Chapter 17

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So I don't have any friends, but I do look like a lobster due to a long visit to a water park. I tried.


Waking up in a hospital is getting kind of old. I mean, come on. Couldn't these people decided to let me go home for once? I usually have this killer headache and pain killers will do the trick. Why can't I just leave? Oh, that's right. My best friend has stomach cancer and my dad, who I'm not on speaking terms with currently, works here. Life is so great. This time in the vision I just saw myself running. That's it. Running. Ughhhhh! I don't think people realize how annoying this truly is. My life is just a living heck zone right now because I don't know what's going to happen next. I really don't. I decided to open my eyes finally to see my mother, Jane, and some nurses. No dad, that's cool too. "I'm going to leave now." I quickly stated. "Where could you possibly be going?" My mother asked immediately. "I have something better to do." I replied to her before getting up from the hospital bed and leaving. I poked my head back in there once more and said, "Oh and I'm going to be needing some pain meds for the next go-round of these. I'm going back to school tomorrow." And with saying that, I walked out of the room for the last time. I had to get rid of the ugly hospital gown so I took it off and left it on some table of sorts. That's really not my problem. Now, what is my problem is my dad. I kind of messed up earlier. I guess the whole "I hate you" thing is kind of mean. Well, yes. It was rude and I probably shouldn't of screamed it at the man who contributed 50% to my existence. I should probably learn, but SCREW hospitals. I'm getting so sick of this.

I walked up to a random nurse and asked, "Excuse me, where's James?" "James?" She replied, with a question. Who replies with a question? "Yes. My dad. James. A doctor here?" I answered her. "Oh, yes, of course. He's in his office." She responded. "Well, could you tell me where that is? I lost my memory and I really don't know where that is." She huffed out a "could've been shorter" Sigh. Like woman, you think I'm the biggest problem in your life? Would you like to trade places? "Come this way." She finally got out. "Fine." I replied to the girl. She led me down a hallway and into a room. I saw my dad sitting behind a desk. "Umm hi." I awkwardly said. "Amber! What a surprise!" He exclaimed. "Look I'm sorry for what I said. I don't hate you, I hate the situation. You've made an okay dad so far." He only looked at me with a confused and or surprised look on his face before standing up and embracing me in a bone-crushing hug. "I love you too kiddo." He whispered. "Wait, I never said the whole.." "Amber, you've been like this since you were little- I know its hidden in there somewhere." I hugged him tighter. "So Amber, you probably might have forgotten, but you got tickets to this Demi Lovato concert for next week." "I HAVE DEMI TICKETS?" I screamed or asked loudly. It depends on the definition of 'scream'. "Yes, you were going to take Nate, but I don't see that happening." "No. I'm taking Nate." I told him firmly. "He has cancer." He calmly stated. "So? He's not dead! He has a sickness. He's going to live. He's my best friend in the entire world, he has to." "Okay." My father replied. "Here's the tickets." He said, holding them out to me. I took them and headed straight to my car. I shot a text to Nate and told him that I was leaving. I will visit him eventually.

He's an entire different story. I know my feelings exist because my heart speeds up just seeing him. His brown eyes know how to capture you with every look and oh man, his personality makes you want to videotape him whenever you're around him. He's also pretty funny and he really knows how to make me smile when I don't want to. He has a freaking girlfriend, but he kisses me anyway. I don't really know what to do, but I think I have a plan. It's not a good one, but it works.

"Nateeee wake up you lazy butt. I have to go to school today but I stopped by here beforehand." I told him as I'm currently standing in his room in the hospital. "What time is it?" He asked. "It's six thirty." I told him calmly, trying to hide how tired I was in reality. "Hi. I'm Amber." I told him, extending my right hand. "What's going on?" He asked. "I'm starting over, with everything." I told him. "I'm Nate, I don't believe we've met." He replied, shaking my extended hand. "Would you like to come back after school and get to know me a little bit better?" He asked me. "Sure, total stranger, who I've just met." I told him,winking. "I've gotta go to school now, I'll take you up on your offer though. See you later." I waved at him and got back into my car. One problem down, only a few to go. I've just gotta come up with a cure for cancer, no biggie. Driving into the school parking lot is really the weirdest thing ever for me now. It just seems like something I would've done every day, but can't get a grasping memory to. As far as I know, nothing actually happened in the parking lot for me. No hookups, crazy accidents, or insane people. I think I'm pretty good not remembering this place. School is so easy now because I don't necessarily remember most of the lessons from previous years. They pretty much treat me like I don't know a single thing. Most of it is common sense, like the whole driving test thing in Freshman year. That is pretty much common sense for anyone. I could take it again if I was forced to. Anyways, I get checked up on quite often and lots of help is always offered. I wish they would go away, but if this is helping me actually get some free A's then I'm all for it.


Thanks for reading that. I love you if you made it all of the way through :)

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