Chapter 8

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Amber’s POV

Today is just hard. It’s Seaton’s 4th birthday would’ve been today. My mom’s a mess, and my dad is trying to act all macho, but he looks like a loser. My phone sits across the room, and i’m too lazy to get up and get it. It’s not like i’m all that popular, so I don’t have that many missed texts probably. I’m laying in my room on the floor, and all I can think about is her. Her gorgeous face, her small smile, her nimble fingers, her battle. Two is such a young age to lose a life. Sometimes I wonder why God had to take her. The cancer didn’t have to spread. It did though. The cancer spread and it took her away from me. People sent flowers, and told me they knew how I felt, but they really didn’t know. Nobody knows what that feels like until it actually happens. Seaton Grace, why are you clouded in my mind today? I heard a knock on my door and just grunted at it. Nate walked into my room, carrying a bouquet of roses. “Hey gorgeous, how you doing?” He asked me. “How’s it look like i’m doing? Do I look okay?” I snapped at him. “Sorry, that was a dumb question. I bought these for you.” I looked at the roses, and they were indeed

beautiful. “Thanks, you can set them over there,” I said, pointing over towards my bed. He sat them down and came over to sit next to me. I got myself to a sitting position and leaned my head onto his shoulder. “You’re going to get through today, you know that?” He asked me. “Yeah...but why did God have to take her?” I whispered to him. Small tears started to trickle down my face as I started thinking about her more. “She- she was perfect. J-just s-sick.” I cried, more. “Amber, I don’t know why he took Seaton so early, but He always has a plan and I know that you will always be stronger from this experience.” Nate finished. “Th-thanks.” “You’re welcome. Have you eaten anything today?” He asked me. “No, I can’t eat anything right now.” I replied. “That’s understandable.” He replied. “I don’t want to be selfish and make this day all about my problems. How’s the whole date thing working out for you?” I asked him. “It’s actually really good.” He replied. I felt my heart shatter a little bit. My little fantasy of us two having our own family one day has been diminished and  I can see it slipping away. Day by day, year by year, one day Nate is going to leave me and i’ll be alone. “That’s good.” I choked out with as much enthusiasm as possible. “Yeah, I hate to say this, but she doesn’t like it when I bring your name up for some reason.” Nate stated. “Duh, you dummy. I’m closer to you right now than she is, how do you think she feels about that?’ I asked him. “She probably doesn’t like it?” He questioned. “Duh.” I sarcastically replied. “So, If you want, I was thinking that we could go down to Waverly’s and I’ll order anything you want and we can stay there all day and you can cry if you want to. I’ll blow off any date that Kat wants and we can watch Disney movies all night and do whatever you feel like.” Nate suggested. “You know, that’s one of the brightest things you’ve said all day.” I told him. “What are we waiting for then?” He asked me. He stood up, and reached for my hand to pull me up. “We’re stopping at the graveyard first.” I told him. I grabbed the flowers off of my bed and we walked hand in hand out of my door and into his car. Nate drove in silence and I appreciated it. Right now I need to be alone with my thoughts. He stopped at the graveyard and my mood instantly dropped to below depressed. The tears were in my eyes before I knew what was really happening to my body. I walked over to Seaton’s resting place and left the flowers there. “I miss you baby girl, every day.” I whispered, kissing the cold, hard stone. Nate walked up to me, grabbed my hand, and led me to the field kind of off from the cemetery. “Hey, hey. It’s going to be okay. Okay?” He asked me, while wiping the tears off of my face with his jacket sleeve. “Okay.” I answered. “Let’s go to Waverly’s now.” “Sounds good to me.” Nate said before he lightly kissed me on the cheek. “You have a girlfriend, dummy.” I sniffled. “I know.” He replied. “Come on, let’s go home actually. I don’t want to go out in public.” I told him. “Okay, whatever you want, princess.” Nate stated. “I’m royalty now, huh?” I asked him. “You’ve always been royalty Amber.” I climbed back into his car, leaving Seaton and her memories behind me.     

“What are you thinking about?” Nate asked me as I am laying on my bed next to him while watching The Little Mermaid. “Seaton.” I told him. “I shouldn’t of asked, I’m sorry.” Nate replied. “It’s okay, I just can’t seem to get her out of my head, yah know? She was just so young….” “Nobody ever said life was going to be fair, you know.” He stated. “I know, I know, whatever.” “Hey, no need to turn your sass on today.” He jokingly stated. I only rolled my eyes and continued to watch the movie. “I REALLY WANNA LOVE SOMEBODY I THINK ABOUT YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY..” “Umm Nate, I’m pretty sure your phone is ringing.” I told him. “Yeah, that’s my phone…”  He answered. “Um hello? Nothing much, just with Amber. Yeah, I know, I’m sorry babe. I can’t today. Gosh no, I do like you a lot. Yes I love her. Kay bye.”  “Girlfriend?” I asked. “You guessed it.” Nate answered. “Umm who do you love exactly?” I asked him. “You.” He answered. “I guess the girlfriend and I are in a bit of a rough patch you could say.”  He finished, laughing. Nate loves me? He does? Then why doesn’t he do anything? “Well, I’ve got good news for you. You’re my best friend and I love you too.” I told him. “Good, because you’re like a sister to me and I love you like one.” A sister. His love is a brother-sister love.  “Haha i’m glad we’re on the same page! Go fix things with Kat, okay? I’m going to be okay.” I told him. “No, i’m not going to leave you today, remember?” “Yes, Nate I remember, but really just go fix things with her.” I begged him.  “Fine, and i’m only going to go because you would just keep bugging me about it if I didn’t go.” Wow, that boy knows me too well. Let’s just hope he can fix things with his she-devil.  


Hey guys :) Sorry, the update took forever! I've been suffering from writer's-block. Sorry it it was terrible... Hope you liked it anyway :) 

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