Chapter 9

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Sabrina excuses herself from the dining table as she finishes eating. I quickly follow suit, not wanting to be in stuck walking by myself back up to my room. I wait until she gets to the door before pushing out my chair and standing up. My friends all stare at me, looking as if they're about to jump up and follow me out of the room. Without another thought, I leave, not being able to bear someone staring at my wound a second longer. 

Outside, Sabrina stands talking to the guard. I get a good look at him now that dinner is over and I don't feel like I'm going to throw up. He has short cropped blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. Overall, He's a pretty decent looking guy. 

I clear my throat.

"Oh," Sabrina jumps, turning to me.

"I did it. I felt like I was going to throw up the whole time but I did it," I sigh.

She walks over to me, her heels clicking on the floor. "Honey, that wasn't even the hard part."

What? What does she mean by that isn't even the hard part? 

Seeing my rising panic, she says, "Let's go to your room."

With a final wave to the guard she leads me up to my room. When we reach my room, I collapse on the couch, the dress suddenly weighing too much. Sabrina sits in the chair opposite me. The room is dark, the only light filtering in through the windows.

She sighs. "Okay, so in just a second a bunch of people are going to-."

She doesn't get to finish her sentence because the door burst open, banging on the wall. Daxton stands in the doorway looking pissed. He's discarded his suit's jacket leaving him in a white button up. His fist are clenched and he's breathing heavily as if he ran up three flights of stairs. Now that I think of it, maybe he did. 

"You," he glares at Sabrina.

Sabrina and I both look at each other with furrowed eyebrows. What does this have to do with Sabrina?

"I thought you didn't want to be in the competition anymore. I thought you said you were done. No. It was all a ruse to get close to Camry so you could hurt her even more. You already gave her one scar. What's one more? Two more? You're just going to keep doing this until you win. I can't believe I believed you when you said you changed. I'm such a fool," he says, slowly walking towards Sabrina.

He thinks that Sabrina hurt me. I mean, yeah, she's done it in the past but I believe she's fully changed. And I know for sure Genesis did this to me because I saw her and the stupid guard said Genesis would make a better Queen.

Sabrina moves from her chair to sit on the couch next to me.

"Get away from her," he yells.

I almost want to laugh at how comical the situation is but I've only heard Daxton raise his voice a couple times, each time directed at me. But this is different. His voice is full of agonizing raw pain as if it pains him to see something like this happen to me. His whole body shows anger. Except for his eyes. His eyes not only hold anger but unbearable sadness.

"Daxton," I whisper, drawing his attention away from Sabrina to me.

"Camry," he whispers back.

I take a deep breath. "Sabrina wasn't the one who did this to me."

Confusion takes over his face and he looks back and forth between me and Sabrina.

"Then who?" he asks breathlessly, slowly making his way over to where I'm now sitting on the couch.

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