Chapter 1

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The phone falls out of my hand and onto the bed and then onto the floor. It sounds like Daxton but how can I be sure? Anyone can disguise their voice to sound like him. But a huge part of me wants to believe it is Daxton.

"I'll leave you to it, miss," Cecily says and disappears.

"Camry? Hello?" I can hear Daxton's voice through the phone on the floor.

I reach down, picking it up, and put it back to my ear.

"Daxton?" my voice is shaky and sounds weak.

Silence. Silence is what I get from the other end. And then I hear something, like the rustling of papers and then a girls voice.

"Go on," the a very familiar girls voice urges and my heart drops.

He's with a girl. It doesn't sound like Genesis, thank goodness, but the voice is really familiar. It sounds almost like...Sabrina! Any hopes of him calling me to come back vanish, leaving me feeling empty. He's probably just calling to say he's chosen Sabrina and maybe to invite us to the wedding. Or at least James, Rose, and Alexa. I mean, they are his family.

Before Daxton can speak, though, someone burst through the door wearing a very rumpled t-shirt. James. He looks somewhat angry but his eyes soften and turn confused when he see's the phone in my hand.

"Who is that?" he asks, loud enough for Daxton to hear him.

"James? Is that you?" Daxton says through the phone, though James can't hear him.

"Nope, unfortunately, it's still me. Camry," I say into the phone.

James raises an eyebrow and goes to probably say some type of smart remark when I shush him. He places a hand to his heart, mouth hanging open as if I've injured him. What a dramatic. I roll my eyes, waiting for Daxton's reply, when the phone is snatched out of my hands. I stare at James, wide eyed, as he puts the phone to his ear. Jerk.

"Nobody calls Camry so you must have the wrong number. Camry has no friends except for the people living with her so tell me who you are," James demands, eyebrows furrowed.

I can barely hear Daxton's voice on the other end but I don't know what he said. What I do know is that James' eyebrows jumped up, his mouth hanging open. His eyes show a mix of emotions: happiness, anger, hope, confusion. Then his face changes and emotions disappear.

"Why are you calling?" James asks, his voice hard as steel.

He's staring at the carpet, as if trying to memorize it's patterns. I already have from hours of being bored. The carpet is covered in flowers linked together by vines. I think the flowers are lilies, though I'm not sure.

Daxton replies and James' head jerks up as if on a string. He glances at me and then quickly away making me think their talking about me. Okay, I don't think they're talking about me-I know their talking about me. But, before I can interrupt their conversation, someone bursts into my room. What is with people and not knocking? The person who burst into my room this time makes my stomach tighten.

"Camry, what do you mean?" Adam says and I face palm.

I shoot a panicked glance at James who's still on the phone with Daxton. James has a disgusted look on his face, glaring at Adam.

"What do I mean about what?" I play dumb.

"Really? You're going to play dumb," he snaps, narrowing his eyes.

Okay, what the heck? Adam was the nice brother, right? He was the sweet and kind brother who wasn't mean to me. He wasn't Devon. But now he's acting like it. His whole face is twisted with disgust and anger, some traits I've never seen on him before. Maybe he was just pretending the whole time to be nice or maybe he's a schizophrenic.

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