Chapter 20

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Sorry for not updating in quite a while, hope this chapter makes up for it.


"It's too earlyyyyyy!" Lizzy whined from the leather couch she was plopped on. "Suck it up, buttercup." I told her while grinning widely. "What's gotten in to you?" She asked. "Nothing, nothing." I replied, still smiling. "Okay," I admitted. "If Kat actually tells Nate that shes a FILTHY LYING BLUEBERRY PANCAKE then who will Nate need in his life 24/7?" I asked her, my stomach rumbling. "That's a new insult." Lizzy stated, looking quite amused. "Yes well, I was too lazy to make myself breakfast this morning." I admitted quite shamefully. "Amber, we have like ten minutes until Luke is gonna pick us up. I'm making you something!" She declared. "Aight, thanks, you da besttt." I told her all "gangster" like. "Don't ever talk like that again, you're just embarrassing yourself. Okay babe?" Lizzy playfully said to me before running off into my kitchen. "Got it!" I yelled back. Exactly five minutes later Lizzy walked towards me with a beautiful plate of fried eggs, fresh fruit, and some toast. "You're a doll. I love you." I told her. "Oh, I know! Make sure to tell Luke that I can cook, alright?" She smiled and placed herself back onto my leather couch. "Ohhh I see, you want a little smooshing in return for your amazing cooking skills? You did this for YOUR benefit, you sneaky sneaky little girl!" I playfully yelled at her. "Well, yes. But also to get rid of your terrible insults." She replied. "Hey, I like my insults. I think I'll stick with them for now." She only rolled her eyes in time for the doorbell to go off ."You get it, you're the one in love with him." I mumbled, with my mouth full, may I add. "Well, I'm going to marry that boy, you watch me." Lizzy proudly told me as she swayed her bottom back and forth like a sassy super model while walking towards the door. "You just met him..." I mumbled. It would be an adorable wedding though, and I could actually see it happening. He's a jock, but she's amazing. She can cook well too, obviously and he probably can't- being a guy and all. I'm not saying guys can't cook, but let's get real here, most can't. "Ayyyyyeee Amber!" Luke called out to me. "What's up with you?" I asked him, fruit in plain sight on the inside of my mouth. "Not much, you guys ready to go bowling?' He asked. "Yeah, lemme finisfh chewin" I messily tried to get out. "Okayyyyy." Luke sighed out playfully. "Are you ready to go now?" He asked, like a little child would to his or her mother. "For the love of all things strawberry! Yes Luke. I'm ready to go." I put my plate in the kitchen sink, grabbed my wallet, phone, and headed out to his car.

"Lukeeee I can't exactly do this." I told him, looking at my score of 40 against his flashing score of 70 on the screen. "Sure you can, just do what I do." He told me, going up only to throw another perfect strike. "I hate you." I said, pouting. "I don't." Lizzy told Luke, smiling flirtatiously. He only winked at both of us and handed Lizzy a ball since it's her turn. He sat down next to me on the little seats that they provide for you. "So... " I started. "This place is pretty empty..." I told him, looking around. Well, who else would be here at 10 am? "Yeah... It's kinda cool though." Luke replied. "I honestly just really wanna be out of the house when Daniel finds out about Katrina and everything." He told me. "I know what you mean. I don't really want to see Nate all torn up because then I can't guarantee Katrina coming out with a clean health bill or a pretty car." I honestly told Luke. "Our lives are pretty screwy." Luke stated. "Yeah, pretty much." I agreed. "So, Mr. Jock, what do you think about Lizzy over there?" I asked him. "Dang, umm well I think she's gorgeous for starters and I just really like her personality. Eventually I'm thinking about asking her on a real date. Shoot I probably shouldn't of told you all of that." "Nah, man, I'll help you out here." I told him. "Really?" He asked, looking shocked. Why do people assume that I'm out to destroy them or something? Like seriously. "Yes really, you dummy." I replied, punching him on the shoulder. "Amber, you're up!" Lizzy shouted at me. "What took you so long?" I asked her. "Well, I'm trying reeeaaalllyyyy hard to get ahead of Luke so I'm taking my sweet 'ole time on this." She replied proudly. "Ummm okay. Let me try this out. Again." I took the ball from her and sighed deeply. Walking up to that lane of pins, it felt as though the ten little buggers were mocking me. The max I've hit all day is like five or something. Who knows? I got the ball, grabbed it with two hands, and swung it back and forth between my two legs- like granny bowling or whatever they call it. When I let go, that thing was going fast. So fast that it knocked down all of the pins. "Hey look! Oh MY GOSHHHH!!" I started screaming and doing a little happy dance. "Amber, look at you go! Oh my goodness!" Lizzy screamed with me, proudly. I'm very grateful for Luke's awful timing and the fact that this place is mostly empty. "You're still losing." Luke pointed out. "You. You're the absolute sweetest boy I've ever met." I told Luke in the most sarcastic voice that I could come up with. "Thanks babe." He replied, winking at me and ignoring the sarcasm hanging in the air. "You butthole." "Ohh going with name calling now, are we?" He taunted. "You're such a child!" I yelled at him, playfully. "At least I'm winning." He replied to me with a smirk plastered on his face. "Lizzy, you can keep him." I told her. "But on a serious note, I suddenly don't feel well." I told them, clutching my stomach. "I think I'm going to take the bus home." I added. "It's that time of the month, if you know what I mean." "Amber, TMI." Luke sternly scolded. "What? I have blood FLOWING FROM MY VAGINA AND I'M NOT ASHAMED TO TELL THE WORLD!" I screamed to the empty building of bowling pins. "Okay, okay," Luke, while laughing, said to me. "I must be going now though. I'm not going to get a tampon and Midol if I stand here like a statue, now am I?" I said to nobody in particular. "Do you need me to come with you?" Lizzy asked. "Nah, I'll be alright after devouring a bag of Oreos and then for dinner I'll go out and get some chicken fried steak." I told her. "It's really not a big deal. You guys have fun the rest of the day though!" I encouragingly said probably a little too enthusiastically. I really have got to find a happy medium with my eating choices. I feel as though when your ovaries are exploding, there is not any type of "happy medium" though.

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