(A/N) This isn't a full chapter because it's late and I am in some serious writer's block. If you would like to pray for me, that would be great. I love you so much.
"Nateeeeeee, buddy! You have to explain things now!" I practically screamed at him. I had managed to escape from all of the wires in the hospital bed. The nurses were pretty lenient when they realized that I wasn't having "severe" brain damage, only slight injuries. So basically, i'm okay. Life just kind of happens, I've learned. "Okay Amber, sit down on this bed of mine and let me tell you another story." Nate answered. "Noooo I need the truth. No stories." I told him bluntly. "Okay fineeee, Miss bossy pants. Basically you were super mad at me for a long time because I did one of those stupid teenage guy things. Eventually we made up and I decided to bring you to a party. Basically I met Katrina at this party too. That's where all of this kind of started. I guess. I dunno. We basically played truth or dare and you kissed Dane, your crush." "Oh I kissed him? He sounds hot, can he visit us in here?" I asked. Thinking about it, I had probably seen him that day at school. Maybe. "We need some music up in this joint." I declared. "Since when are you a gangsta?" Nate asked. "I'm so full of SWAG, it can't be controlled." I replied. "Okay. Who are you and what have you done with Amber?" He asked, slightly paranoid. "Umm I'm not quite sure. You know what I need right now?" I asked him. I feel as though this pain medicine is making me loopy. "What would that be?" He asked, almost whispering. I scooted my body closer to is and used my fingers to outline his jawline and collarbone. "Amber, you're making me crazy." He told me. I only looked at him and continued my soft touch of my fingertips around his neck and near the back of his hair. I played with his ears and finally his lips. Leaning forwards, I gently pressed my lips to his. It was a soft kiss, but I needed more. I wrapped my fingers through his dark, brown hair and he did the same to me and my red locks. "This is wrong, I have a girlfriend." He whispered. "Why does she have to know?" I asked him. He didn't reply, but lowered his lips down to mine and crashed them slowly back to their correct place. "Why are you with her?" I asked. "Because I love her." He replied. I backed away from him and stood up. "What about me? Do you love me too or am I just a game to you?" I asked him. "Ka- Amber, please sit down and calm down! I love you too, okay?" "Well, you're going to have to freaking pick one of us, okay? I now agree with you, this- Us. It's all wrong. It's wrong. I'm totally falling for you. That's one thing I remembered and didn't tell anyone! I didn't tell anyone because it scared me. Okay? Even with very little memory, I know when I've fallen for a guy. Have a nice life!" I screamed the last part, and stormed out of the door. He can screw himself for all I care. I don't even get this, one minute I love the guy and we're kissing- and then he has to bring up the whole girlfriend thing.
I was sitting in my room when I heard a knock. He came in slowly. "Amber. I chose her. I'm always going to choose her. I feel as though we've been over this before."
Again, everything went black for me.
(A/N) Told you that this would be a very short chapter. Did you listen? Noooooo. Ha, it's not my fault that you went ahead and read this chapter.
Please tell your friends about this story
I'm in some major need of publicity
I have a dream too
I'm constantly stressed

Roman pour Adolescents“You, shouldn't have done that.” I playfully said to her. “Well. I thought it was a good idea at the time.” She huffed out. “Nah gorgeous, hate to burst your bubble, but look where we are right now.” I said, the words rolling right off of my tongue...