Chapter 3

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Daxton's POV

It's four in the morning here and I can't sleep at all. The only thing going through my mind is Camry's going to be back. She's going to be living in the same house as me and not thousand's of miles away.

I get up and start pacing the room. Sabrina has been surprisingly helpful these past couple days. And she's very different from my first impression of her.

She's basically told me she's out of the competition. She isn't going to compete for my love or for my crown when it so clearly belongs to someone else. But she said she would remain a selected to prolong the selection. And so she wouldn't have to go home.

At the beginning of the competition, she was like a predator. Everything she did was calculated and I knew that. One of the reasons I kept her here was because that's a good quality in a queen. Everything she did had a purpose. Queen's need to have a purpose. Even scaring off some of the competition had a purpose. And, yes, I knew she was doing it. I thought it was rather helpful. I didn't want my queen to be scared of just a girl, even if she was quite the drama queen. I wanted my queen to be strong and not be bothered by some petty girl. So Sabrina scaring off some of the competition helped weed out the weak ones.

When I'd go on date's with her, she was very bold in her actions. She was always the one to kiss me. She was the one to make the first move. Almost she came on too strong. Now, however, she's still bold but in a different way. It's as if she recognized defeat and accepted.

These past couple days, she been with me almost twenty four/seven. I'm pretty sure it's making some of the other girls jealous. She's helped me with contacting Camry and she was there during the whole conversation. She helped with the plane tickets and everything that had to do with getting Camry here. And now that she's on her way, we have no plan. And we need one.

Unable to pace anymore, I all quickly walk to my door. Princess opens one eye from her place on my bed but closes it as I go out the door. I rush down the stairs and to Sabrina's room. Knocking quietly, I wait for her to answer.

After about two minutes, she opens the door with sleep filled eyes. Her hair's pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head and she has a silk robe pulled around her shoulders.

"Daxton? It's four in the morning. What do you want?" she asks, rubbing her eyes.

I grab her hand and pull her out of her room and into the hallway.

"What?" she yawns.

"We need to talk. In my room," I say.

"But my rooms right here," she throws me a flat look.

"But it isn't as private as mine," I whisper.

She looks at me a second longer before shrugging, allowing me to pull her up to my room. Once we're inside, she stares at me. I know what she's doing. I've seen her do it before. She's observing.

"You haven't gotten any sleep have you?" she raises an eyebrow.

"No, I got like five hours," I scoff.

She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything more on the subject.

"So what did you drag me all the way up here to talk about?" she asks yawning.

"Camry, James, Alexa, Rose, and most likely Devon will be arriving today and we have no plan as to what we're going to do when they get here," I explain.

She sighs but doesn't say anything. She drums her fingers against her arm.

"Okay," she finally says, "you said the reason you sent them home was because of some information Genesis gave you?"

I nod.

"Well, I think you should question them-something you should have done in the first place-and see if they agree at all with this story. Have them explain themselves. Then question Genesis again. But don't make it obvious your questioning her. Take her on a date and pretend to be curious about her story again or something.

"Also. Don't let a lot of people know about everyone's return. Especially Genesis. Because then she might change her story to get you mad at Camry again. And another thing. What are we going to do about sleeping arrangements?" Sabrina asks, fully awake now.

What, did she have a list of things to go over with me in her head?

"I thought everyone would go back to the rooms they had," I shrug.

She sighs and shakes her head. Did I do something wrong?

"No, we can't do that. First, because of Camry. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be locked in her room all day," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Camry's room is on the floor with all the other selected. If you want to keep her arrival on the down low, we can't let anyone know she's back. So that means if she had a room on the floor with the other selected, she could never come out," Sabrina explains.

"So what do you suggest?" I raise my eyebrows as I sit down on my bed.

Princess jumps into my lap and nuzzles my hand with her head.

"We give Camry a room up here. That way, she'll be close to everyone and she can walk around the third floor without anyone seeing her," she says, crossing her arms.

"But that would require her to have guards. And she isn't going to like that," I mutter.

"She doesn't have to like it. We're doing what's best for her," she reminds me.

"Alright. What was the other change to sleeping arrangements?" I inquire.

"Devon. The presidents son. He seems to have an attachment to your sister. So that means he'll probably be staying her for a while longer. I think we should upgrade him from a guest room to a room on this floor. I mean, it only seems right. He's stuck around for a long time, might as well give him a room on this floor," Sabrina says.

"I'll have to ask my parents about both of these things but I don't think they should be a problem," I shake my head.

"Okay, well. It's just now 5:00 so I'm going back to bed. Have a guard wake me up when Camry arrives," Sabrina yawns and leaves.

Camry should arrive at 12:00 today, when everyone's at lunch. Only seven more hours, I think as I lie on my back.

A/N: You guys did ask for Daxton's POV but I felt that it was needed to explain Sabrina and Daxton's game plan for when they come back. Anyway, tell me how you like the chapter. Read my other books. Vote~Comment~Support~Feedback. xoxo Alexis

Special word: seven

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