Chapter 12

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I'm awoken from my nap by Sabrina and surprisingly James and Alexa jumping on my bed. Have I mentioned how childish the people I'm living with are? 

"Dog pile!" James yells, jumping on top of me with Sabrina and Alexa following suit. 

"Oof." The air whooshes out of my lungs. "You guys are going to kill me."

They all stay on top of me, smiling down at me. "When I said that, guys, I meant get the freak off of me."

Slowly the peel themselves off of me and I'm able to breathe again.

"We were making sure you were coming to dinner," James says with loads of sass.

"What? Why wouldn't I be going to dinner? It's not like I'm hiding or anything," I ramble.

Okay, the thought to not go to dinner had crossed my mind but I ruled it out. I know I have to go even if I don't want to face Adam. 

They roll their eyes knowingly. "Look," Sabrina says, "I've brought my dress in here so I'm going to stay in here and make sure you get ready. As is Alexa."

"What about me!" James demands.

We all give him a blank look. "You want to stay in here? While we're all getting ready? Girls, who are not your wife?" 

"Good point," he says and leaves.

Sabrina smiles devilishly. "I was thinking we could go for something sexy tonight."

"Say what now?" 

Walking over to my closet, she pulls out a dark navy blue floor length dress.  I don't see how it's sexy in the slightest. Before I can say anything to it, my maids come bustling in my room.

"I see Sabrina is doing our job for us again," chuckles Cecily.

Sabrina smiles. "Her hair needs to be done in bombshell curls and her makeup needs to be bold. I'll be getting myself and Alexa ready so spend as much time on Camry as you need."

Alexa nods and pushes me over to my maids who whisk me into the bathroom. 

This is my favorite part and least favorite part of the evening. I sit in a chair for an hour while they do my hair in makeup which is only going to be washed off in an hour. But I love the feeling of becoming someone completely new and different. Of being able to look like me but better. It gives me a sense of power and calm. 

Once they're done with my hair and makeup, Cecily brings in the almost black dress. Slipping it over my head, I immediately see what Sabrina meant by sexy. The dress is low cut and with the push-up bra I have on, my size D boobs are almost spilling out of it. Not only that, there's also a slit that comes a little above mid-thigh. This is definitely something the old Sabrina would have worn. 

"Did you three know about this?" I raise an eyebrow at my maids.

"Sabrina told us we need to dress to impress. This dress was her idea and we just agreed to it," Josie holds up her hands in surrender.

Shaking my head, I pull on the stripper heels, thinking I'm probably going to fall sometime tonight. Once I'm finished, I decide not to even look at myself in the mirror. Instead, I go straight out to my room to find Sabrina and Alexa waiting for me. Alexa is dress somewhat similarly to me. She has on red dress with a small V in the front, showing off a bit of cleavage, and the back is cut out. Sabrina on the other hand has on a modest floor length gown that shimmers when she walks. 

"Do you expect me to wear this out there?" I demand.

"Um, duh. Now come on, we're going to be late," she says and leads the way out of the room.

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