tauntingly asked. "No. Never. Not in a million years." I answered him. "Fine, be that way." He replied to me. "But really, she's a few inches shorter than you, and she's a brunette. She'd never cheer even if her life depended on it, trust me." He reassured me. "She sounds mean though." I replied. "Did you see that text message?" I asked him. "Well, she's a little rough around the edges I guess." He only replied, shrugging. "She sure is hot though," Nate continued. "You're such a guy!" I yelled at him playfully. "Guilty as charged." He replied, smirking. "Okay, I gotta go for real though. Are you alright to walk home?" He asked me. "Yeah, i'll just jog, no biggie." I replied. "Cool! I'll see you tomorrow morning around 7:30?" He asked. "Make it 7:50." I taunted. "Um Amber, school starts at 8:00..."

"Yeah, so?" I questioned. "Alright, alright. I'll see you at 7:45. That's my final offer!" Nate screamed as he walked out of the coffee shop. "FINEEEEE!" I yelled back at him.



So, school starts tomorrow. I like know tons of people already, even though i'm the "new kid". Parties kind of helped me out here. I still have no idea what to wear for my first day though. Like I've said before, I'm not really the jock type. I mean, I'm in shape and everything. I just don't find that much interest in sports. We move a lot, so there's no point in getting involved with a team really. Okay, so back to my wardrobe. I'm picking up some athletic shorts of mine, thinking that they would be an alright first day outfit when my stomach starts to feel like an explosion. I fall on the floor in pain and just kind of lay there for a second. "Dad!" I called. Oh great, he's not home. What a surprise. ( Sarcasm intended) "Dad! Amber! Somebody?" I opened my phone to call the emergency room "I'm on my floor and I can't get up. My stomach is going to....." And then that's when everything went black.


I woke up in a hospital bed hours later. There's all of these tubes attached to me and it all feels strange. My stomach is in so much pain, it's not even funny. "Nate." I hear. I look up to see that it's Amber. "Yes princess?" I asked. "Do you know how you got here?" She asked me. "Well, my stomach hurt so much that I ended up falling on the floor, then I'm pretty sure that I passed out and like apparently some emergency people came and got me and took me here. I think." She started to laugh at me. "Well, you did pass out, and I'm pretty sure that you tried to call the emergency room, but you called me instead. I dragged your heavy butt over to my car, drove you over here, and now here we are. Now let me tell you, I had to look up where this place was on my laptop's Google Maps because remember how amazingly broken my phone is. It was quite interesting. Now why I didn't call the ambulance, I don't know." She finished. "Amber, stop talking." I bluntly stated. "Okay." She replied. "What do the test results look like?" She asked. "I don't know." I answered. "Okay." She whispered. "You've been reading that John Green book, haven't you?" I asked. "Maybe." She replied. "Okay well, you should probably go home, princess. I'll be missing my first day of senior year but you shouldn't." "Nate. You know perfectly well that I'm not leaving you." She stated. "Go on, honeybee, live your life." I told her. This girl is thick, I swear. "Nate, you're just in the hospital, you'll be out soon. Stop being so over-dramatic." "Well, I will be when you leave me alone, go home, and go to school." I told her. "Fine. Whatever." She replied. Amber walked over to the door slowly, and before she left I whispered "Bye Princess."


"Nate, Nate, wake up. It's James, Amber's dad." I heard a voice say. "What day is it?" I asked. "Well, for normal people, it's the first day of school. For you, we're going to put you under and perform a Biopsy on you to check some stuff out." He told me. "What type of stuff?" I asked. "Nate, we may be seeing signs of cancer." He stated. Cancer? I can't be having cancer. It's just not possible? What will happen to me? Will all of my hair fall out? What will my girlfriend think? Oh no, more importantly, what will Amber think? How will she react? "I...I...Can I call Amber? " I asked. "Sure dude, I"ll give you some time alone. Remember, it could be many other things like a stomach ulcer, that's what the Biopsy is for." Yeah right, we all know that he's trying to be positive. I've read The Fault In Our Stars before. I know how this all works. You become a side effect of the disease and some let it consume them. They get all depressed and stuff. Oh I hope I won't have to go to a support group. That just sounds awful.



So, the first day of school was alright. Everyone had pretty much realized that I didn't have my memory or anything so they cut me some slack, even that Katrina girl. Nate had called earlier, saying that he's still in the hospital and he'll try to get out as soon as possible, stuff like that. He also told me not to visit him because he looks "ugly" and "hasn't had hairspray in an entire day". Honestly, that all sounds ridiculous. "Hey honey, how was your day?" My dad asked me, once I got home. "It was normal, I guess. Everyone realized that I don't know a clue and it was smooth sailing from there." I told him. " How was your day?" I asked him. I don't know my dad all that well yet, but I guess this is a start. "Good, good. We did a biopsy on your friend Nate today." He replied. "He didn't tell me that when he called me earlier." I stated. Why wouldn't he tell me that? "Wait, why did you do a biopsy?" I asked. "Amber, there's no easy way to tell you this, but Nate has cancer." He told me. "HE HAS CANCER? AND YOU KNEW?! HOW COULD YOU? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE MY DAD? WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME OUT OF SCHOOL? UGH I HATE YOU!" I yelled at him, the tears pouring out of my eyes. He has cancer. What's going to happen to him? I ran up to my room as fast as I could, and slammed the door. What a great first day of school, right? The tears kept falling from my eyes, and I've decided that I've gotta go and drive over and see him. I ran out of my room, and into my car. I've been running a lot lately. "Amber, that's not a good Idea, let me drive you." My so called "dad" Yelled. "FORGET YOU!" I yelled back at him as I slammed the front door and sped down the road.


I ran into Nate's hospital room, my face full of tears. "So you've heard." He calmly stated. "Really. That's all you can say?" I asked, with my voice shaking. "What do you want me to say, princess? Lot's of people have survived cancer. They found the tumors early so it should be alright." "But what if it's not?" I asked, walking over to the side of his bed. "Then, we'll have to figure something out then, huh?" He calmly replied. The tears slid harder down my face. "I need you Na-ate, I really do." I crawled into his bed with him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I need you too princess, I really do." He whispered, before I drifted off to a long sleep.


(Author's Note)

tbh it's been a really rough month for me. Sorry if this chapter isn't like amazingly perfect. lol at least I got something done.

Please stay amazing for me :)






qotd: Who's excited for the Divergent movie? :)


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